The only maps I enjoy in OW2 are the old maps from OW1

OW2 maps are terrible and it just doesn’t ‘click’ it for me especially push mode and flashpoint which can legitimately ruin my mood for wasting 10 minutes of playing them.

It feels too big, there are way too many walls like you’re running into a maze and it takes forever to find health bars unlike OW1 maps which is more open and direct.

The iconic and chaotic Temple of Anubis, Volksaya Industries and Hanamura are infinitely better than the abysmal i’m seeing today.


Ah yes, I miss those maps too, until I would have to actually draw them play them again.


When your team plan went out of the window and everyone decides to go all out on their own then miraculously solo ulted 3-4 enemies in Overtime.

Only to get team kill’ed by them 10 second later.

So many memories, it’s impossible to dislike them now.


I like midtown.


Best intro song to a map in the game too.

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Midtown and Samoa are nice tho.


Flashpoint is not bad but not fun either. Push mode maps are so boring! If you compeer them with escort maps you will really see how boring the map layout is.

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Push is annoying and I just won’t play if I get it too often. Flashpoint is an instant “leave game” or log out for me. I’m not wasting my time with this arcade game mode in quickplay. Absolutely horrible. Quit wasting time making these maps!

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*Except Paris and HLC

I hate push and flashpoint. So i understand pain

Honestly every time I play I just hope for the OG maps like King’s Row, Watchpoint, Route 66 etc. Not to turn this into a 6v6 issue, but the change to 5v5 ruined the entire flow of so many maps which imo, makes it super unenjoyable. A lot of the new maps are open and laney, which doesn’t translate well to 5v5. Older maps like Volskaya and Anubis were much more brawly and compact.

three problems with ow2 maps
1: barely any tank advantage/disadvantage on all the new maps
2: almost no places to boop or fall off the map
3: except paraisio almost no impactfull high ground advantage on maps
it just feels like these maps where made for bronze players

We will get them back someday :wink: !

Sooner or later, Overwatch Classic will be released, don’t you worry.

I think the maps released for any other mode besides Push and Flash are fine, they are just like any other map IMO.

Samoa and Antarctic Peninsula in particular are very fun to me. Flash and Push maps are designed to be larger, I don’t find that to be an issue as it is required for the game mode specifically. Other than the maps being large in the new modes, I think the choke points and objectives are rather fun to play.

Glad somebody has said this. You’re absolutely right and I’ll tell you for why.

They’re completely generic. That is, take Push for instance. Those maps are completely symmetric. Contrast that with Kings Row, one of the best OW1 maps by far. The music is better, the atmosphere, the story behind it (The Tracer / Widow fight). It’s no accident they chose Kings Row assets for the PvE mini games. Then Kings Row is designed around its character’s gameplay, with plenty of places for snipers/ranged, a decent choke with some inventive workarounds for progression. Narrow pathways and cuts. Contrast that with Colosseo, eugh. Generic albeit okay music. The main hall familiar to anyone who’s played Rialto. Then what’s essentially a bland tunnel, followed by the same underpasses you get in the other Push maps. A dizzying LAZY symmetry so you can hardly tell whether its your own spawn or the other you’re pushing toward. And next to ZERO story behind it, just some vague suggestion “a future hero” might be from there. Tracer is from London. Kings Row screams London.

There’s no comparison. Little to passion went into OW2, it was salvaged from a trainwreck. They cannibalized OW1 and remade it with OW2 assets (punchy sound effects, they were good, but generic cartoon character icons, the old ones were frankly much better, if not as uniform).

Just look at who they trotted out for Blizzcon, the OW section had about as much charisma as a wet-paper-bag, blithering on about vague nonsense that nobody cares about. Reminiscent of the lead up to the OW2 launch where they lied through their teeth (I’m looking at you Keller) and skanked a bunch of folks who thought they were buying the OW2 box set only to find it was a bunch of unrelated junk.

I played OW1 classic mode (community mod) in the custom games section, it was fantastic. Everything that OW2 isn’t.

They took out Hanamura, one of the most poignant and beautiful maps in the game only to replace it with this upcoming map which we all know will have cherry blossoms and no character. That was completely unnecessary. They also did it with a bunch of others which were crucial to the storyline.

Instead of ripping those out they could have adapted and upgraded them easily. Adding on extra zones or at the very least reworking the weather.

People play OW as much for the charm and quirky appeal of the characters and original maps, as the game disappears further and further into the mindless bland aesthetic these middle of the road imaginations drag us into, with no idea or stake in the story, Blizzard will have finally become just another Disney.


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I don’t mind Esperanca, but pretty much all the others are just maps for the sake of having maps.

Precisely that. You put it perfectly.

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I enjoy playing Shambli, Esperanca, Midtown, Samoa & Suravasa.

I really really like Kings row;
I tolerate some maps here and there;
I really dislike flashpoint mode;
I HATE-HATE-HATE push maps (maps are fine, game mode is awful)

The nostalgia is strong with this post…