Some of it sounds good. Like the ammo thing but the more I read what you said it sounded like an Ana version of Mercy’s Valkyrie.
Well sometimes you cant help it. Look at brigitte and lucio, very similar ults but different. Lucio gives intant 1000 shields that dissipates quickly while Brigitte’s gives armor over time and stays even after the ult is expired.
I do like your idea of giving ana a percentage of healing for each shot, but would it become too good if you throw a grenade, heal a rein, and just constantly get healing out of it?
What if, for nano boost, she heals for the percentage of damage the nano boosted ally does? I guess it become somewhat pointless though if your teammate doesn’t attack.
Her Eye of Horus ability in Heroes of the Storm is cool and all, but not sure if all aspect of it work in a shooter. Her shots become global shots (because in a moba there is range limit for most basic shots) and she becomes very stationary which can work if you are firing from your base and it can go through terrain. If her shots went through terrain, would that make her too powerful in a shooter?
I don’'t believe the passive with nade would be too strong because again look at Moira whos known for constantly surviving and constantly healing herself and having a cooldown to herself more… Also Ana’s passive plus nade will make her healing only 22.5 HPS if I’m right and it doesn’t last that long. Also Reinhardt is already struggling as it is and Ana only would heal if the target she is healing is not at full health. She still has no mobility and is easy to dive.
You have a great point. Where is the Overwatch team right now?? These are all great ideas!
I thought, what if they gave ana some kind of mobility but not sure if it would make sense with her character. She is a sniper and the other two snipers in the game have a way to get to high ground. What if Ana had a way to get on high ground so she can support her team from the top? Throwing a grenade down on your team is a lot easier then trying to throw it from behind to have it hit on the lucio who jumped in front of you only to have it heal him and you.
I mean like S3 Ana like I said in the post wasn’t really OP tanks were just good back in. I would like to see her back in that state with the buffs I mentioned before anything else.
I had two ideas for new features. The first one is if she double jumps then she does a roll ala mcree, though it would have to be on a cooldown like hanzos new double jump. To make sure it actually fits, she would have to double jump really quickly, she wouldn’t be able to wait until close to the ground and then do the second jump. My second idea was she could wall climb and jump a ledge. This way she could have a shortcut to get good positioning without being able to go anywhere. For example, if a wall is slightly too high for a hero who can’t double jump, ana would be able to jump it. Sort of like hopping a fence
Hmmmm, Ana is kind of old so do you think she would have the ability to double jump? I guess Overwatch in general doesnt follow logic so maybe she could have a double jump but is this based off her Highlight Intro?
Something tells me it is based off that hightlight intro
Yea that’s what I was thinking. If that is the case then winston should have a roll lol. I dont think that is the mobility she needs. She is a sniper for the most part and a veteran so giving her something that requires a ton of agility doesn’t seem to fit her. Can you imagine an old lady climbing up a wall? lol
I know I can’t see it. Nor can I see her having a rope. She just needs the reverts and buffs I mentioned first. We have PTR for a reason
Any chance of giving her headshots, or at least a bigger hitbox on her unscoped gun too? Because it’s not right when you clearly just shot someone twice and it “misses.” I aim better with Mercy gun than Ana’s. But I agree while heartedly with everything that has been said.
Headshots on Ana is not really what she needs.
Consistency is the issue. And no one in the world is going to be consistently landing headshots.
As for bigger hitboxes… sorry but I really dont want them any bigger than they are now. As of right now allies are already blocking way too many of my shots.
That is true…It just doesn’t always seem right when you’re in someone’s face and it “misses” But the other problem is, people don’t know how to work with Ana. She can be stationary for a whole 10 seconds and have a clean shot at an enemy or ally and someone just steps in front of her. If she’s to far back, she can lose LOS pretty easily.
As for mobility that everyone is wanting for her too, people seem to think wall climb or double jump is out of the question (obviously no grappling hook). Which I kind of understand, but what if they just boost her natural speed by like 10%? She could just be naturally faster moving, and regular speed while scoped. She’s still able to get blocked easily, so I don’t see how it could even make her scope “to strong.” Then it would just all around made her possibly a more viable healer, because it’s stupid to run around scoped because because there’s no peripheral vision. Honestly, maybe something liked that is the only buff she may need.
Not an actual double jump, just pressing jump twice quickly makes her roll. I also didnt want a complete wall climb, just the ability to jump a ledge that is slightly too high. I don’t want He to be able to climb like hanzo and genji
Thanks for the really well written post. I’d like to see Ana get some sort of semi-consistent self-heal ability that doesn’t waste a super powerful ability that’s also on a very long cool-down. Every other support has some sort of health regeneration/sustain ability except for Ana. Mercy has passive regeneration, Zenyatta has shields, Lúcio has his aura, Moira has her healing orbs as well as her life-steal.
