Alot of people do so there is nothing you should feel bad about.
My nephew was in awe of my knowledge of the game (he didn’t know it came out years before).
Sounds fun! My most anticipated game is Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Same here, absolutely love it. How am I supposed to continue playing Mercy knowing this concept exists, but the skin doesn’t? Life is pain.
I’m liking the art… and wow where did the past 7 months go first time I’ve been back to this thread since August
is…is this the Cult of Mercy?
You post that on these forums and people will take it as literal proof there’s a mercy cult
I think they were going to try to incorporate a Reaper teleporting in the middle of the circle. I’m not sure if they were successful or not.
Seren is having some issues but he will be back!
#RevertMercy i want to see the old mercy from back in the day return, the current mercy is a joke
the artist did a great job with making her look evil looking
[places sere bait],h_850,q_70,strp/eastern_mercy__18__optional__by_axsens_dcn0lfq-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODUwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZDM0NTYxNzgtYWI2MC00OTJmLWJjZGYtMDBmMDYyZjlhZGUzXC9kY24wbGZxLWYzZDMxM2IyLThiNGEtNDgwNS04MTQ3LWVmNzA2MDAzNjk3YS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9NjAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.hMn4_H4k1D2G6vWIrdJNpNqJ-R3dvqlLAQq5aza-k8Q
also nightblood that nurse joy mercy is adorable.
she’d have an Eevee starter and run full fairy type except 1 Blissy.
Hi Ara, I am back after a sunny vacation. Can you please look me up on Bnet app when you read this? Many thanks.
You haven’t lost me. Please add Serenicus#1598, and please let me talk to you on Bnet app. Thanks!
Your bait worked! Glad to see you again, I thought you were gone for good. Add me as Serenicus#1598 on Bnet app, I need to talk to you pretty please.
Welcome back. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
welcome back serenicus, how was the vacation?