The overmoji café: re

Yikes, mega rip

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I’m willing to throw more money at Blizzard so that we can get more elaborate and exciting missions. Storm Rising is so disappointing. ;-;

So, who’s just going to play Retribution for the next two weeks? I am!


Wait what? The event is out?

Guess I’ll re-install Overwatch lmao.
… And maybe throw some money at Blizzard just because of that Moira skin.



The skins are definitely the best part of the event. I know people are ripping on Zarya’s Racer skin, but I actually really like it. :smiley:

The mission on the other hand… let’s not talk about it


Could you not?

Someone has to ask 🐟 Devs, can please get a name for the Shadowy Omnic?

Just putting my opinion out there, for as little as its worth nowdays

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not a fan of the new gamemode

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Then play the other 2 previous modes

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I tried but I got dced 3 times

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I’m back. I’m sad. I’m ready to attack.

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Well it’s the worst mode of archives but it’s good for me. I still really like playing it xD.
I got all the achievements for Storm Rising ^^

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Meh… I don’t really like the new mode. Like seriously. The lore is pretty much nonexistent. S E R I O U S L Y. What is going on?? Why?? How AND WHY? It was really short too! We saw this… Mini cinematic thing in the end where I was like “Oh boye! Are we gonna fight Doomfist now?” And then it just ends with no explanation. h o w a n d w h y .

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The mode feels shorter than past modes, all the enemies are reused and there’s really no climax or finale to it, it’s like retribution 2.0 except retribution is better.


Speaking of Retribution… I just beat it on Legendary a few hours ago. Fun times.


Yes it’s pretty much that xD

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Well I successfully hit 15,000 posts today. Crazy right?


That’s nice ^^ But don’t stay too much time on the Forums!!

By the way, the Overmoji Café is now 1 year old!