The scoreboard is the one good thing about OW2

You literally paid money for an account just to troll the forums. Why do you think anyone would take you seriously?

Come on man.


Paid money for what? My free email address? You’re not very bright are ya, champ?

What I forgot to write:

There’s a big difference between a person who is straight up throwing and sabotaging the game and I hope DeadlyPants means those people - and on the other hand there are people who are just having a bad day for whatever reason and are just bad but they still try their best which is completely fine imo.

Everyone has been in that situation and there’s no reason to be mad about that.


You have never seen anything pass Bronze let alone Diamond…Just stop
You’re embarrassing yourself.
Show me your rank and I’ll show you my top 500 achievement

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You argue that you didn’t pay money, but not that you made the account to troll. Thanks for actually admitting it. Maybe swap out accounts and reply to yourself a few times, isn’t that what people like you do here?


Judging from his avatar and laughable posts he’s probably one of those Lucios that stays on healing all match and doesn’t know how to wallride or stall.

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Funny how every low ranked forum alt in this game is actually top 500


That is true…but I can back it up…I have only done it once
But I did it and have the proof…Other than that,you sir / ma’am are talking BS

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Sure you can, level 68 forum alt. We believe you.

When did trolls stop putting effort into even trolling?


Funny how hard stuck bronzes make their profiles private out of shame :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Unlock your profile and I will show you my top 500 achievement
Or dont…I care not…But you should stop spreading BS
When you unlock your profile just let me know

Gotta love having up to 4 golds and 5 teammates flame you for losing because you’ve played badly.

I think even the doomers have to admit the ping system is great.


it depends =)
when you has ache and echo in your team and you are on mercy… will you try to use part of information from scoreboard to decide who of them deserves more attention?

I can understand their point… and largely agree with them, but 47892479% want OW2 to succeed even if im not part of it…

is that weird?

Tbh, I haven’t really been playing OW1 much over the last 2 years.

Despite guessing almost every major feature they’ve had other the past 2 years.

At one point I legit wanted to be a game dev in highschool, but got scared off by the prospect of low pay, long hours, and low job security.

Also because I’d probably be doing grunt work, and not be the guy actually “directing” the flow of game balance changes.

So I content myself with my own personal fantasy football armchair version of game dev.


Yeah the forums are pretty bad now, at least some of the content was good in the past. We now have around a dozen right now constantly posting bait topics like this. One is almost every day. Their toy in their mind is being taken away so they strike out any way they can.

Seems to be doesn’t it. I think someone is very bitter over something, not sure if it’s monetization, or going 5 v 5, but it’s downright obsessive. Trolls really of the purest kind.

The only good thing about it is that the idiots who make the game more toxic by calling people out, won’t be calling me out, and instead will be calling out the correct player. Doesn’t really change anything though.


Well ironically a few Doomers are like that because they don’t like the Doomfist rework.

Yeah well, they had it coming. No, I mean that, they really did.