The Problem with Ana and a Solution For It

The 15 HPS is not a constant heal. It only gives 15 and 15 only for every shot. Also yes it admits power creep but honestly power creep is already here which is why Ana is not being used.

I agree nade is fine but mostly before anything done to her I would like S3 Ana tested for PTR. Bring everything back besides 100% healing boost. Ana only has to compete with 5 other healers and she can’t seem to keep up with the others which is sad. I seriously wanna see S3 Ana tested in PTR.

That would definitely be cool, to see the S3 Ana return.

Honestly, the only reason I ever mention walk climb is the areas where Hanzo/Widow perch that I may never get too :frowning:

They could also possibly add shield Penetration if we are scoped, just think of it like a charge mechanic, so it wont work with quick scope. Would solve one issue without a major rework, essentially reducing mobility for a sec to heal a un-heal able target.

Just some thoughts. Really trying to play her more but, I keep needing to go Mercy/Moira/Zen to finish so we can win …

The problem with Ana really is the lack of self healing that isn’t attached to her most powerful ability.

Supports really need to be able to heal themselves. If there’s two supports, the DPS and tanks all have 2 teammates that could heal them. But for the two supports, there’s only 1 teammate that can heal them, so they’ll really be starved for healing if they can’t heal themselves.

Every other support has a means of self healing that doesn’t require using your most powerful ability just to get the self heal. Moira heals when she damages people. Lucio has his healing aura for passive self healing. Mercy passively regens health. Zenyatta is almost all shields, so he basically passively regens health. Brigitte heals when doing damage. Moreover, all of those other support heroes’ ultimates help their survivability. Moira and Mercy get better self healing during their ult. Brigitte gets tons of armor. Zenyatta becomes invincible, and Lucio gets tons of shields.

Meanwhile, Ana can only heal herself with her grenade, which basically wastes her best ability, which is especially bad since the ability has a pretty long cooldown. And Ana’s ult does not help her survive.

So basically, if you pressure Ana, she gets stuck using her grenade on herself, which basically takes away almost all of her utility and unique value. It would be like if you took away Moira’s healing from damage. In order to heal herself, she’d be stuck using her orb on herself, and would therefore get way less value out of her best ability.

So fixing Ana requires giving her some other form of self healing IMO. I like the idea of having her shots also heal her if they heal a teammate or do damage to an enemy.


You are right though. Which is S3 Ana was built the way she was. Now because all of the stuff of her kit was nerf she has nothing to make up the weaknesses she has.

Love your idea and i would love for blizzard to do that, but also i have suggestions.
I feel like Ana has lots of issues (i didn’t come up with this list but i couldn’t find the link either):

  • She’s a sniper that works best at long ranges…but doesn’t have the ability to get to higher ground.

  • She’s a sniper…but she can’t headshot.

  • She’s a healer…but she can’t heal people within barriers and has her healing blocked by teammates.

  • She’s a healer that’s supposed to work from long range…but her sightlines are constantly being obscured by either teammates or map design.

  • She’s a healer that has the ability to deny healing with her Biotic Grenade…but 9 times out of 10 she’s using it heal herself as she has no self-healing passive or ability that allows her to heal herself back to full health in a reasonable amount of time.

  • She’s a sniper/healer that supposed to work from a distance…but working from a distance leaves her susceptible to be dove upon with no way of escape.

  • She’s a sniper/healer that has high burst healing…but said burst healing is mitigated by barriers, barriers that she can’t break due to her low damage output.

  • She’s a high-skilled, high-burst healing, Support-Hyrbid hero…but she works best with comps that are filled with non-mobile, low-skilled and large target heroes.

  • She’s a high-skilled, high-burst healing, Support-Hybrid hero that has a weapon designed with the intent of her healing/damaging from a distance…but she works best in a comp that requires her to be right-up close and center with the team.

and i feel like we should start because it feels so under powered or over shined by other support ults, so by giving her nano boost different effect depending on who she uses it on (which i also read on another thread, but i added more ideas to it, that got lost) but the moral of the story is that if she buffs someone it has different effects based on their class, and she also gets the same bonuses as they do for example:
-healers have more healing maybe 50%-100%, but the minimum has to be 50 if it’s only the healing buff, but if it’s less healing increase and maybe gain more health/damage immunity nothing game breaking like maybe 30%?
so the effects for ana would be damage red + bonus heals.

-tanks get a 50% speed boost + 30% damage reduction basically making them ‘‘tankier’’, and that would give Ana a speed boost and damage reduction.

-dps/defense heroes gain 70% damage boost and a 20%-25% damage reduction, and i couldn’t think of effects for Ana here.

or maybe a whole other thing where she can have hitscan shots for her non-scoped shots. maybe add a mechanic where she can head shot and it reward people with bonus heals or damage for head shots? bonus to that she can heal over time like maybe 3,4 or maybe 5 hps or maybe she heals when she lands shots like in HOTS like her passive shrike where she heals sth like 15hp for every shot she damages with or heals with.
they can even add sth that makes her shots go through barriers with less effects like maybe 25% less healing and damage or even more.

