The official Mercy fanclub

Rythix suggested this, I think it’s brilliant.


Oh ok I get what you’re saying! I thought they deleted individual Mercy feedback threads after it was redirected to the main one (if that makes sense). I don’t really visit feedback threads so I’m not sure.

I like it here too :D!

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They did. I’m saying they shouldn’t.


Ok xD I think we are on the same page now, I don’t think they should be deleted either


Not worth your time in my opinion. It’s like a maze with no light at the end of the tunnel. You would be better off learning a new language instead or learn playing the piano :grinning:

Mercy mains talking about pretty much…
everything :rofl:
Did you know that someone created a Torbjörn fan club? :joy: I’m soooo evil for saying that


That’s why I stay away from Nerf/buff threads. Everyone has different views and I feel like I have nothing to add xD

Someone made a TORB fanclub? I love Torb, his voice lines, skins and personality xD I even like his daughter Brigitte

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Little tip: try to learn another DPS or tank hero rather than one tricking Mercy, because if you go in comp and you find players than can only play Mercy or healer and can’t play tanks nor DPS decently this causes losses that players that want to climb don’t deserve

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Yup same here. Just Mercy fan club and Zen Cafe for me (they have the best beverages).

Regarding TORB fan club, Iet’s just say there are significantly more Mercy fans compared to Torbjorn fans…lols. I love Torb too. Torb needs more market share of fans though :stuck_out_tongue:


I like the Zen Cafe too :slight_smile: I don’t post there often but I sometimes ghost/haunt it (whatever people call it xD) it seems to have a nice environment too!

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Hi Fizzy! Love the new emotes! Also, do you think “Happy Friday” might actually mean “Happy Fryday,” in which case we’ve all been had by a clever McDonald’s commercial? xD

I think I came up with a new method of sadistic torture in my nightmares today: tie a diabetic person in a chair and keep a delicious :switzerland: choco just out of reach for nibbling, it wouldn’t just be sadistic, it would be a war crime. Just ask Mercy, who luffs :switzerland: chocos!

Not sure how this whole thing got started considering last night’s last post was a long one by me and not by Fizzy… But the important thing is that glorious Caturday is nearly at hand. And if we bring yummy cat food to the Meowingtons, the cat overlords might spare our lives. In exchange for petting, catnip and even more cat food, that is. xD

I am in full agreement with this wise assessment.

I love how happy and cheerful you guys usually are. Makes me wish I could give you real :switzerland: chocos.

I just thought, wouldn’t it be fun if Blizzard made Lucie Pohl a Blizzard account and she’d come here and talk to us?

It’s not just a thread, it’s a Mercy thread. A Mercy thread can be dead, but Mercy fan clubs never die. I know it’s true because Mercy said so, and she is too sweet and pretty and kind to ever lie to her fans about such an important promise.

Speaking of Baguette, did you see her Knight in Shining Armor skin? I think it’s the Sol skin. I think it’s currently the best one for Brigitte. Can you guys please tell me what the Rally ultimate does? I mean, I’ve seen her running around with the Knightly standard, but what does it do for Baguette and her allies?

Valkyrie speed during normal times would make Mercy SOOOO fun… I feel like a birdie during her ultimate. I mean, I know speed like that would make her harder to shoot, but it’s just so fun, so yeah…

I am really hungry and Lunch approaches. I guess this makes me Fridge Raider? I can just see it now, I am sneaking to the fridge to grab a sammich and next thing I know, it’s, LET THE DRAGON CONSUME YOU and I am running away from Shimada hitmen.

I swear, Hanzo, who the heck told you my fridge was part of your little empire?! Sheesh…

Congrats!!! Sounds like the yummy filet mignon is not long for this world!

I remember Angelina Jolie did Tomb Raider movies a while back. Who is the star nowadays? I don’t pay much attention to Hollywood except for when Hollywood is in Overwatch.

I never escaped the tire. But, I love it when he says, “Ladies and gentlmen, START YOUR ENGINES!” There is no escape from the Tire of Doom unless a tiny white kitten comes to Junkrat when he’s operating it and he becomes so distracted by petting the kitty that the tire falls off the map. And yes, this could happen. Kittens are not to be taken lightly.

Likewise! The song he starts singing is so funny. xD

I think you guys are being too hard on Junkrat. He’s really just trying to fit in, and his lighthearted sense of humor seems to mean he just is trying to make some friends. The innumerable explosives are only there because he thinks it’s 4th of July all the time, like in America, like McCree thinks that 10:14PM is actually high noon.

Everybody has their eccentricities.

Well, playing hopscotch with Junkrat is kinda like playing hopscotch with a unicorn: NOT advisable. Doesn’t help that he’s 6’5"

Well… there’s a similarity between Junkrat… his grenades glow orange, and her healer tether glows orange. Yes, one blows people up and the other acts in reverse of that, but orange is orange, right? Right?! “I am not crazy,” wails Junkrat as they stick him with tranquilizers in the loony bin.

Hi Zoober! It was nice playing with you and Melke yesterday. You know, if you want to play Junkrat in Heroes of the Storm, he’s already been ported, he’s the newest of the Overwatch heroes that got put in the HOTS roster.

Yeah, I don’t enjoy playing against Junkrat. He’s very powerful. I wouldn’t say he’s “OP” because all attackers have to have strong abilities to impact the game, but yeah, there is no escaping the Tire of Doom.

