The Smurfs in OW

I’m so surprised over the years nothing has been done to fix the rampant smurfing in OW.
It’s almost become the norm to have someone playing 1k or even 2k below his rating, just ruining the game for the other 11 players. I can play 10 games and 5 of them will have smurfs either on my team or enemy team and make the game a complete stomp.

GM players and streamers will say ‘just practice if they’re smurfing’ and then they’ll cry themselves when they’re matched against OWL players.

Anyways, it’s just boring, and it has made OW comp an RNG roulette. Smurfs, high rated players boosting accounts to sell them, list goes on.

I’d GLADLY wait a longer queue to have a separate queuing system with verified phone numbers attached, and let the other clowns with 6 accounts go in the other queue.

Mod Edit: Removed inappropriate language from title and post.


Well it’s hard to enforce something against the smurfs without restricting the rest of the playerbase.


Jeff has said that they’re working on a solution to the smurf problem but not to expect anything until at least the release of Overwatch 2, if not later.

The problem with that is that there’s a plague of smurfs infesting the game now, and Overwatch 2 is still a year away, if not a year and a half or more.

Seems as though they’re fine to let Overwatch be overrun while they work on the sequel; however, given that Overwatch accounts will carry over to Overwatch 2, that means that there will be a massive problem with smurfs in Overwatch 2 at launch.


Honestly at this point i’m not sure if they really care


They don’t because they’re making insane amounts of money from all of the auto-purchased copies of the game.


They never have cared about it.

That’s not true at all.

They cared about it at launch.

They cared about it when they added Competitive.

They cared enough to add an in game reporting system.

They cared about Overwatch league.

They just don’t care about the impact smurfs, leavers and throwers have on players. That’s readily apparent from their complete lack of action to resolve those 3 problems.


I don’t think it’s really that they don’t care it’s that they are trying to use a systems solution to a social problem which fails.


Uhhh… okay… I see their long list of compassionate acts :thinking:

It’s not a ‘social problem’ really… it’s the system that enables any clown to own 20 accounts and has done absolutely nothing over the years to counter it.
I doubt the OW team even play the game so they probably don’t even know what we’re talking about


Ah, I see what your point is now - the whole avoiding punishment for $20. Yeah, I can get behind that to a certain extent.

There’s no punishment whatsoever, theres no monitoring. Boosters don’t ever get banned. Anyways comp and ranks has lost all meaning.

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To be honest with you… comp never had a meaning other than “give them a number”. Why people put so much stock, including myself, in a silly number is kinda laughable. Especially when the backend is ran just like quickplay.

The only thing in comp that ACTUALLY matters is if you are placed in games that you have a decent chance to win; that will lead to getting comp points and golden weapons.


I’m gonna say it again, smurf isn’t your problem, GROUPS is your problem, smurf don’t play alone, they play in groups 95% of the time, otherwise they just rank up and you wont see them in your games anymore. They group up to boost their groupmate most of the time, most likely they pick dps, and a pocket healer which will ignore the rest of the team. Please, if you’re a solo player, request a button to accept competitive game with stacks or not, and if you’re a group player, well, either you find your deranking GM buddy or you play go play solo, 9.5/10 of the games I have with no groups are really good/fair. Not gonna lie, every single game I have with a group on my side or enemy side, is a chore. It’s been month I’m requesting this in the competitive forum, and I’m always getting laughed at by some moron who just can’t connect the dots, please, connect the dots

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How would they stop someone from owning multiple accounts?

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“SmURfZ ArE GoOD FoR YoU DonCHA KnOWz” :roll_eyes:

Why 11 players?..

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what? You enjoy stomping another team cuz u got heavy carried by a smurf ?
prob the type to say ‘gg’ after

Yes I do. I like to win games.

No, not really, its not polite when enemy team was stomped.

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Imagine having Blizzconline not even address OW1 issues. Not a single nod to smurfing pandemic or broken laddering. Not a single debate or round-table discussion. It’s always about balance and OWL and streamer drops.

All hype and distant 2022 promises…with not even 10sec spent on the daily ongoing misery that is live.

But hey there is this OWL we’re just going to spam down your bnet inbox. Please show your support for the esport/league. Just don’t play if you don’t like the no-reset seasons, rigged matchings, alt-infested laddering.

We’re not even going to address it. Let them eat cake.