✌ The Perfect Sym buff (V2) (After Goodman interview) (Also DBZ Abridged Stuff)

To review the Interview: 🛰 Review of The Balence Issues Said By Goodman - #17 by xqcL-2119
Part 1: Bringing back “Photon Barrier” by instead of flying turrets, let them be Lesser Photon Barriers that turn into Turrets.

(We can decide the shape and how strength they have another time, but for this beta default, lets say they look like how they did before, but with 150 BP. (Or HP or whatever)

Aka: Use the summon “turret” ability: Summon a flying “Barrier”: Barrier Lands and Folds into a Turret, aka: if the barrier is destroyed so is the turret.

Reasoning: this would greatly help her be a more of a Counter to D. Va, letting her get closer in with her Beam and combo with the produced barrier, while also increasing her survivability. (Which is somehow not a word, in your site’s dictionary, being told to correct it.) (She has barely any.)

(Plus a lot combo with a lot more of her kit.)

(Before community say it: Stealth Sym Turrets is not a real thing at higher levels of play and if they under the map or something… that is so not cool.)
Part 2: Increase the time that Sym’s Ult Wall exist in game. (Currently disappears pretty quickly.) or Stop enemies from being able to go through it.

Reasoning: The comparison between Mei’s Wall and Sym’s (which are two completely different things, but seems they were meant to be similar (Splitting up teams etc.). Honestly if I had a good Mei or a good Sym and I had the choice of which wall I would like to exist: I would choose Mei.
Part 3: Increase the number of Turrets from 3 to 4

(Because math things)

Also Unpaid sponsoring of DBZ Abridged, while I wait to answer any Questions (all 69 episodes)


I think one of symmetra’s problems is that she can’t dodge…

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Also, Infinite Teleport uptime

im tired of having to turn arround every 12 seconds, to put up a new tp,

Like, Why does it need so many god damn limitations?!

  • max of 9 second uptime
  • Limited health, aka can be destroyed
  • Cant be placed on certain places, self destructs

remove atleast the uptime, let me keep it as long as i want,

no need for an F to make it explode, just let me be able to replace it like we can do now on custom games

Make photon barrier a standalone ability, not tied to her turrets, its just going to be super annoying to have to waste a turret every time you want to defend yourself


Photon Barrier

The answer to literally everything.

Save you from fatal damage.

You can combo with the teleporter to let it survive longer.

Plus even more.

(And I did suggest to up the count of turrets, so we could increase the use of it, while also using turrets, you just have to know when what is more important, a turret over there or a barrier protecting you.)


Old Photon barrier was great and did what her ult did, but all the time. It also functioned as a way to take ground as it moved faster than they could kill it. Too bad nobody worked as a team and used it that way.


But doesn’t mean teams can’t at higher levels.

Thats really why I thought of all this.

"To move forward"

(also finshed the DBZ stuff… but I will keep it up, shame noone came by alot to ask questions.)

If asked a question, sorry that I missed it.


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Really thought more people would comment here.

Okay, sis. How many times you gonna post about this?

Like I love the idea but damn.

I mean I think she’ll get another rework but who knows.

If I could ask for any change/buff to sym it would be the ability to choose between tp and shield gen(a weaker version of her previous ult), and have them last until destroyed by an enemy or by sym herself.

Until I can play Mr. Perfect Cell, this game can never reach my top 5 games.

1st of all… I am not your sister. (male)

Second, I haven’t seen a better idea so likely will keep saying this.

But not with its own new topic likely in the future.

Honestly I didn’t even want to continue talking about Sym.

(Was about to just relax for a week)

But Geoff’s remarks forced my hand.

I wasn’t trying to like ya know, hate on your idea.

No need for such hostility, thought you would’ve seen it as a joke type thing considering we’ve interacted on other threads and made many joke type things…

But it’s cool.

…Uh… so I went to see if we actually have talked in the past…

I didn’t find anything.
(At least I looked back at everything since thanksgiving.)

I swear, we spoke in a thread that you kept renaming after talking about being hijacked…

Part 1 counterarguments: the Photon Barrier as a gameplay design element sucked, at least for a 200 HP hero. It was useful, yes, but it also countered itself. The best solution to barriers is to ignore them completely and walk through them and hers was the only barrier that actively helped the enemy do that. It had its uses but gameplay-wise it was a clunky and frustrating defensive ability that you had to actively work to benefit from. All of its problems can be summarized in the phrase ‘it was a shield that ran away from you.’ It did not work for Symmetra. Maybe for some future Tank but not for a squishy melee-range hero.

Part 2 counterarguments: Spawn-trapping.

Part 3 counterarguments: none. 4 turrets would be nice tbh but 3 doesn’t feel too bad.

I like the current Sym. She has an immense amount of utility and I feel like we’ll see a bit more of her in the future in competitive. She does not need a dodge given her already impressive mobility with the tele (I agree that it should require a lot less babying though) and the mobility it provides to her team.

Her Photon Barrier actually seems like a decent Support ult for me but I play quite a bit of Orisa and Winston so barrier dancing is par for the course to me. It’s not that flashy outside of the initial lightshow and it’s highly technical in its utility so you have to work to get its full value. From a defensive ult of all things that’s frustrating and some antipathy is perfectly understandable but the Teleporter for all its problems makes up for, at least for me, most if not all of her just ‘okay’ ult.

Oh, that was when my sister was in town.

Honestly so much happen I forgot about it.

Peak Season.

Also KoRayven: I hugely disagree, Photon Barrier was awesome… You likely were not using it right if you think it sucks.

Part 2: Spawntrapping is something that can be done already by a lot of heroes. (Like Mei)

You’re sister must be really fun. I hope you see her again.

Visit the forums when she does, Id love to see another’s thread like that one, best one I’ve been in forever.

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Well she back to on the other side of the country with her girlfriend. (She doesn’t even play Overwatch, she just messed with one of the big topics I had saved.)