To the Spidey-mobile, Batman! We must stop Locutus of Borg! :smiley:

It may be because he’s always hunched over. But yeah, the sprite should be bigger or something. I would never have guessed he’s that tall!

It’s strange, now when I think about it, when I think of GPS, I think of four tires, not just one. I can only conclude that Junkrat has revolutionized transportation, he has shaken transportation to its foundations, (by blowing it up!)

There used to be a player (African immigrant) in the NBA named Manute Bol who was so tall he could just reach and place the ball in the net, he didn’t even have to jump. That dude was amazing.

Mercy is so pretty she has to fight off crazy suitors with a gun. Literally.

Wait, threads can’t go past 10k posts? Why?

Will we have to remake the fan club thread once it reaches 10k posts?

Mercy’s minions never die. Mercy said so, so it must be true. :smiley:

Whoever Brigitte ends up dating is going to have to meet Daddy. I hope he’s been good to his little girl! Or, I mean, the old man has a crazy old turret with lots of bullets in it!

Yah, I know people can’t one-trick in Comp. But, since I never play Comp I don’t think that’ll bother anybody in any situation. The premise of proper living is to have happiness in any way that doesn’t interfere with another person’s ability to also have happiness. I think I’ve found that middle ground!

Amelissan, do you know if we’ll have to remake the fan club at 10k posts? Is there any way to find out from Blizzard if they could lift that limit for the fan club?


They’re very nice people, but I try to reply to the Mercy fan club folks in detail, and I gotta admit, I just don’t have the energy to do that in two threads… nothing against the Zen Cafe in any way, they’re great. Just saying… >.<

Former Mercy main here.
I dropped her because I would inevitably pull out my blaster and open fire, as W + M1 with E and Shift every once in a while was too boring.

If she had a stun grenade or something to make sure she wasn’t as easy of a kill when resurrecting, I’d come back in a flash.

Well, everybody’s gotta make a choice of characters that’s right for them, but we here love our Mercy and won’t drop her no matter what. :smiley:

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I usually call Friday - Fry-yay because it sounds cheery xD!
And thanks, I like changing up the emotes every once and a while, there’s a lot of cute ones out there.

I thought it was weird too that they were calling me out for spamming even though I hadn’t been the last one to post xD. I post a lot here but I don’t think I’m spamming. If I were only talking to myself I think that would be spamming. But…I’m not…you and others come here to talk too…

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I LOVE her Sol skin. I bought it on PS4 because it’s so beautiful. I have the white knight version though, not the black knight. I like both colors but I can only buy one since I’m saving up my gold xD
I’m not really sure what Brigittes ult does. I think it heals/gives armor people who are in her circle and speeds them up. But I could be wrong.

I don’t know who’s playing Lara. Her name is Alicia Vikander. I haven’t seen her in any movies but she’s been in Ex Machina and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. which are more recent movies…

I found this thread on Twitter and this picture with the caption made me laugh xD

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Fry-yay is pretty cheery, I agree. I use the same few emotes myself, usually, but it’s awesome how you found all the cool ones. :smiley: I think maybe we have a pack of disgruntled forumites on our hands lol. That one fellow tried to get us started on game mechanics, which I am pretty sure would get us absorbed into a megathread. Then, somehow a “popular link” got added about some person balancing every character, and I don’t know how to remove it. I don’t really get it… we’re not bothering anybody, but there are people on forums bothered by us.

Fizzy, do you know anything about this alleged 10k post limit thing? The Mercy megathread got locked down after slightly more than 10k posts. I was hoping to know in case we need to remake the fan club thread at some point, which is something I’d need to be ready for. But, I mean, maybe the Mercy megathread was supposed to run for a limited time, while we, I hope, do not operate under the same mechanic.

Yup! Sol skin is win. I can’t wait to see what they come up with for Baguette’s event skins. I am still holding out hope for that Baker outfit lol.

I wonder if Baguette will end up being modified, in some way. There’s a lot of dissatisfaction and demands of nerfing, and I mean as Mercy I rarely score better healing than the Baguette in my group does. But yeah, I am not exactly the resident grandmaster of game mechanics, so it’s just a guess on my part.

Lara Croft is a popular game series, so I am sure they’ll keep coming out with movies about her… I remember the World of Warcraft movie came out, and the fans loved it but the film critics hated it. So, I mean, did it succeed or did it fail? By industry standards, the film critics evaluate a movie as good or bad. But in this case, even though the film critics saw it negatively, the fans – the targeted audience – were just fine with it.

I’ll look at your Twitter link in just a sec. :smiley:

Edit: looked at the pic! It’s funny. :smiley:

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@LuciePohlComedy <- Twitter Lucie Pohl


Thank you very much!

I heard that the Mercy thread was locked at 10,000 posts. But I’m not sure if they’re going to extend it or just keep it locked at 10,000. We only have 1,500 posts right now so I think we should be fine for a while :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I hope we never get locked… starting over from scratch would suck… that said, you’re right, we reached 1.5k posts after about a month, I think we should be okay for a while.

When it starts approaching 10k posts, maybe I’ll file an Overwatch ticket and try to arrange something with the mods, if they permit that. Considering we haven’t done any harm to anybody, maybe they’ll give us a break.

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maybe someone should add Mercy Biography, to make this thread more
" Official Mercy fansclub " and i hope Serenicus / FizzyElf / someone else can invite Mercy Voice artist to join this thread, that will wonderful


That would be so cool if she joined. Even if she couldn’t it’d be cool if she acknowledged it! I have a Twitter if you want me to tell her! :blush:

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