The real reason I'm opposed to 2-2-2

Is it going to ensure better overall compositions? Sure

But my issue is investment. I’ve invested heavily into becoming a versatile flex player that can confidently play half the roster and counter anyone threatening. I thought that the more heroes I become competent at, the more beneficial it would be for me as a player and I was finally ready to try competitive mode again.

If someone switches to Pharah, I can get on Soldier 76 or Bastion and burst her down.
If the opposing team has a bunch of annoying squishies like Tracer, Genji, Sombra, I can switch to Winston or Moira.
If the opposing team switches to Bastion, I can hard-counter him on Hanzo or soft-counter him on Soldier 76, Reaper, or Junkrat.
If the opposing team has a good Widowmaker/Hanzo, I can usually out-snipe them or keep her busy on Hanzo, counter them with D.Va, or try to harass them with Winston.
If the opposing team is stacking Orisa and Reins shields together, I can burst them down on Bastion.

Up until now, I have had the most fun I have ever had on Overwatch the last couple of months. I was so proud and happy that I picked up so many heroes and became so versatile. I enjoy self-progress. Just when things were looking interesting for me and the prospect of trying to master Genji, Roadhog, & Sombra was exciting, in comes “It’s all 2-2-2 now”.

Sure, I can flex within roles now, but most of the time, the situations I named above will require role-switching and so my ability to flex is mostly useless now. My investment was a complete waste of time.

I guess I’ll just stick to Mystery Heroes, where my flexing ability is still actually meaningful. Doesn’t make me feel any less bitter about it though. I really enjoyed Quick-play for awhile. Half the game just died to me.


Likewise. Can we have a flex queue?


While being a flex player, as I consider myself to be one. You also should be able to rely on your teammates to be able to do that. In which why Role queue is a positive in my mind. I’ve always leaned towards playing Support & Tank because in QP most just play DPS. Now with Role Queue, I don’t need to flex anymore because I know we will always have two people playing Support and two playing Tank.

There are 5 other people on your team, learn to rely on them as well.

(and if it is an option play with friends as you’ll be able to rely on them more so then most randoms. :smile:)


I think that’s a bit too dramatic.
The dps-roster is big, still many options to flex in one single role.

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It’s not useless, if you you have enough gamesense to understand counters than you teammates will as well, because you’ll finally get teammates that are truly in the right sr for their role. They will know to switch unless they’re a otp at that point you just do your best with in your role and don’t worry what others do.

and be honest here, how is that working out for you win rate and SR wise? Like have you really put in the nerd work and are up into masters+ or even maybe 3k+ after a decent win rate run past plat?
Are you like a low gold but on your way out with that 60% flex win rate due to working on your hero pool?

being suspect a whole lot of player who are throwing down the “Me flex gud” cards don’t have the stats or win rate to back up the claims that a 222 system is going to cripple their play style.


You can queue for all 3 roles at the same time. Thats the flexiest it gets.
But still, you are gonna have to flex within your role in order to win…So there’s that…


Have you played Overwatch below Diamond?

There is no such thing as often being able to rely on your teammates. I’m probably high Silver or low Gold (Idk it’s been a LONG time since my last placement) and down there, you can’t just expect your team to do the right thing, they rarely do.

I don’t want to ONLY play DPS. I specifically picked out 2 tanks (Winston & and 2 supports (Moira & Lucio) to grind until I got the hand of them and now that’s basically just lost investment, because DPS is the only role where flexing is meaningful now.


Great way to lose…


QP classic will still be in arcade.

No. I’m sorry I can’t trust this community to actually flex. The forums can. But not the community.


…and virtually no one will play it. It will be more dead than Mystery Heroes, with longer queue times.

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But my issue is investment. I’ve invested heavily into becoming a versatile flex player

Thats probably easily top-10 worst invesments I ever heard about. Both in-game and real-life wise…


Do you honestly believe DPS is the only place flexing is viable, or are you just being all drama-y?


Yeah because its not the way the game is supposed to be played, so it gets put in arcade along with the other non-serious modes.

You may not like roll que but its how the game is meant to be played and balanced around now.

“Deal with it” would have sufficed.

Okay that’s a lie. They have a pharah go Ana. Tracer go brig. Bastion go rein. How can you brag about being a flex player and have such a closed mind to what all the tanks and supports can do and who they can counter?

Well, yeah, if flex-player now means “Can play every single hero”. I said half the roster. The 3 you mentioned aren’t any of them.

Readying your OP, I honestly think you are just more of a DPS main who “flex” into other roles to do more DPS type things.

S76 and Bastion are DPS

Sounds like many DPS mains who feel like they need to switch to Tank or Support to fill a quota on the team. While your going after the squishes (or dive at them without saying anything) you leave your team behind with no help and they are probable getting burned down.

All DPS heroes

Like above, seems like you fill a quota on the team and just go after other people while leaving your team behind. Plus, D.Va is no where near any kind of counter to Widow or Hanzo. She is an Ult battery to them if they are half-way decent.

DPS hero.

So yeah, you say you flex, but more just sounds like you enjoy playing DPS heroes more. So there ya go, you can “flex” inside the DPS role and do everything you say you do. Can even practice Sombra to take out the squishes and you don’t need to worry about anything, it will come down to you like it seems you like.

Also, to expand on this:

You do realize if you start off as, say Winston, then switch to S76 to try and combat the Pharah, that apparently your other 2 DPS can’t handle, then you made things overly worse for your team right? You plug one hole, but then you expose 1-3 more holes in the process. Like about 90% of the playerbase, you probable don’t tell someone you are switching and you probable don’t ask to switch roles. You probable just switch and your team who is on the Obj. will be looking around as to why they are dying faster because Winston is no longer around.


So you play, if I get this right…
Soldier, Bastion, Reaper, Hanzo, Winston, D.Va, and Moira…

That doesn’t read like a flex player’s list, that reads like a DPS main with a couple of fill roles. Just play DPS, you’ll be fine. Well, until halfway up the ladder where Bastion and Reaper become useless, but you wanted to learn Genji and Sombra (2 more DPS!) anyway.

Also you don’t need to master half the roster to play competitive, you just need to play one hero well and a couple others competently enough not to embarrass yourself.