The Problem with nerfing Tracer and Buffing her counters

Let’s say you make mei freeze faster, sure that would be good against Tracer, but totally op against everyone else.
Faster hack is also good against tracer but too strong against everyone else. Let’s say we reduce the flashbang cooldown of mcree than you will be better against tracer but mcree would also destroy every tank etc.

The Problem with nerfing her is that while tracer is op in high ranked, she is really not that strong in lower/mid tier. So while nerfing her a little would help in the higher ranks it would totally make her trash tier in low/mid tier.

I think tracer needs a change but i really can’t think of anything that would really be a good solution to this.


She’s a nightmare in lower ranks too because most don’t have the mechanical skill to aim because of how mobil she is. There are some crap tracers but if you play her fora you length of time, you should be able to dominate anyone except symettra , Moira and Winston.

You’d be surprised how many people don’t know how to deal with a tracer that utilizes blink and rewind in a fight.

I would suggest a health nerf for her and genji to 125. Mobility gives you such an edge as it allows you to make more mistakes and recover while other characters have to perform flawlessly to win against them… I never understood why someone as mobile as genji had just as much health as anyone else. Maybe tracer 125 and genji 150? The more Mobility,the less health imo.


She’s a monster in low ranks too though


I’ve never felt like I’ve had a problem against an equally ranked/skilled tracer or genji. I feel like a lot of the hate comes from the fact that people from other brackets can more easily abuse the skill ceiling against players. You end up in some weird hopeless feeling situations when a tracer or genji solo kills 4 people. It’s not a normal feat for someone who belongs in the same rank as you. They should either climb, or lose just as many games as you.

Problem is you can’t buff the counters because it will ruin the rest of the roster. You can’t nerf her hp or whatever because she would be useless. She’s a good hero, but not for overwatch imo.

She can do what every other dps can do, but better.




And somehow Tracers in lower ranks are somehow gifted mechanically while those around her are not? There’s a reason why her winrate and pickrate are so poor in lower ranks. If you don’t have pro tracking, she does terrible damage. On average, less than Zarya and Orisa.


You don’t need to godly aim to blink around and be a distraction


It really goes to show how problematic mobility is, in terms of balancing the and interactivity with it, and it does not help that Blizzard releases maps that are best played with very mobile Heroes.


People just have trouble flipping their screen back and forth. When they see a tracer at lower ranks, they don’t even want to bother nor deal with her. I suggest people look at strategies to counter her. It’s really not difficult. Tracer shouldn’t be punished because people don’t feel like dealing with her.

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She doesn’t need good aim to blink around. If you know when to use that even if your aim sucks you can still do fairly well because if your aim is bad, their aim on a tracer is probably worse so the winner is usually the one with more sustainability which, in most cases is tracer because she can engage/disengage at Her discretion and wait till you’re vulnerable again.


We need ‘Cripple’ effect. It hurts mobility without hurt the slow heroes.


How will buffing people who are never played ruin the rest of the roster? If anything it might make it more interesting and increase the DPS variety. If buffing someone makes someone else weak, then that hero wasn’t balanced to begin with, it was just a facade.

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Like I legit had a game last night where I couldn’t kill anything on the first point of Dorado because enemy healers healed people up after my first clip, and Roadhog was right clicking my face. I felt like I threw the game for my team.

I’m so sick of people whining about her. Being a distraction is not enough. If you aren’t killing people with her, you are not bringing enough value to the team. When I play Tracer, I feel like I’m putting in so much damn effort. Keeping track of enemy CDs so I don’t get instagibbed, watching where my team is, being by myself in the backlines, constantly moving, and focusing hard on my aim.

Compare this with my soldier who I don’t even practice, I can just sit back behind my tank and shoot, or have highground. Somehow just with that, my soldier has a higher winrate than my Tracer.


No it’s that they can’t deal with Tracer and also deal with the rest of her team at the same time. I play Moira 1/2 the time and it usually takes me a second or two to actually realize Tracer is in the backline if she’s not attacking me. Then I have to kill her, and that means my team doesn’t get healing for at least 3 seconds. Even if I throw out a healing orb, there’s a very good chance that at least one of my teammates will run away from the healing orb and die.

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You realize that while she’s distracting you, her team is down a man too right? It’s pretty much a 5v5 except she has a very high likelihood of getting focused down while your team is being protected by a barrier in the front.


being a distraction doesn’t win games, and her stats in tiers below master reflect this

if tracer isn’t killing anything she is a waste of a DPS pick


It’s not a tracer issue. It’s a team issue. Too many people go off alone and ALLOW a tracer to harass their support. All it takes is a bit of team awareness and consistency aiming.

Pop a Zarya grav on Tracer and watch her go no where.

Heck, I bet some people still aren’t aware that when playing Mercy, if she’s healing she regains health faster than she normally would not healing. So a Mercy healing someone and getting damaged by Tracer It’s difficult for Tracer to finish off either the Mercy or the target Mercy is healing.


I feel the same. Some players are saying “Tracer is a problem in all ranks” but that’s not my experience at all. It’s the same as saying Tracer doesn’t take any skill, which is ridiculous. There’s a reason why Tracer isn’t in the top ten most played heroes of any other rank besides Master and Grandmaster, you can’t just ignore that. Nerfing Tracer will make her inferior in all other ranks besides the top two.


She needs a nerf she is completely busted now even in Diamond