The Soldier Changes don't actually address why he has been bad

The only thing that this serves to do is make him better against tanks. He is a tiny bit better at longer range but this doesn’t fix the issues that he has had for years now.

Ashe, Widow, and Hanzo can all do more than he can, with better mobility (vertical>>>>slightly faster run speed) and they are harder to dive. Soldier and McCree suck because the long range hitscan has been overtuned since the before the hanzo re-work. By extension, the long range hitscan make other DPS hero’s and keep bringing us back to metas where we sit behind shields or just press W at each other and hope that you kill them before their sniper can do enough damage


He’s “bad” because people keep trying to play him to fill in a sniper’s role

He shouldn’t be trying to do a sniper’s job in the first place

The solution to heroes being affected by power creep is NOT to make them as powerful as they are. That’s how you just get an endless cycle of “Who’s top DPS now?”


He isn’t trying to fill in a sniper role. The snipers have just filled in his. Soldier should be mid range bulk damage. Why play him when it is harder to deal that damage, a monkey/DVA can just chase you off high ground so you have to run all the way back up, and Widow/Hanzo/Ashe can escape a dive much easier and deal more burst damage with body shots.

He doesn’t have a role that he fits anymore because the snipers have filled it. This buff does nothing to really help him deal with his short comings and is just going to cause problems for other reasons.

Absolutely dumpster the sniper hero’s for a while and see where everything is. Buffs like this are stupid


I don’t think muzzle climb belongs in Overwatch.

Ruined a perfectly fine hero by overthinking it.

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This change helps people who don’t like to burst fire. Now I don’t have to miss just because spread value was set to XXL size.

At least now is more skill based than relay on spread.

This is a important change for a game like overwatch want to be competitive.

Okay but… soldier has never really been bad. He’s just a meh pick.


Because widow has been dominating the game for years…

Blame her for soldier’s struggles.

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sick reading comprehension

You called him bad. I said he isn’t bad.

That’s about it buddy.

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He is bad and has been bad for a variety of reasons

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He isn’t bad.

He isn’t bad like other characters that actually need buffs.

His counterparts and other hitscans are just too strong.

Very big difference.

He doesn’t need buffs, you’re just causing powercreeps. Widow needs to be nerfed, perhaps ashe but she’s not really dominating as she used to, still a top 3 DPS pick though even after all her nerfs.

And if you DO think he needs buffs. Answer me this.

Do you think doom needs buffs as well?


In my opinion, the issue here is burst damage vs damage over time. Burst damage is king in this game. Yes Soldier 76 can dominate, but you have to have almost perfect aim to fully utilize his power while other characters can output better results with a lot, I mean a lot less effort and accuracy.

Soldier needs to have the ability to hold his ground against enemies that jump him when he is trying to control high ground. Perhaps change the way his biotic field works on him to give him more survivability.

Lowering his damage to 19 hurt his already weak ult. They should change his ult to be a team buff that enlarges enemy crit hit boxes for a few seconds. It would be casted upon activation and anyone that gets hit with this ability gets tagged for the duration of the ultimate.

For quality of life, they should allow soldier to reload while sprinting.

I’m not asking for buffs, just a rework to adapt to all the new heroes and strategies. And yes, I agree that other heroes need to be tuned down a bit. Some more than others :blush:

Again. Sick reading comprehension. Maybe go back and read my original post.

He also is bad because the game has fundamentally changed. People don’t just stand around and let you shoot them anymore

You just said,

So if you aren’t agreeing with my point that widow just needs nerfs and soldier DOESN’T need buffs.

Wouldn’t that mean you’re advocating for soldier buffs?

Except he isn’t bad. He’s literally had an average pickrate with a 50%+ winrate. How is that in anyway, shape, or form… “bad”.

So again I say if you ARE advocating for soldier buffs, do you think doom need’s buffs too?

And if you aren’t advocating for soldier buffs and you agree that widow needs nerf… wtf was the point of causing an argument?

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The wrong thing in you thinking this change is only meant to be a buff.

This change is for make Soldier more skill based, compared to relay on no skill spread control.

It’s been easier for me to deal damage, and I’m not even great with aim.

I know Soldier can’t compete in burst damage, but Ashe/Widow/Hanzo can’t help the support by healing them.

I think Soldier was fine before except he was even more worse against Ashe/Widow/Hanzo. Now he feels a bit overtuned. I don’t think he needed the extra 5 ammo, but I also don’t think it hurts too much to give it to him.

Honestly I still feel like spread control and bursting was more skillful than “pull down mouse a bit”.

Guess it’s just me who feels that way.

Random spread don’t need any skill to control it.

Is the game itself to control it for you, the player only stop shotting and wait the game to finish the work for him with random spread.

Even if the recoil pattern is pretty easy, is only the player to control it with his skill.

I meant burst firing and knowing soldier’s spread to know when to burst and how to do it properly.

There’s a REASON he had to have his damage toned down. Clearly it was way easier to shoot with zero spread and a very easy to manage recoil.


There is no skill in waiting the game to control your weapon.

Simple more people can achieve more headshot because their skill isn’t limited by spread.