I don’t know what Blizzard did with this last patch, but my game experience in this past week has been utter @#%*$#! garbage; my wife feels the same way. Arcade, Quick Play, Ranked… it’s all been trash. Sure, we weren’t the greatest players, I’m low silver, she’s high bronze. But last season we actually had fun – even when we lost games it still felt like a decent match most of the time, and I thought Blizzard was turning things around. Obviously with this last patch though Blizzard feels they made a mistake and are turning the game back into #%^!.
I can’t even put my finger on what’s wrong with it, other than that 90%+ of matches we play have been catastrophic losses, and we both feel like we just spawn-run-die the entire match. Part of it is team play, when we tried ranked we seemed to consistently end up with idiots who didn’t know how to use voice or otherwise communicate (while the other team’s coordination was obvious)… other times it’s the game mechanics. I watched a kill feed once: a Reaper shot me twice in the feet (as Pharah, flying above him), and yet both times his crosshairs flashed red and the kill registered as a headshot. Seriously, WTF?
Bugs, unbalanced heroes, crappy teammates… all lead to a more unenjoyable experience as a result.
Let’s take a game like CS: GO, which is probably the most popular FPS in the world right now and has been for 6 years. The game has a good emphasis on teamwork, but if you truly are good at the game, you shouldn’t be held back by your teammates. It allows for one player to dominate the game and wreak havoc, taking advantage of flaws in the enemy and quick deaths. So if you have put time into the game, it should be fun regardless, not a spawn-die situation as you described up there.
Same with League. The game has a great emphasis on teamwork, but since the game is split into multiple lanes and positions, one player should be able to win their lane if they are the better player, ignoring the weak teammates and focusing on overpowering their lane opponent, and once you do that, you can take on their team by yourself pretty well, especially if you’re playing a cc heavy hero.
Overwatch isn’t about that. It’s a game where teamwork is required. Bad team comps will make your team suffer as a result and you will most likely get rolled. Ultimates make it hard for anyone to accomplish anything; they’re meant to change the flow of the game, but especially in the deathball meta, it feels like who has the ultimates wins the game. Which feels horribly unbalanced.
Support Main (ALL)
so true, and here we are very often held back by them. bad hero picks, bad positioning, bad teamwork.
#1 Example from today
splitting all the time, heck even with mercy i struggle to be at all my teammates. -.- (still won after telling everbody several times to stay together)
#2 Example from today
Picking Tracer all the time, when they had no counter to Pharah…, but Winston Moira Symmetra… -.-
(lost, easy lost.)
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That’s rough. Being a support main is difficult nowadays. How do I play Lucio? Really aggresively, mostly out of spite for the fact that NO ONE WANTS TO GROUP UP.
This game of counters is rough as well.
Lucio is sometimes not working at all because your team always splits at the wrong moment.
I pretty much gave up on it as with Ana most of the times. I still love to play her, but with her new patch it feels so weird not being able to preheal, and before I was super excited about the changes.
Well Mercy Zen Moira can do everything much easier than Ana and Lucio, also what both have in common they can’t heal through shields even tho all other 3 can send healing through them.
Don’t even have to talk about Brigitte… Oh wait I have a question! Does her passive healing go through enemy shields?
Yeah I wish lucio was in a better place right now. Same with Ana. I feel like she’s been in the garbage can for so long and these “buffs” were just minor compensation so it looks like the devs did something.
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We’re getting closer. At least with the support and tank classes, I play both and I feel like I can use every single one of the heroes in those classes reliably. Damage is the big problem right now. I hope that there can be some reliability buffs to Reaper and Sym and that the Torb rework will succeed to help balance it out.
Wow - I got a lot of hearts. owowowo
Someone needs to remove a like from the OG post so we have 420.
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I think you needed to elaborate on the staleness of the game, which I think is really killing it.
This is old who, bumb this.
In what way? I guess that it can be annoying to run the same comp continuously, but I don’t know how to really talk about staleness of the game.
It is frustrating when so little changes over such a long period of time. I think that is what most attributes to staleness.
Overwatch just feels watered down for the players that can’t take a challenge unless it’s easy for them. Quick Play is filled with sweats and no room improve than just getting steam rolled by these sweats every time. Kinda getting old and boring now. Plus, Blizzard really shouldn’t have these Free Weekend events.
And would you look at that. I called it.
You will be back. You attention-seekers are always back. See ya’ on the 10th of April for the new event!
Feel like Blizzard is making this into a noobs game than a challenging one like it was before these little kids from the Free Weekend.
Ranked will never be fixed. My first time placing diamond ever I won almost 20 games in a row, in plat that’s how many games I usually lose it’s so fu@king bad.
This is truely a post which reflects the current state of overwatch, And Blizzard isn’t just passing buffs and nerfs, they are just electing the “hero of the month” where 1 or 2 heroes get to shine for a month, and then they either get nerfed to worse than before, or Blizzard just buffs other heroes so much that the others look nothing in front of them.
Unpopular opinion, but Brigg is killing the game. Or actually the stun meta in general, this game was so good when you she wasn’t there, right now if the other team has a Brigg you need to either snipe, (because pharah, while being the only most obvious counter isint that good of a counter eithe) or just play your classic main and accept your fate by getting stunned every 7 second and being a free kill the that brigg.