Ana just feels super outclassed, especially by Moira who is (from my pretty decent amount of experience) ridiculously easy to get a lot of output from. Ana on the other hand is a high skill-cap support with comparably low output.
Ana needs something to give her a boost and make her a decently viable and considerable support pick among all of the other supports. Right now, it seems the only real reason to pick her is for fun. Playing Ana can really feel like you’re handicapping yourself - you could just be playing Moira and help your team a ton more than you ever would on Ana.
GM ana main here. Something i’d love to see worked on is the rate of fire between hip fire and scoped. When you hip fire and try to scope fire directly afterwards, there will be some lag between the transition, more so than if you were to shoot a constant stream of hip fires or scope fires. I think they implemented this to reduce the effectiveness of quick scoping.
If they made the lag between hip fire to scope fire the same rate of fire as the normal rate of fire. It would make shooting much more reliable and less clunky.
I also think it would be fantastic if she had some small movement ability, similar to mcree’s roll. I like how grounded Ana is as character, her abilities are capable of controlling a fight. However, with all the movement in the game, it can be difficult to defend yourself when all your abilities can be countered by defense matrix or shields. Giving a small movement ability would make her much stronger and sustainable.
I don’t think her sleep cool down should be touched at all. It would be way to strong and much easier to put an enemy out of a fight. It’s already an incredibly strong ability. BUT, I’m interested in seeing a damage threshold on the first second of a successfully slept target, so many times have I slept someone and they instantly wake up because of a winston tickling him or a dva shooting from 10 yards away, virtually doing no damage and more importantly not meaning to shoot the target. The dmg threshold can be as little as 15dmg until they wake up, this threshold would only take into account the first second of the sleep.
Perhaps these ideas could help, I also agree with a slight decrease to the reload speed too!
I seen a video about lag that happens when you are quick scoping. I think they did that on purpose so you won’t constantly or only use quick-scoping but a buff for that I would like.
Sleep dart’s cooldown going to 8 seconds doesn’t seem so bad to me considering how Zenyatta even after the nerf can still one-shot you across the map, Brigitte Shield Bash on 5 seconds and Moira damage orb almost constantly wiping you out. I think its completely fair to go to 8 seconds because its hard to hit, easy to mess up and when it usually gets disrupted she dies. Another change we can do instead is make them not wake up instantly from .5 seconds to .65 seconds
Honestly the reduced Sleep Dart seems good, except it’s still power creep on the CC side. Been pushing for increased CD on Brigitte…
Honestly i feel if they gave her back her old damage, and a self sustain. I’m thinking a small HoT when she lands a shot. This maintains her skill cap, in that if your missing those shots your not healing yourself…
As for her Ultimate, I would say give her the damage reduction and movement speed but no damage, and her target gets Damage Increased and Damage Reduction. So a self buff and a targeted buff, that of course needs a target to activate still.
On movement discussed by Cogstok, I could see this but the only way it could be added that I see say a double tap in 1 direction makes you roll that way. Either that or they would have to rework her hole kit and she would lose something…
I don’t want her kit reworked sadly though. But I’m glad you agree with me.
Ya, I don’t want her kit reworked either. That’s why I recommend the potential passive HoT attached to her rifle, or potential rework for Nano with the possible dual buffing.
Her rifle currently does 70 damage, so 10 less then at her strongest point so I feel a damage buff is not necessary.
A CD reduction on Sleep Dart would be feeding into power creep, and we don’t want to drown the game in CC. As that will only drive people from it IMO.
Her Grenade is already a fairly powerful tool on offense and Defense. So buffing it or reducing her CD on it would most likely make it OPAF.
So Without a complete Rework of her kit, which I would like to avoid. The 2 Areas for Improvement are Self Sustain and Nano.
Giving her a passive Self Heal is counter to the skill cap attached to Ana IMO, so I recommend adding a self Heal over time on landed shots. Similar to Brigitte, but only procs on her. This Increases her self sustain if she can land her shots on characters diving her without breaking her or making her unkillable.
Example, you dive her she shoots you once, then sleeps and runs away. if she has a 4 or 5s hot that heals for 10-15 health per sec like Brigitte/Lucio then at the end of sleep dart she regained 50 to 75 health and possibly negated your dive.
On the Nano I could see as stated above a self buff to mobility and survivability while Nano is in use. They removed the speed buff from Nano as it was too dominating with it. Why not make it more symbiotic in that Her target gains the Damage and DR buff that they get now, and Ana gets the DR and old Speed buff. This increases her utility during those big pushes and helps her dodge more in those intense brawls.
Mechanically they could always make her team targeting more forgiving, but I’m against lowering her skill cap if possible.
Finally, they could do 1 or 2 of the suggestions in this thread, however more then that would most likely make her again OPAF. Every character has their counters, and I don’t want to break Ana’s counters. However she is pretty much countered by all Meta Heroes right now.