The overmoji café: re

So overhaul Overhaul didn’t cure you, huh?

(omg this pun)

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I need to lighten up today, that is for sure…

Hey I hadn’t realize I chose the perfect day to quit the mod job!

I do feel lighter, yeah. Much much lighter :sun_with_face:

The Roadhog buffs are amazing. What isn’t amazing is that I STILL have to defend Roadhog. But this time for people asking for a nerf. Can Roadhog mains ever catch a break?


It’s the long unanswered question with every hero in the game, it occurred to me if you don’t play soldier 76, mccree, reaper, orisa or zarya your main will be complained about unless i’m mistaken.

I main Hanzo of all heroes, so I know a bit of these things… Get used to it. If you love your hero, toughen up and play him anyways, it’s your fun

What about Lúcio, Zenyatta or Orisa… Do they get complained about too? D:


Sorry i was just thinking about the dps when i was typing that out, also i remember people complaining about how zenyatta has one of the best ultimates in the game along discord, you’re probably right about lucio though, zarya is another.

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I’m sure there’s someone out there who hates Lúcio more than any other hero in this game, but that must be a silent minority… And you’re right about Zen, someone dared complain about my guy :rage:

Zarya is fine unless Hanzo is meta lol

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Oh i almost forgot, winston is rarely if ever complained about.

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I mean… It’s much better than yesterday. My throat’s not hurting as much.

Give me some stronger medicine next time, heuh.

i… actually hated lucio when I started playing
I like him now but
why did I dislike him
I think I just disliked supports in general
yes I was that guy for a while

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Found the DPS main.

I used to love Lucio, then stopped playing him and now I’m 50/50 on him. I love his character but his kit is meh to me now.

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you aren’t wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Just had the best idea for a buff for Sym: 🧞‍♀ Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier

Well today is going to be an interesting day, World of Warcraft forums make the jump to the new forum platform. Now to share Warcraft meme gifs.


Will people who don’t own WoW be able to post on the forums?

Edit: People must be tired talking about this, because I thought I would see more “I love this Idea” “Smart Idea” etc etc

I mean I had entire topic for brain storming it.

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