The second I saw the word "Bundle," my heart sank

Honestly I have a glimmer of hope that they might do this.

They started introducing it after less and less people engaged with the events, so let’s pray.

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I count two new legendaries - Kiriko and Junker Queen. That’s disappointing. We all knew already they were going to be sold in the shop, you were kidding yourself if you thought otherwise. It is what it is.

These events are going to be smaller moving forward than they used to be. The reason is because the bulk of the development is being done on seasons. In OW1, these events were the entirety of new cosmetic development, so they included a lot more skins in each one.


full price… not meaning the legacy credits… or the free credits we receive (LOL)! no theyre gonna be $20.

and theyre gonna have the winston skin as a free drop… so what happens to all the people that already have the skin? if they watch a stream… they get nothing… makes sense for a ‘sequel’ game.

i mean i literally said it back in 2021… these people are at bat with the bases loaded and hitting a homerun is easy against the current pitcher… but they decided to bunt the ball, with the bases loaded (in baseball thats bad/stupid).


There was a hope that the dismal player count and the slow sales would put more freebies and earnables in the game to make up for the sudden crash in numbers.

Turns out they’re basically Liz Trussing the game (crashing it then bailing after a month)


i mean i wasnt expecting it to be like the old ways were you win some games and get the skin

would be nice but yea i wasnt that hopeful, were talking about a company with shareholders here lol…

tbh tho, i think she will sell like hot-cakes. i’m tempted to get her myself but im holding off my urges. no belle-daphine bathwater for me, nope

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I’d imagine it’s a same-ish mode with a part two attached to it, a new story aspect involving the other heroes, a new map area, and new units with new AI behaviors (which are clearly improving cause even custom map AI are better than before)

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Unfortunately, it’s very clear they don’t really know what they’re doing. With the battlepass not having currency to buy the next one if it’s completed and what not, it definitely seems they haven’t really grasped why other companies do it successfully.
It seems at this point they always decide to go with the greediest and less thought-out ways when it comes to any choices they make.
I feel like they’re completely out of touch with both their customers and current industry standards. If it wasn’t so pathetic, I’d consider it funny how far this company’s fallen in a relatively short time.


As a new player, yeah, i feel sad because i always wanted to play overwatch but couldn’t pay for it. Well, at least i can play it now, but, yk :smiling_face_with_tear: i hope there’s more sutff when the event starts, maybe?


It was obvious they would not be free, by the fact they made a big deal out of giving us one for free as an apology.


What’s your evidence for low player counts and slow sales? If anything the fact that they’ve made no emergency adjustments suggests that they don’t see it as a disaster so far. We’ll see more conclusively in S2 which is their big opportunity to change something, if indeed they need to.

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Well even then, look at games like Dead By Daylight and Fortnite. Two MASSIVE playerbases and millions, maybe billions pouring out of both companies. Even they have freebies and events where players earn things.

This whole system strikes me as a “last chance” style event stemming from Activision more than anything else. “Earn money or lose jobs, you peasants.”


I just swapped everything to default due to this event.
At least I can play the game without promoting the shop and making new players feel like they missed out.


For all those who have purchased the Observatory Pack, Battle Passes and Packs in the shop … congratulations, this is the game you are funding and this is a clear demonstration of their thinking. There is nothing more to add. Keep buying, keep giving money so they feel more free to fool us …


Exactly, see my last comment too in regards to this. With DBD, if you finish the pass, you get enough currency for the next one. Keeps players invested in and playing the game.

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This just in: Gamers realize you have to spend money to get something and you cant just get everything for free

And, breaking news: Companies need to make money


This just in notorious shill misses the point.


Ngl. Kinda finding it hard to love any of this.

the battlepass is the only thing that seems fair to me. its the shop thats scummy. i woudlnt mind paying 10 dollars every 9 weeks for a battle pass. it gives you tons of stuff and is fun to grind.

but the shop… thats disgusting


Still not a shill, you guys really need to learn what that word means


Yet, they used content from the old event for the trailer?

That is not how you hype people that have already played the same event like 5 times. 5 years.

I hope it is a new mode, but this trailer doesn’t show anything new.