The Overwatch Empowerment Cup: A community pursuit of equity, inclusion, and competitiveness

Bobby is still there, and we’ve gone a full year and the only new things we know about OW2’s gameplay since then is the Sombra and Bastion rework. That’s it.

In a YEAR.

They are willfully neglecting us at this point. It’s not that they’re incompetent in development, but their interaction with the community is beyond abysmal and there is no good excuse at this point.

The lesson here is that important, controversial issues can and will be totally deflected and turned into circular nothing discussions through the mere presence of a CM.

I think it would’ve been more positive to perhaps make some mixed teams of women, men, and other genders. Y’know, be inclusive? :wink:

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Yeah I also remember the time he got proven wrong and the cheater was in fact, banned incorrectly.

Talk about getting bodied lmao.

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Thank you commenting and supporting the Empowerment Cup, I hope this is a sign of things to come in the future with tournaments. I’ve tried to watch OWL but it has always seemed so phony to me. Watching the Empowerment Cup however was probably the most fun I’ve had in awhile, it was super awesome.

For your other comments, I dont want to believe it, and maybe I can’t actually accept reality, but from how you guys abandoned ow1, and now the lack of regard you are giving the community for ow2. It just seems like you guys don’t care about this community, probably because you know we will come back no matter how poorly you treat us.

We still dont even know what was said at the content creators meeting, there has obviously been information you wanted to share, but because we are not part of the cool kids club we do not matter.

completely neglecting the respectful treatment of your fanbase, aka the reasons those teams even have jobs in the first place, is not how you solve the content or information issues. Maybe take a look at WoW, or the Diablo communities (dont you guys have phones?) and learn a lesson for once. continuing to mistreat and neglect the dwindling player base you have left wont accomplish anything, besides losing more players.

You cant even give us the famous blizzard line of Soon™.

I have been a hardcore blizzard fan and game player since the original warcraft, a blizzard game has been in my “main games” list since 98 with the release of starcraft. but at this point that is no longer the case. How far the might have fallen is a very fitting term for blizzard in general. I personally, am close to joining the growing group of washing my hands of blizzard permanently.


Okay great blizzard! But where’s the all male league? Huh? SMH

I’m a Bronze tier Player but I identify myself as a Top 500. So I expect to be participating in this cup. Also… given that I may lose my first 5 games I am entitled to win the next 5 for the sake of equity.

I find it funny that there is always something for women, but never anything for Black history… which I could say is more marginalized than woman. Yeah unpopular opinion, but I said it. Then again considering the population that plays OW you’d probably have an easier time finding woman than just black people or other minority groups in this game.

Also unpopular opinion, but they should be put in the same category as everyone else. So many people see this as a net positive, but honestly it’s not. You’re pretty much just saying that woman aren’t good enough to be in the “NORMAL” cup which is actually more hurtful. Ironically, I agree. But this is not as progressive as yall think it is.

Ugh…the stupid bans.

Just came into say that’s literally all you had to say from the first time you posted on here.
Guarded is…one way to put it i suppose.

Ban me again for saying MOTHER TRUCKER please.


More like you should completely rework it, cause it honestly is like the system counts simple “no” or “lol” as toxic (despite both being voicelines in the game). Either that or stuff like “throwing”, “feeding”, “smurf”, “no heal” and especailly “switch”. Feels like the chat is monitored by Ned Flanders.