The reason why all the Changes are against tanks is the OWL

Goats is pretty meta on ladder too, considering its so easy for a team to run even without much coordination/communication that harder comps require, like dive. Maybe at low ranks people dont pick goats but in gm the 6 main goats heroes are in the 7 most played. The comp is very strong, and so are tanks in general. If people dont want to play a good comp, well thats on them, doesnt mean tanks need buffs.

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goats isn’t that common in owl, but in contenders and similar upper-tier play it’s extremely viable

it’s by far the easiest comp to win games with in pub games, requiring way less effort to play than to counter
it’s an absolute pubstomping god, especially when people in this game aren’t willing to switch to what’s needed to counter it asap or switch to mercy to pocket a pharah or junk to fight it

a “press w to win” comp is a comp that can legit carry players up until owl

It was somewhat popular in OWL. But OWL ended when it seemed to be getting more popular, with the nerfs to mercy and both snipers, since that was the main thing played in playoffs.

i only remember seeing it in koth, unlike in the current patch where you can legit run it basically anywhere and get away with it
it’ll be more common next season, and i pray something is done about it by then

the fact that a lot of the playerbase seems pretty oblivious to its strength is a bit worrisome since it means that it’s likely going to stay strong (i don’t think any of the ptr changes would meaningfully affect it)

goats just saps the fun out of the game whenever i see it and made the eu finals into an absolute snoozefest

It was also used in 2cp attack. Was just stating that if OWL was still going on, I bet it would be much more meta than it was when double snipers with mercy was very strong.

The overlooked realistic honesty is lost among the majority.

And I would rather have the game i payed for actually be balanced and the best way to do that is by considering pro play.


OWL is a plague and must be stopped. The devs shouldn’t listen to any of the pros/OWL. They need to listen to the majority of the playerbase.


We will never play with zero dps that is why. It’s a case of balancing pro games out which can hurt the normal ow player.

Except goats is run a lot on ladder, especially in higher ranks. In gm 7/8 most played heroes are tanks and supports. Same thing is true when looking at all ranks, 7/8.

People that want to win will play whatever the meta is, that is why so many support players complained that they were forced to play mercy, if they wanted to have the best chance of winning, they had to be.


Goats started outside OWL, and if anything OWL players have the skill and coordination to run something that isn’t mirror goats. Meanwhile on ladder it’s basically freelo if you get lucky with a team without any DPS mains.

Because people WANT to play DPS that is the whole point.

People play DPS because it’s fun not because it’s the best option. The meta should reflect what people actually want to play.

When you join QP and there are 6 DPS every game that is because those are the heroes people WANT to play


In the current world cup stage you saw the france going goats a lot as well. They are mostly owl players as well. I think the meta is goats right now with the exeption of phaara maps maybe?

It’s very possible that they want to introduce a counter against Goats and quad tank but even so, it’s only really his ults that’s good against it, the rest of his kit doesn’t do much.

Isn’t Brigitte the result of that though?

Pros continually literally break the game and invent strategies you can only do by having all 6 people on the same page. That doesn’t reflect the other 99.9% of the game which is pugs. So no, 0.01% of the experience of the game isn’t the best way to balance because that is a fraction of a fraction of a percent of how the game actually plays.


Hard to tell, depends on the team too, if they can run Sombra that opens up more options. The meta is very solidly goats but it’s not as mandatory as things were in past metas. But outside the very top it just makes more sense to run goats all the time.

Of course I am just guessing here, but seeing owl players now going for goats does make me think it is the meta. Yeah it’s hard to tell, but we will se it i guess outside of the group stage, when only strong countries play.

Of course if it’s the same patch like the current one.

brigitte is the cause of goats

if they actually wanted to remove goats they would change brigitte

I love how people think balancing should either be focused on “bronze players” or “pro players”, when the correct answer most of the time would be to balance around silver~plat level.

You know, where 80% of your playerbase is. Probably more, if you count the people that simply never touched competitive.

Sorry i have to disagree without brig, some actual tank would probably take over, since goats itself originated from quad tank.