The only ''argument'' in favor of the new sombra is ''She is easyer for everyone''

But that change is wrong because its not sombra’s identity, its like i would want to make Reinhardt a flanker in the dive meta because hes playstyle wasnt working.
So i would tweak reinhardt altering his identity . Thats what happend here.
They dont have a clue about sombra role and make her a scout


A Flanker? :x:

High mobility :white_check_mark: But not in combat :x:

Can defend themselvs if detected :x:

High burst damage :x:

Fast engage and disengage :x:

notes: . Genji and Tracer are flankers, they can engage and disengage quickly , they can get picks alone and if detected they can still get value .
. Sombra requires the team to help her which other flankers dont.
.Sombra entire kit will be affected by dmg , 1 dmg and sombra lost her mobility , if detected you are dead, she cant fight mid fight since hack gets canceled by 1 dmg.

An Assasin? :x:

No mid fight value :x:

If discovered dead :white_check_mark:

High mobility :white_check_mark:

High Burst dmg :x:

Reliable high-target solo kills :x:

notes Doomfist is the closest we have to this, He capable of 1 shoting if the enemy team is unaware
SPY fromt TF2 is the best example
Sombra dosnt have high burst dmg , she gets kills if enemys are already dmged most of the times , and 1 dmg leaves her in the open to be killed , this not counting the current armor meta.

a Scout?:x:
This kind of role has no place in this fast paced game, of the 6 slots picking a scout is playing 5v6.

Dosnt heal allies, Dosnt dmg enemys, Dosnt tank dmg, Dosnt stall enemys, Dosnt get value
Its simple, would you rather kill an enemy or tell your team to kill him and put resources in instead of the team doing their jobs?

A Disruptor? :white_check_mark:

Exploit enemys backlines :white_check_mark:

Help the team get kills :white_check_mark:

High mobility :white_check_mark:

big Utility :white_check_mark:

This is sombra’s role , Its sombra’s identy , the problem is her kit is unreliable because of dmg and bugs

You dont see the ‘’ ‘’ i was quoting people who claim that. Of course she is slower now

What you said is truth but the only habit and playstile it will create is spawn camping, Which is what i did with the new sombra. I killed the enemy zen over and over again until they gave him bodyguards
This is not a fun playstyle to play or be played against but we go in the realm of opinions here.

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lol you’re trying to tell Blizzard they don’t know the intended role of the hero THEY developed? Obviously you’re the one with your lines crossed.

I know change sucks but I can promise you if you actually give them a chance you’ll see how fun they are.

And fitzy said the only negative he sees from the changes is that he feels his ult charge is slower because of the change in playstyle.

Okay I’ll bite, what specifically is she worse at now?

She is the same if not worst.

The buffs WONT solve the previous problems because of 2 reasons

1.Sombra only gets value out of stealth,
Stealth is a reposition tool, an ideal situation would be , stealth—go to backline—get a hack/kill
she cant get hacks reliable because of bugs and hack cancelation
she cant get kills reliable because of inconsisten dmg.

2. They dont adress sombra main problem which is

.Her value in midfights


. BUGS , I dont think i need to explain myself here A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs! - #22 by Bendubz11-2740

Thats why it wont fix her but intead this rework adds nerfs like
.Destructable translocator
.Slower Stealth
.No contest

IN A NUTSHELL: Same problems, New bugs , NERFS> BUFFS

How to fix her?


Let me slow this down

If Jenny says that Becky told her the sky was green, and I said “Well that’s wrong” , I’m not accusing Jenny of claiming the sky was green, I’m saying Becky was wrong

I don’t ever recall anyone asking for that, maybe they did but if they did it was pure coincidence if Blizz went that route.

Honestly, hadnt even considered spawn camping as a thing. Yeah, that would be pretty terrible, unfun, and annoying.

No one did , that is What currently the minority is saying to justify the nerfs

That’s because it is the same power level.

Infinite stealth and beacon time didn’t magically make her stronger in some way, and for those of us that got along just fine with the timers and cooldowns, our playstyles didn’t change, so we are left with only the negative aspects of slower speed and destroyable beacon.

The " " are for Quoting What other people said

Oh so you have come to the Mercy mains’ boat. Welcome, and rot as you see your favorite hero being ruined despite the feedback that has been given…

So like, you trolling here or do I need to take it down even slower so I can help you understand I wasn’t accusing you of anything ?

I know you are not accusing me of Anything i’m tryng to explain that i don’t claim that sombra is faster , i wrote "sombra is faster " to quote other people who Say it.

And I never said otherwise, soooooooooo ?

So nothing , this conversation is stupid lets end it

As a genuine question, would the onus not then be on the Sombra players who didn’t have a problem with her timings to experiment and see what the trade offs are? What things you can do now to be useful that wouldn’t have been possible before?

As an example, I’ve been getting a lot of use out of waiting outside enemy spawn in invis with a translocator down before the doors even open, waiting for the team to push up to the first choke, then hacking the main tank to try and shut down the push before it begins. While I’m invis behind them I can call out what they have to the team with zero risk. To do this before, I’d have had to be waiting somewhere out of LOS, with a more limited view and mindful of the translocator/invis timer.

That’s just one specific example; it doesn’t dramatically change what I was doing, its just slightly more effective.

They’ve made her a little bit more forgiving - it doesn’t mean everyone will be able to pick up and play her immediately, and it doesn’t negate the hours put in by Sombra mains to learn how to use her effectively. If anything, it should give those players a head start on how to make good use of her now.

And just because I feel the need to say this in every Sombra thread at the moment I also thought these changes would make her absolutely terrible. Having played her for a few hours since the changes now, I just don’t think it’s quite as bad as advertised.

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I don’t think any of us thought it would make her terrible, but the fact that it was going to most likely be nothing but a lateral shift was obvious. Again (maybe again, I’ve said it in about a dozen threads…) for those of us that never had problems with her timers and cooldowns, we are left with only the negative aspects of the changes.

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Funny because fitzy first said the changes were op, then ok same power level, today he just said it’s the same but with a slight nerf.
The more she’s played the more he notices the problem, just by watching his streams today he has so much more downtime.

And that was the problem all along, these do absolutely nothing positive, it nerfs known sombra tricks to force players into a more passive role which just results in even more downtime.