The only buff Mercy needs

When in Valk form, let the teammates she beam chains glow either yellow or blue to let them know they are chain boosted. When you’re under Baptiste’s lamp, you glow yellow and know you’re under it’s effect, but I can never tell when I’m being boasted by Valk because there’s barely a visible cue.
This will help me stop having to yell at my team to go in when I’m boosting them too since they’ll know.


It doesn’t glow when healed, but it does when boosted and i think that’s enough to give attention to your ennemies that you are more dangerous as you’re damage boosted.

She needs a lot more than that.


Um, that’s not a buff. That’s a visual update like those changes to Mei’s Blizzard and Ice Wall or Torbjorn’s Hot Sauce


If you are talking about her ultimate alone I would say she either needs the ability to boost and heal at the same time… or double the range. It’s actually fairly hard to get more than 2-3 allies at once.

As for the rest of her kit… no idea. She’s a very focused hero She can heal, dmg boost or do dmg but only one at a time and to a single target. Imo because of this she should be the best at all of them for support. Yet people felt threatened by her 60hps to a single target.

If she can’t be the best in her narrow field, she needs more options. The ability to do dmg and heal or something.

I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to disagree there. I don’t think that this “buff” alone is nearly enough. And I believe she needs a lot more than visual changes.

I think it’s fair for her to get changes in the form of either some buffs to her healing (55hp at least) or some type of revert or rework to her ultimate that gives Mercy players more agency. Whatever they are, I think many can agree that she can use some changes that would arguably make her more engaging, rewarding, and impact to play. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Nah, I think this is all she needs. shrugs


One QoL buff Valkyrie needs is to stop breaking my beam when I Ult!

We can be initiating a push and be a few seconds into one and I go to Valk, beam breaks, target dies.


Without blushing, i can say that many others already find Mercy to be engaging, rewarding, and impactful to play; and as such no reworks or reverts are needed

On a related note, Jeff has stated clearly no revert will be occurring for Mercy


Honestly, sometimes I dont even see the chain happening, I 2nd guess myself everytime with “oh did they get rid of her chain boosting?” Ah well, I can still solo heal this crazy team

You are entitled to that opinion, and I respect that. We’re going to have to agree to disagree I suppose. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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You ever going to explain why you feel that way? Or just keep repeating it like a broken record?


I assume the later. I’ve decided not to spend any more of my time responding to them after realizing that they will never follow up their statements with any evidence on the things they claim - Of which I’ve thoroughly debunked many times about months ago, leaving them still unable to directly answer multiple questions I’ve asked or provide evidence to back up what they speak.

Knowing that, I believe that they are just playing the role of a NPC for the sake of playing the role, presumably because it amuses them, and because my posts somehow triggers them (especially the :blush: emoji for some reason). But when actually addressed, you will find that they’re actually not really that complex, and mostly respond with platitudes, or outright insulting those that disagree with them by referring to them as “flat-earthers” or “Anti-Mercy”. It’s become quite predictable, I must admit. It’s best to just ignore them at this point. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Why does one person enjoy a trip to a professional golf tournament and another find it to be the most boring thing they have ever done?

How does one explain the concrete difference between those two experiences?


I am unaware of any statements I have made that were debunked by statements referred to above


Yeah but you don’t have to constantly tell the person who used to enjoy the way golf used to be played that you just absolutely love love love the way golf is played now. We get it dude, you won. You get to enjoy Mercy. There’s absolutely no need to respond to revertmercy, when almost everytime you’ve contributed no new information to the discussion she/he is having. It’s like Revert makes a post and you immediately have to say something.


One might ask why other posters who post the same thing over and over are not questioned in this manner


I’m not necessarily saying it is easy, I’m saying it is necessary to keep the discussion going. I could easily respond to your earlier post with…

“i can say that many others find Mercy to be unengaging, unrewarding, and unimpactful to play; and as such a rework or revert are needed as soon as possible.”

And after I say that… without either of us supporting our position, the discussion simply cannot continue. I cannot say your subjective experience is wrong and you cannot say my subjective experience is wrong. We are at an impasse. Seeing as we find ourselves on a Discussion Board, avoiding killing the discussion should be important for everyone.


If you made constant post about the state of Mercy, I wouldn’t question it. Now, if every time you made a post independently of revertmercy, and they commented more often than not, and it’s just the same old thing they always say, I would say the same thing. But honestly, I only ever see the reverse happen.

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Very well said. I was thinking it, but I couldn’t quite figure out how to word it the best way.

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