The Rein+Zarya situation MUST be addressed

You can beat rein zar with other tank comps, you just have to be good enough. I’ve beaten it with hog/ball numerous times this season. Hell, I’ve beaten it with sig/hog. It’s possible, you just have to be good enough at your hero pick.


Fun fact, playing Rein Zarya on Gibraltar is a really bad pick, since the enemy can have so much verticality on you that it becomes impossible for the tanks to get up to the enemies unless you take the stairs. I know it’s only one example, but something is better than nothing


There’s definitely a lot of pressure for at least one of the tanks to go Rein in most pub games and especially so on maps with chokepoints, but generally I don’t think anyone cares what the second tank is. I do wish more combinations of tanks were viable though.

The Iconic Rein - Zarya combo has been around since the beginning of the game, it’s strong, but not always the best pick.

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Well, yes, but its unreasonable that these tanks have such a large advantage over other tanks. “You can beat hero X with Y, but you need to be twice as good” is still a problem. A hero doesn’t have to be literally invulnerable to be overpowerd.


Rein/Zarya is totally fine.

Ideal even, if you had to pick only one best viable Tank combo.

But things could be so much better.

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

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Rein is slightly OP, I’ll admit. Zarya is the 2nd most inflexible tank in the game: don’t play in her close range, and shes useless. Play dive, or pharmercy, or just use high ground effectively. If you’re on Gibraltar 1st defense and lose to a rein/zar, you’re using your position long ineffectively. Same with Numani 1st defense, and similar maps. There’s a lot of situations where it’s easy to outplay rein/zar, but people cant because they don’t understand good positioning and strategy.

The two mustn’t be nerfed. Only those two are played because the other tanks are damn throw picks. Combined with dps powercreep every tank gets melted. Rein and Zarya just take a little bit more to melt.

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A little?

They are a lot tankier than the other tanks

Like Sigma and Orisa cant compete against Rein at all

Sigma simply gets rushed and Orisa gets demolished by her garbage Barrier is barely usable, Roadhog doesnt work against this combo at all either

Ball is a meme, Winston doesnt work either

Yeah, pretty much this.

So why does sigma have a higher pickrate than zarya in GM right now? And Zarya rarely gets picked in OWL?

It’s because the comp can be beaten. People just suck at doing it.

We are about 3 months overdue a tank balance patch, instead we got the most minor support tweak patch ever recorded.

It’s just not okay.

People playing Rein-Sigma double barrier?

In many ways thats worse.

What tank comp would you like to see do well?


Honestly, anything with anything should be at least functional. Instead we have Rein+1 right now and it’s not remotely justified.

I honestly think he needs to take a back seat for a while, and not just in GM or OWL.

Until a new hero is added, rein will always be a decent pick in most ranks. He’s the easiest main tank to play with, and to play around. Even during dive, when he was absolute trash, he was still really popular in most ranks. They would have to absolutely nerf him to the ground (something like 700 up shield, for example) for him to be not be the go to main tank in most ranks

I mean, people are just doing Rein Sigma. Which is still 24/7 Rein.

Yeah been asking 4 years now. New hero is not the answer, not when the next hero is at least 12 months down the line.

But that’s just the nature of people not using positioning and cover properly, they want the biggest shield that takes the longest to break. And since everyone is used to playing with rein, a lot of people don’t really know how to play without a huge shield covering for their trash positioning.

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So is the issue rein/zarya or just rein in general? Because those are vastly different things.