The reason solo queue is need is because 5 Plats can carry a silver to Gold

Scenario: 5 players have an SR of 2500. 1 Player has an SR of 1500. All 6 players have played many Competitive games. I.G. the matchmaker is very certain that they have accurate SR/MMR scores.

Now, if all 6 of these people started playing as a group, what do you think their SR would be at the end of 300 games?

This is why we need a solo queue. Because currently picking teammates contribute to your SR. When everyone assumes that SR is assigned purely within the confines of the match.

This may not be a huge deal, but a deal nonetheless.

Thank you.


Nah, it’d be much simpler to either
a) force people to do placements solo
b) if you’re doing placements you can’t group with anyone higher than 2500 SR

pick ur poison. League of Legends tried seperate queues (Flex anyone??) and it was a disaster.

AFAIK, placements and regular matches are exactly the same

doesn’t LoL have role lock? I’ve never played it.

Flex queue was added before role lock and it was a disaster. Role lock came after.

what is flex queue? and do they still use role lock?

Flex queue was basically an entirely different matchmaking system to allow people to group up with more than one other person. Before flex queue in order to play ranked there was only 5vs5 premades, or solo/duo queue. Flex was added and they kept solo/duo. Flex queue ended up having massive wait times and highly unbalanced ELO’s going up against each other. It was the equivilent to a team of Bronzes going against all Masters in Overwatch. Even just one Master in a group of 4 bronzes would mean the entire team went against at least Plat+. Basic maths makes this obvious why.

I haven’t played LoL since a year after Role Lock, but now I think they removed it and forced people to do full premades or duo.


Is your hypothesis that all 6 players will end up at 2500?

You know that in order for the 1500 player to go up, the 2500 players also have to go up. And based on your premise that all players involved are already accurately measured, there is no way for the 2500 players to carry a much worse teammate into a higher tier.


I believe after 300 games the five 2500s will be 2750. and the one 1500 will be 1900.


Why do you believe that everybody has suddenly increased in skill?


these five plats will have easier games in the beginning because the silver is producing easier matches for them via dragging the team SR down.

Except they aren’t easier. Because they are still having a much worse player on their team that they need to carry. This is not as easy as you seem to think it is.


if I solo queued Mercy, I’d top out at around 1950sr.

If I grouped with five 2700s and played mercy, don’t you think I could achieve a higher SR?

No I think you’d be dead weight to them and they would get mad at you for always dying and making poor decisions.


you’re not very nice

Because I don’t believe people who are at their true rank will be able to boost you? Okay.


I’d like for you to please stop replying to this thread.

If a player can get value in a plat game, grouped or not, and they’re winning consistently enough for the matchmaker to put them in plat, grouped or not, then they’re plat. Who cares if you do it solo or in a 6 stack?

it’s the disparity between what is possible in groups and what is probable in match maker.

my complaint is that how many upper ranked friends you have directly contributes to your SR, and generally we only want what happens in a match to contribute.

For the most part, I basically agree with you. I’ve always said that 2 unique sets of 2500SR players could play like a 1500SR team and a 3500SR team, respectively. The difference in skill level between a team playing like a team and a bunch of people raging at each other and yelling is insane. Not to mention just general synergy and all that between the players.

Problem is that there’s no properly good solutions to the problem. A solo queue only playlist just segments the community more and increases queue times (which are already bad, unfortunately). The problem is just kind of a complex one.


I don’t like this argument. Don’t try to coax people into playing Competitive. I’m against role queue btw and am actually for No Limits.

Or instead of giving us a solo queue, give us QoL for the LFG. At least that way everyone has a fighting chance of finding synergistic teammates.