The real reason why noone wants to play tank

But the whole team is useless and the fight only depends on the dps
So why don’t you put all your resources on the dps


Because your DPS is worse, than enemy DPS, so it’s certain defeat. Instead you put all resources in tank(s), and then enemy having better DPS player no longer matters.

DPS are rather ineffective, when it comes to buffs from rest of the team.

If you put all the resources on the dps it doesn’t matter that he is worse if the enemy can’t kill them

Paladins healers aren’t main healers though. Not trying to insult Paladins here but overwatch just wasn’t built with the same support design philosophy.

Nerfing healing means all the supports would need redesigns at add things to their kit outside of healing/dps. Symmetra was the only non-heal support and was removed from the role entirely.

Overwatch’s core definition of Tank/DPS/Support can’t just reflect Paladins or league without needing to re-build the roles from the ground up.

That’s the key - they still can. And output of said DPS doesn’t change much from all applied resources.

Well, I’m kinda surprised you haven’t commented on the thread you partially inspired on that subject :stuck_out_tongue:

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

How can a widow shot through a shield
I’d love an explanation

Its not. There wouldve been no need to combine Tanks & Healers’ strengths if DPS werent so powerful.

If Tanks were so strong, then GOATS would’ve been a thing at Day 1.

Also, GOATS never worked on Consoles. Reaper was a counter there.

They are. All the nerfs made them weak. Only DPS Hog & Hammond were never affected because defense was never their priority.

And nerfing Rein & Zarya to make the other Tanks viable would be a stupid idea. Orisa & the others just need shields that are just as effective so they can combo with Zarya too.

Tanks in other games aren’t weak af.

Rein, Orisa, Winston, DVA, Sigma and even Zarya arent DPS like Hog & Hammond. Their damage isn’t op, and they dont have bs survivability solo.

What’s unfair is the actual Tanks being so weak that one DPS is enough to kill them.

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Wait, until it breaks.

One of other advantages of Goats, is that team no longer had “key player”. You no longer can take out one enemy and have whole other team crumble.

honestly if doomfist was a tank, id play him. I as hoping he was gonna be a displacer tank like hammond but with reasonable kill potential (didnt expect one shots).

You have two shields and can switch between them
They also have a lot more hp than now

Still, if you lose that one player, you just lost fight.

I really appreciated Goats, as it quite well-planned team composition. Not entertaining to watch, but well planned with backup plans and safeties in place.

Unfortunately, all resources of the team do not replace simple lack of skill DPS may have, as we do not have buffs for better aim or quicker reflexes.

Fun fact: Winston’s bubble has more HP than Orisa. And yeah, it blocks stun and cc. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Winston’s state is really fine right now. He’s pretty good on hands who know how to shield dance with his bubble, not with his head. Orisa and however are straight garbage and feel horrible to play. Orisa is just a shield bot, feeds the whole African continent with her ridiculous critbox. Sigma’s also garbage outside of his cliche (double shield), which ironically still gets outperformed by Rein+Orisa.

Brig didn’t exist in day one
And we did have metas like triple tank before

Well that is just weird I don’t really understand how this help your argument in any way but ok I guess

It like they nerfed them because they were too strong.
Weird ah
And in any way tanks are still pretty good
You could still see goats when in open queue

If you want to get double shield again sure
But I’m pretty sure the whole community will rather not

In most games when you build a tank charecter you just build it only around Max health and maybe health regen if it exists

If you really think that hog and Hammond are strong because they are dps heroes
And that dps heroes rule the world or something like that then we would just see hog Hammond in every game instead of rein Zarya
And you are really saying that zarya isn’t a tank that is a dps tank when she probably does more damage than most dps heroes

And btw can you not nitpick what you want to reply to to make your argument look better

pretty sure hog still has that title :rofl:

So I love to play tank, in general I do the most damage, and the most kills and protect my healers. I feel like a DPS Brawler. Nobody needs dps players. You can delete the whole dps class and the game would be better.

So you just love goats so you are defending it
Ok then
Literally most metas were well planned and also were more entertaining to watch and also play
Look at dive for example

I can see you already typing " but dive is just jump on heroes"
Which to that I’ll reply “goats is just existing as tanks and healers”

And stop flipping things so they’ll favor you

Other metas have too obvious weak points, that can cause whole team to crumble.

And your “goats is just existing as tanks and healers” is advantage, in my opinion, as human factor has less influence on whole thing.

Because in other metas you didn’t have just tanks that have 400 or more + armor hp and a lot of heals
In other metas you could just get a pick and role with that
In goats you just wait to see who can press Q harder and get more value from it
When most ults didn’t even get value
So you just had fights that were super long and unenjoyable

So what is the point of becoming good at the game or even ranks just existing if you don’t have any influence on the game.
That’s bad design if you ask me

It’s better, than having whole team fall apart, as soon as one key player is dealt with.