The recent nercos

I make a post about necros, every post over a year old gets bumped.


Great forums! :grinning: :grinning:

Also, someone necro’d the fist post ever made :clap:

Like… Can we not do this please?

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Why are you spamming threads about necroes? You’re breaking the forum rules just as much as them.

I made 1 thread. then I made this one.

That’s spam, you already had a thread active regarding users necroing threads - there was no need for this one.

This was a separate topic.

You made two threads regarding Necroes, and they’re pretty much the same content. There is literally NO need for this second thread as a response to your first thread?

Related to the first thread, but it was meant to address the fact that people on these forums will go out of their way to do the opposite… can’t say I’m surprised

I mean, you’re also cluttering the front page with these posts.

I mean, that’s because people chose to reply to them… also what do you suggest I do even if I do agree with you or the commentator above me? I can’t delete them…

You should’ve necro’d your first thread about necroing.

Could this OP learn to spell already.

No, sorry. no puedo.