Is to be dropped down to 175 hp so that she can be one shot by a headshot from a Mercy-boosted Ashe.
Or, just bring in more 1-tap characters, bring back OG soj, OG one-tap Ashe, make hanzo great again, also revert scope charging delay for widow back to origins and this game will be good once again, the sh*t will start dying.
That only serves to exacerbate the problem and create more frustration. No hero should be able to deal more than 200 damage as a one-shot (combo or not) outside of an ult.
The only problem that’s been exacerbated in this game is a whiny community of tanks and supports who refuse to die in the game, so now we have Kaiju tanks with giga-busted supports and the game revolving around passive values with no room for play making.
Devs catering to it is the problem. They don’t know what they want to do with a game, and now they do this OWC sh*t to figure out where they have more spikes in their stupid statistical graphs instead of choosing the only path for the game to evolve which is making a game for dedicated players with a path to pro or at least actual competition. But they want to sit on both chairs milking casuals for money with the skins, while giving pseudo competitive gameplay for the rest.
And now, I have Kaitsja trying to discuss the issues of this game, like she knows anything about it. No, you don’t, even dev’s don’t, so don’t you even try, I dare you Accept this as a factual statement and use it as the reference point to act smart in equal discussions with the rest of pepegas on this forum.
We have Kaiju tanks because of 5v5. There are only a few supports that are actually “giga-busted”. Most of the supports are balanced and meta-dependent.
There’s still room for play making.
OWC is a “for fun” event.
He, actually. If the devs know nothing of the game’s issues, neither do you.
If you can’t see how one-shots have only served to create frustration due to the lack of counterplay, then you know less than the average metal rank player.
Or you could, y’know, not be a toss.
Hitscan enjoyers are always somehow too stupid to realize there’s a middle ground between giga sustain and 1 shot.
That doesn’t solve the problem.
The problem is that she one-shots with a hitscan weapon that has too generous of a hitbox for what it does. It will always be problematic when you cannot react to her in the moment.
It’s because they’re not smart enough to play anything but hitscan
Reduce her scoped charge to a max crit damage of 200. Give her a new “overcharge ability” that allows her to a max crit value of 300.
This gives her a one shot mechanical on a cooldown, but she can still be impactful when working with her team, but she won’t dominate from a distance.
Please god no, I am having Support version of Nam flashbacks just reading that. Do you know how traumatizing it is to try and flee as a Support only to get man hunted by a set of thiccc thighs that can heelys her way to demolish you with a single shot???
I am perfectly fine with lowering the Widow’s health, please and thanks.
Yeah, how about NO to all of those suggestions.
Better idea, give her laser sights so you always know where she’s looking.
Rather than making it an ability, it could be part of her ultimate.
If people want to treat widowmaker as pure skill hero, they we all need to stop fooling ourselves that hitscan is more skillful than projectile. Its easier than projectile. Imagine how many shows widowmakers will miss on 1shots when they have to factor in travel time.
Convert her hitscan to projectile.
Can nor have things dying, you’ll hurt the feeling of people who magically believe they are good at FPS games cause OW cuddles them with immortal tanks and supports.
Or she just stays the way she is since the data says everything that has to be said. Everyone happy.
“But she is top dps in top 500” yea about that, being a decent pick is not illegal. Wanna know the truth if as well? I checked. There is a decent representation of a lot heroes. While some are more recurrent, nothing that is not going on in the tank and support role as well thou. Also despite every single tanks needs the passives taken away and all healing needs to be reduced 30-50% no big complaints about the zero lack of hero “diversity”. The absolute majority has widow in third most played and one person had their profile open. Wanna know the specs? 12h ash, 8 tracer and 4 hours on widow. People play widow on parts that favor widow, but their general default heroes are the same classic we have seen for years, especially tracer that has been bad like once.
Ok, well what about fun. So many one shots get nerfed/changed because they weren’t fun, so why not Widow?