The only genji Buff that should go through is his dmg increase

  1. Genji requires better game sense and understanding of positioning compared to Widow.

  2. Genji requires better mechanics than Winston.

  3. Genji requires everything better than Sombra.

  1. Genji requires better game sense and positioning than Hanzo

  2. Genji requires better mechanics and positoning than Ball

Why do you think I said Tracer might be harder? I’ve played a lot of heroes.


We’re just going to have to disagree on this one, I’m afraid. I don’t agree with most of your assertions.

But still, I think Genji can’t possibly be too hard, because I run into Genjis that are very problematic at my rank quite often but a truly good Widow or Tracer is extremely rare.


I play him quite a bit when i have to deal with hitscans or doublesnipers, sometimes for fun.Have also played experimental quite a bit.

While genji deflect is no rein charge its not a getaway ability like reaper wraith or mei freeze, his deflect can actually deal back dmg imagine he can deflect fire strike back now he can immediately cancel it and start farming more ult without delay, before he has to atleast burn his cooldown or position to make use of it, it was rarely clunky apart from its hitbox, its part of skill when you can bait a cree flash properly then dash 180 fan melee to kill him its part of his skill ceiling.

it makes him a tank buster simple you dont need another tank buster in this game.
makes it easy for people who dont want to get skilled with genjio is how i read when you decrease spread you increase range for a close range hero, it just makes it easy we can agree to disagree.

1.yes the guy that can run around the whole map in all angles needs better positioning than the one with one getaway if she is dived. +1

2.I think what op was saying was winston skill ceiling is high esp in primal juggling one of the highest skill ceiling in the game.other parts of his kit arent mechanically demanding as genji though.

  1. i dont even understand this so im not commenting i will let some sombra mains explain i guess.
  2. hanzo yes he is easier than genji.
  3. genji cant even match ball in the amount of techs ball has, the skill ceiling of ball is infinite and is much much harder to master than the genji combos.
    it will take a page long to list ball techs then the amount of gamesense positioning ball has to have is unmatched.
    How To MASTER Wrecking Ball (ALL TECHS, Beginner and Advanced GUIDES) - YouTube

Genji doesn’t need buffs, and he doesn’t need an easier way to spam-kill squishies


Braindead what are you saying???
Only Muh Genju is skillez
All the other are braindead and abuse

On the side note he has too much leeway for so “high skill”
Just look at dash and blade hitbox
Only skilled ability in his entire kit would be his left click


What I want to know is HOW THE HAIL does allowing him to cancel his deflect make him stronger against hitscan? Like, yeah, it allows him to mind game heroes into not knowing when to start shooting again, but that isn’t just for hit scans and that doesn’t help whatsoever against heroes like McCree or Soldier in many cases. Soldier is just if Genji is already right in his face.

This helps him against supports moreso than anything.

Did you have to include a video with eo much click bait you can taste it from a mile away? Nice point tho. Deflect duration shouldn’t go through. The cancellability(yes that’s a word(don’t check)) of deflect is bs and it’s debatable if it should go through. Id say no. The dmg buff is the only needed buff. The spread buff is just… there. Idk about it


Widow isn’t harder. She’s more brain dead. Tracer… Is harder than genji, has less survivability and is much more vulnerable to cc


How the hell is Winston hard? He’s bad, not hard. Winston is one of the easiest heroes in the game, along with Rein, Brig, Mercy and Moira.

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Have you considered the idea that Genji is simply the most popular hero, so people are better at him historically (all of the stats on most websites like Overbuff suggest this)? That’s such a braindead reactionary argument - if tracer and widow were more popular, they’d be played more.

The facts are this: Tracer and Widow are up there with Genji. The next tier is Ashe/Echo/McCree/Hanzo who all have much simpler kits then any of the above heroes but are less popular. In fact, I regularly see McCree do more than those other heroes at my low rank MMR too, but the difference McCree is even MORE popular than Genji.

I mean it’s crazy that you (who has no xp) playing the hero claims the hero is easy, but then according to every pro he’s one of the hardest if not the hardest.

You just irrationally hate Genji because he kills bad supports. Good supports can not only survive a Genji, but shut him down entirely by good positioning, healing and providing CC.

Classic Blizzard forums garbage.

Genji is more popular than mercy and dva

And other jokes you can tell yourself


No, it helps him against hitscan mostly. I bet this was a particular change they thought a long about, and my guess (as a long time genji player) is that it’s because his deflect timing is crucial to matchups like widow, McCree and Ashe. If you use your E at slightly wrong timing (typically speaking in pro play, it’s a death sentence) because no E means vulnerability because it’s one of his “escapes” along with shift.

This change is 100% intended against hitscan, but it does improve him against a character like Ana and Zen, who are also like “hitscan” in the sense they are glass cannons high carry supports that can be punished if they position badly.

Especially along with the Advent of role queue, you rarely see supports 1 v 1ing Genji unless they have terrible positioning or they are brig/Lucio who’s job is to do so.

You might see a tracer flanking, but Genji’s not really a true flanker. He never was and never will be with his 8 sec mobility CD that needs to confirm a kill to get out. If you’re dying to Genji as a support, you probably have bad positioning and that’s why you’re in low SR.

But those characters aren’t grindy heroes - they have a low skill ceiling but a high skill floor. Genji has a high skill ceiling and a high skill floor.

I mean all of that aside, I just don’t know what you’re saying/arguing for.

I’m saying that saying that genji is the most popular hero is a ridiculous claim


But genji is BRAINDEAD LMAO so idk where you are getting this from. OW in general is an easy game. Sorry to break to u but is not hard


Is it just me or is this frequently-seen argument incredibly dumb?

All heroes with some cooldown between shots spam clicks. e.g. Ana, Zen, Ashe McCree Widow, Roadhog Sigma. There are more.

It’s like people are mad that enemies keep spamming that clicks to kill you lol


From comparing to other heroes?

Genji being hard is a relative term. This game is not particularly difficult to play, but in this game there are heroes that are harder to play than others.

I mean you can go play Starcraft 2 if you like hard games.

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Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope

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yes comparing to other heroes. Your comment is aimed at Moira/brig/mercy i already know, like most salty flanker mains, but let me break it to u, Genji has HIGH MOBILITY, multiple passives, free get out jail card, deflect, ability reset on confirms and one of the best ults in the game the character is LOADED with tools like its ridiculous. He’s not hard at all, just how easy 90% of the roster is. If I want a hard game or a challenge I’ll go play Fighting games.


You are answering to yourself it seems.

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