The Problem with Blizzards Balancing

Mercy isn’t and never was resurrect :man_shrugging: Unlike scatter arrow, resurrect isn’t a canonical part of Mercy. reworking Hanzo without any arrows would be the equivalent to removing Mercy’s caduceus staff, not resurrect

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Can’t say I agree but I’ll leave it at that.

Except both those abilities were fine until Blizzard broke them.


1.Make Mercy’s rez part of ult only.Locked until in valk form
2.Put shield bash on 10 seconds CD
3.Make storm arrow unable to headshot

All in all, no hero should be defined by a single ability. That would be bad hero design.

Sombra for example can be a backline infiltrator / disruptor even without hack (if you replace it with the right new ability).


That’s the thing though, originally hack wasnt even OP. It still even isnt.

Hack didnt shut down passives. Lucio could still keep his song and wallride, Genji and Hanzo could wallclimb, pharah could still hover.

Blizzard started messing with it and now sombra in general is kind of a mess. Same for Mercy and Sym.

They had these characters in certain places but because the meta shifted and the pros started crying-- they started doing these big sweeping changes instead of just tweaking things and testing it.

Its like someone saying there’s something wrong with the air condition in the car but instead of fixing it they decide to take the entire car apart and rearrange everything but also with parts from a totally different car.

And when you get it back its not even your car anymore, its one of those awkward cartruck hybrids

And it looks like this and now you have to drive it. And when you go to the mechanic and say “uh, can i just have my old car back with the AC fixed?” they smile at you and say “We feel like your car is in a good spot right now :slight_smile: But we’ll keep a close eye on it.”


I’m going to go a different direction…their balancing is actual pretty good (there are some bad examples obviously)…some characters shine at times…others don’t…everyone has counter play…I’ve always said that this type of game is impossible to perfectly balance (too many variables)…all you can do is try to get it close…which they do

Regardless the PROBLEM is that we have 40 million different ideas of what balance should look like…and blizz can only go with one…it doesn’t matter what direction they go in…they’re not going to satisfy everyone…so I’m not surprised that the overwhelming perception is they suck at it…

Meanwhile everyone is still playing this “unbalanced” game…it’s not as important as you think…

If anything, they need to be less “courageous” and stop drastically changing heroes willy-nilly. No good has come from it, in fact, all its caused is much larger issues.


No. Current Mercy is still way more balanced than Mercy 1.0.

Pickrates and pro-play thoroughly disagree with you.

Sometimes you have to accept that people can makes mistakes and so Blizzard.

Resurrect is an horrible mechanic on a fast phased game like OW. For example Bastion got his shield removed from the beta, and he didn’t lost his identity.

hack is a good concept. Yes, noone likes to be hacked: “oh, my abilities are gone, I feel vulnerable!”, but I prefer to be hacked to be instakilled. Instakill means no abilities, no gun, nothing.

I am saying this as a Lucio main. Lucio hacked is a sitting duck, but I can even shoot and kill people (or the sombra herself).

Also, maaaaany times, when I hear the “hacking” noise, I just turn around and shoot. I have interruped maaaany hacks to myself or to my allies. So is not an ability without counterplay. If there is an enemy sombra, you need to play more coutious, that is all.

Lastly, from a designing point of view, an ability that causes debuffs or silencing fits totally in a game like this. In many games, there are support characters that heal or buff allies, but also other support characters that make enemies weaker and easier to kill. That is the role of sombra (and the discord orb of zen, but that ability is just a direct increment in the damage received, not a silencing ability).
Damned, even games like Magic, Warhammer, Dungeons and dragons, all of them have spells that deletes some abilities.

about rez, that is other story. When rez was reworked, I suggested that, instead of rezzing the ally with all his HP, make it that the character has only 20%HP and 80% “soundbarrier health” that decays very fast. So, after rezzig a character, mercy should spend some seconds in restoring totally his health (well, mercy, or other healer). If mercy is killed right after the rez, her ally is going to end with only 20% of hp, so that is not that oppressive. But now, with the slow rez, I dont know if is a good idea.

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While I completely agree with you on the Rez, I completely disagree with hack. Regardless, both of these are our opinions. It’s important to make that distinction as you present the idea as if it were hard fact that these aren’t good for the game.

That’s a straight up lie.

I really wish I could upvote your comment more than once. Way to hit the nail on the head about why reworks are so godawful and stir up so much controversy among the player base. Since everyone plays the same hero drives the same car, some people will end up liking that truck and defend it to the ground, while the folks that brought their car in to have its AC fixed are left wanting their car back, and are told to deal with the heartbreak of never being able to drive it again because it “is fine and in a good spot.” Instead, why not fix the AC in the car and create a separate lowrider truck to appease both crowds?

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It is though. Without Resurrect and Valkyrie she would just be a BTEC TF2 Medic.

Sadly, conversely, people love the fact that they get a new car. Unfortunately, it is usually the people who do not play the character that was reworked to begin with. But hey, a new hero is a new hero.

I know, and a new hero is a new hero. When Blizzard introduces actual new heroes, some people may even change their mains from an older hero and play the new one entirely instead, but quite a few still enjoy being able to pick up the old one. That doesn’t happen with reworks since it comes with the cost of deleting the old hero. Yes, the physical assets tend to remain on a reworked hero, but their playstyle is forever gone.

Blizzard’s biggest mistake with overwatch is deciding that it shouldn’t have more than 30 heroes

No, he is not. He has become the Spamzo.

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