The Pink Mercy Skin

Only bring it back if all the money from it goes to a charity


I take that as assumed, personally…it is a charity skin, after all

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I wouldnt mind other skins for cancer awareness months


I can’t see BCRF wanting anything to do with ABK given the lawsuits and other information that has come to light recently. I’ve got nothing against offering the skin again if somehow it could happen, though.


Completely agreed, which is unfortunate because another pink mercy skin rerun would bring in millions to the BCRF, even if it is for the wrong reasons.

People still talk about mass res so…

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People use mass rez as a comparison, if youre referring to reverting, I believe that is very much long gone

that hasnt stopped the discussion

expectations that discussion of a given Overwatch-related topic cease on a forum expressly intended for the discussion of Overwatch topics seems unreasonable to me

I bought the skin back then. Why not just start a new charity action with it?

Why not both ? New skin and old skin.