The ranking system sucks and I dont want to babysit players

Often in plat/gold games I’m getting qued with silvers or bronze. Playing as support, how am I supposed to support the team when someone who can’t position correctly or group up, despite being asked to. At times it feels like I have to baby sit the low rank player in order to keep them up and in the fight. Telling them when to move and what not. That’s not the experience I want. I understand their rank is “close” but it doesn’t feel like their skill level matches that. It feels like to keep que times down the window of rank players is sacrifced and you get players who absolulety shouldn’t be in the match. Then to rank up to at least play with others at the same skill level, the system feels to aggressive and focuses on losing matches against “lower” ranks then punishes you for not being able to carry the silver 5 tank that doesn’t understand the concept of counter picks.

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At the very least they REALLY need a new players queue.