I feel as if the changing the benefit of her nano by class would not be the best thing to do. Adding a speed boost to a tank (i.e. Reinhardt) would kind of seem a bit overpowered in my opinion as he could just start swinging his hammer non stop. Plus that doesnt really solve her problem. Her biggest issues, as you stated are her lack of mobility and her lack of self healing. Ana’s only real defense against a diver is her sleep dart which is on such a high cool down. It is a skill shot and can be completely denied by other abilities. Brigitte’s shield bash is on a very low cooldown and cannot be blocked unless you are Orisa but Orisa wont be flanking. Also, it is easier to hit with its big hitbox. With no movement abilities, the only thing she can do is try to Dodge, Duck, Dip, and Dodge (purposely left out Dive as she cant do that).

Lets say you do land your dart, now what. Two things will happen, 1)You will need to use your grenade to heal and do damage and if its tracer, shell just remind and kill you as your damage sucks. 2) a teammate will hit them before you can heal yourself and you will die.

Then nano is a whole other issue because you can hit all your shots on allies, keeping them alive, throwing awesome grenades to earn your ult, then you use it on a teammate for them to either not do anything, or die in the process bc you couldnt hit them with your shots bc they went in and all your shots were blocked by your allies or the enemy. Or, you nano them, and get dove upon having to waste your nade to heal yourself.

So I like the idea of adding a self heal to her shots in general. It will also give Ana players more incentive to aim for allies than enemies to heal themselves. For her ultimate, I would suggest making it similar to HOTS where her next clip (10 shots) will pierce everything except the environment (which includes Me’s Wall). This will help her keep the team alive (including the nano boosted player). And have them do increased damage. That might seem a bit much to have both, but maybe have it do increased healing or damage. It will be kind of like a self nano boost.

i like that, also after i thought about it i love the HOTS ult like the one where her bullets pass through stuff, and i thought of a better ult idea if they arent willing to change nano, just let her do more healing during the duration where she gives it to people and let her have damage reduction like maybe around 20%? and maybe if they feel generous the can add the extra “bullets can pass through walls”

also they always encourage you to use your scope but it’s useless like why not have some sort of mechanic that gives her more healing when she is scoped in (so she could stay back and heal from a distance) while also reducing the keeping the damage at 70 in scope, but out of scope she has extra damage but less healing (nothing crazy like sth she can 2 shot 200 hp heroes incase they dive her)

Well the benefit of her scope is that it her shots become hitscan and so are easier to aim. When she shoots from the hip, her shots become projectiles and have travel time. The only thing is, while scoping is better, for sniper that cant be too far from the right and has no mobility, using the scope in the middle of the fray isn’t the best idea.

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The only reason I kind of left some of her weaknesses because the devs have been making things easy lately and Ana players don’t actually want everything easy. They just want Ana to be valuable and buffed to a reasonable spot which I believe is a reasonable spot.

I like some of your ideas but I felt I already gave a lot as it is and nano already does 50/50 damage boost and reduction.

I think the two biggest things are letting her heal herself and giving her buffs while keeping the skillcap high.

I want a high skill cap and some challenge while playing her. That’s why I love playing her.


Exactly me too. That’s why I put that note at the bottom to let people know all the stuff I was giving made her sound easier which didn’t technically remove her skill cap. She just seriously needs to be up to date with the rest of the support.

I really love Ana but feel she really needs more help. I have a hard time just keeping up with other healers. I know she is meant to be “for the pros” but with healers like Moira (actually all other healers for that matter lol) it makes it tough.

I find myself trying to kill more as my secondarily healer provides way more heals than me. Ana needs to reload her heals while most don’t require anything like that (Moira has a bar, Mercy is endless, Lucio is endless, Zen is endless, Brigitte’s Ult has endless heals)


Which is why he has the healing boost .5x and anti-nade to cancel their heals but everything else in her kit needs to be updated.

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I agreed with all of your points btw c: I really do love Ana, everything she is, as a character and her look, I just wish she was a bit more viable too.

Here’s hoping :crossed_fingers:

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Same here too. I love Ana as well and it makes me sad that all my hard work gets no value for using her.


I remember when she received a new Highlight Intro for the cosmetics update, I was like “Why? I will never see it” :frowning: lol (It’s such a cool one too! ugh!)

I agree fully friend.

I surprisingly got POTG in comp with it on once. I was super surprised. It as my 5th POTG ever but my first in comp ever.

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The funny thing is that they already buffed Ana’s passive in HoTS a couple weeks after release, because she was lacking reliable self-sustain.

She heals for 50% of the poison damage she deals out every .5 seconds, and it was exactly what she needed. No more worrying about her own health and saving the nade for shutting down enemy healers.


I hope to get that soon xD She is sooo hard to get it with considering all of the competition. I wanted to see the new highlight intro in action!

Congrats!~ Really is a feat :smiley:

Why can’t they do that for her in OW? xD

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