The projectile main thread

Echo is projectile isn’t she? I used to not understand the hate Genji/Hanzo mains go through but I’m starting to now.

Wait… do I count? I’m part of the beam team :sunglasses:

Do you fire quick moving bullets?

Please increase Lucio’s projectile speed a hair, these things feel like he’s firing snails sometimes

A Zarya main?! In here?!

Stop abusing poor defenceless Junkrats :sob:

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like her primary is never ever going to be not situational and if they’re going to give orbs (her staple weapon fire) sniper tier low fire rate, they better be at least aimable in midrange. like it makes no sense to have low firerate that encourages more precise shots to be taken but also making the shot physically not depend on aim for most ranges.

and before someone ignorant brings it up, no, the projectile size of orbs doesn’t compensate how slow it currently is. see the numerical proof below:

I even did similar calcs for most projectiles in the game:

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I’m tired for the 1 billionth time having to watch my rocket disappear midair bc I died right after it left my weapon

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I just want faster weapon swapping.


Oh no… my genji post activity is unfortunately on a week cooldown :pensive:


Only half! Scoped is hitscan

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How about when you lose Meis ultimate!


Are Ana or 76 projectile enough to count, or do I need to use my Zen main card?

Either way, ngl I don’t care about hitscans, I just want things to die and hitreg to work.

Everyone’s bullying me bc I said Ana is projectile :sob:

Oof. Looks like it’s time to bring out the balls


Please no…

No you don’t :gun:


Just nerf some hitscans already.

I used to be a masters hitscan main who switched to projectile in the past year.

Hitscans are infinitely better without question. The difference is night and day. Once your aim is competent, they become one of the most broken and easiest roles in the game.

Hitscan vs projectile gap isn’t even close except with maybe Hanzo and Echo to an extent. Its just such a shame Blizzard is extremely biased against them. Heck, they might even nerf Echo before slapping Cree on the wrist. What a joke.

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I feel like Junkrat and Torb are fine and they’re my most played projectile heroes

If they’re not gonna make Sym’s beam better, I wish they’d make her orbs better because that’s my favorite part of her. It feels so smooth and calculated, but I wish they either charged or moved just a bit quicker

Very sick of McCree, I want his health reverted but his damage can stay, though his flashbang should drop to like 15 damage. Enough to headshot and kill a Tracer still, and more in line with other stuns (sleep and shield bash) which deal 5.

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Hitscans aren’t broken is my hot take. McCree and Hanzo are overtuned is my cold take.

Widow Ashe and Soldier are all currently in line.
Ashe has had a TON of nerfs over the last year and Widow has had fewer but heavier hitting ones.
Soldier has had a damage potential nerf in exchange for consistency.
Even Tracer had her fall-off nerf but could perhaps use the full revert.

McCree however out here getting 4 buffs for one minor nerf.


Agree with everything you said except I think soldiers undertuned. Someday he’ll be good maybe :pensive:

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I think it’s bad where Soldier is BUT there is entirely a chance it’s due to McCree. I think they fill the same midranged niche but everything McCree does it better.

Why heal yourself to peel when you can instakill the flanker?
Why sustain dmg the shield when you can FTH it?
Why sustain damage when you can two tap with more HP to work with?
Why sprint when you can have a burst movement roll that isn’t very predictable and reloads?
Why Tac Visor when High noon does the same but can break shields, or be a free zone or even a reload?

Possibly some awkward comparisons in there but I think that would happen when comparing any hero since no kit does truly the same job.