The problem with mass Rez and the solution

Mass Rez should not return.

Also, Mercy will turn from the dominant support to the weakest one. She will just be bad and other changes should come for her to be balanced.

Invulnerability would come again and we will get the same result step by step.

“Mass rez should not return” Why?

“Mercy will turn to the weakest one” So? She would be fun again and if she’s weak, it’s easier to fix.

“Invul would come again” Why? What would ever make you think that. If the devs take criticism and advice, they can find many ideas to balance her without invul. An E ability that isn’t blatantly OP, damage reduction instead of invul, so many ideas that other Mercy mains have thought of.

So everything people want xd


Before she wasn’t bad… She seemed bad because Ana was way better than her.

You don’t have to bring invulnerability back to bring back mass Resurrect.


I want to respond to all at the same time.

Mass rez should not return because, even with the proposed changes, the habit of hide n rezz will not dissapear. Control Points are open-wide areas and that’s were most of the battle takes place anyway. It will not resolve the problem that started the mercy Rework.

She will be just bad. After Ana was nerfed, the supports used in Dive were Zen and Lucio. Mercy replaced Lucio after she got reworked because of how OP she was.

Mercy was bad. Nerfing her would make her even worse.

I say Inv will come again because it was added as a balance change to her ult. It was not good enough. You don’t have to, but other balance changes should happen because she will be too weak. Inv seems to be the change that her ult should come with to be somewhat balanced.

So in short, Mass Rez should not come back, even with the proposed changes, because it will not resolve the main reason she was reworked and also it will bring other balance issues with her that will take eons to be addressed given the rate at which balance updates happens.

It was a bad strategy and was mostly used because the previous SR system rewarded players for hiding. Furthermore, a cast time and LoS fix would make “Hide n Res” less prevalent in games as it would deter players from letting their team die as ressing by yourself would be extremely risky with a cast time.

Titanium explains why “Hide n Res” is bad if you’re wondering:

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Would be easier to fix these balance issues than fixing current Mercy. Old Mercy had issues but current Mercy’s issues are countless.

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So… without inv she was dying too often, but with it - she could survive too much xd

And E-res didn’t solve this as well, only encouraged to play it extremely safe.

I think mass res with changes could work. It would have everything what was missing before (LoS, cast time) and with current changes to the ultimate, bad placed res would result in losing it.

And this was about what people were complaining most - not being able to counter the mass res during the fact.

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If it was winning games, i wouldn’t call it a bad strategy.

The only way to gain SR is by winning only. It just needs to help you win.

Also, hide-n-rez was something that the game itself forced you into. If the enemy Zarya had graviton, you wouldn’t want to go in with the rest of your team and just die with them.

It is not in any way bad if it helped you win. You know the prevalent internet quote: “If it’s stupid and it works, it ain’t stupid.”

I think the cast time is a bit too much as she can get killed easily but Im all for the other 2 nerfs.

There is a difference between hiding and playing defensive. What you’ve mentioned above is just common sense…

It rarely did. Also, just because you won games with the strategy doesn’t make it good. For example, Some McCree’s may flank then use their ultimate. This has a high chance of flopping as you could just get killed instantly but has a chance of succeeding because you’d be catching the enemy team by surprise. Doesn’t make the strategy good.

Read Titanium’s post…

said the same thing. Keep Rez Like it currently is, no invuln, and with a cast time, but it goes back to being her ult, and has LoS checks.

Completely counters the hide and Rez, amd the no counterplay complaints against Mass rez. Makes it more like high Noon, if she gets it off, she deserves it, if she doesn;t, she wasted it.

Would also be a good way to tell the good Mercy’s from the bad

Exactly! like i said, the game itself forced you into these situations.


If it can consistenly bring results and turn the fate of the game 180 degrees it is a good enough strategy.

I read it and it didn’t changed my mind.

What tf is wrong with playing defensively as a healer?

Titaniums post explains why it would flop a lot.


Don’t know what to say to you then… You seriously think putting your team in a 5v6 situation is a good strategy? You seriously think that the strategy is good when it can just be countered by good ult economy?

Well,i saw it in action. There is another thing theorizing and actual practice that in-game. In-game, it didn’t flop.

*Hiding. That is a defensive tactic devs did not agree with it’s good for a main healer.

Knowing we can bring the rest of the team back, no, no in any way. After the rez, you can actually be the team with the man advantage! If by putting yourself in a disadvantageous situation can result in an advantageous one, YES, it is a good strategy.

And this will make it unusable. If you are the only target alive, you have to be within line-of-sight of your dead team members (who are obviously in line of fire since they are dead) then I don’t see any way for Mercy to survive for 1.45 seconds because the enemy team will focus you down. I don’t even see her surviving in Bronze where aim isn’t great.

Hiding is not staying out of range for a Zarya Grav… Sorry to burst your bubble. That’s common sense for most of us. Not Hiding.

Theory over personal experience as personal experience cannot be applied to everyone.

Any competent team can roll a 5v6 without expending ultimates unless they need to counter ultimates with ultimates. With this in mind, wouldn’t hiding put your team at a disadvantage as it is likely that the enemy team would have ultimates for the res and would just end up rolling you again.

You say you can’t stay out of the Zarya range by hiding? Also, hiding was even better because zarya wouldn’t want to look speicifically for you to Grav.

Sure, whatever.

Your teammates would just all have their abilities and cooldown and no ultimates on their own? Rezzing is just a reset, from the start. It is another teamfight that is happening from the scratch with that being disadvantegous for the enemy team because they will probably have a man disadvatange. You can theorize how much you want, but very rarely in teamfights there are flawless fights, with no member of the team dying, even if on paper they should win it easily.

I’m saying that “Hide n Res” refers to a Mercy that completely goes off the enemies LoS and usually hides behind something. Staying out of range for a Zarya grav is not “Hide n Res” and is just common sense.

Doing that would put her team at a disadvantage as she wasted an extremely impactful ultimate on one target. The best thing to do as Zarya in my opinion is bait out the Resurrect by ulting the Mercy’s team then when the Mercy resses just tell your team to use the ultimates they saved and roll the hiding Mercy’s team again.

But they would already be at a disadvantage as they have used ultimates in the first fight to counter some of the enemy team’s ultimate and just used their Mercy’s ultimate.

Not true :confused:

The solution is remove Rez entirely, Give mercy an interesting E, and put her healing back to 60 instead of being foolish.