The official Mercy fanclub

O_O so pretty… sad Mercy, happy patients.

This is a great pic… I remember Aranea linking this months ago. Great to see it again. :smiley:

Like riding a bicycle. :smiley: Mic is important for Overwatch. I’ve been playing Heroes of the Storm, my friends and I don’t use it there.

How are y’all doing this fine Sunday?

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Did they, drat can’t have that so here have i’m not going to be on tomorrow


Aw come on, you know I am not blaming you! You couldn’t have possibly seen every pic that Ara posted, she’s posted a gazillion. Sorry I won’t get to see you tomorrow, and thank you for this great pic. I hope all is well!

Healing three tanks sounds… hard. Are you talking bout the GOATS composition?

Perfect, I just gained a lot of SR without playing much of my usual characters. Now, I’m preparing myself mentally for tomorrow. Apparently, our french teacher is mad because we didn’t say bye to her after we watched a play idk?
Anyway, I have to ask where is Aranea? I haven’t seen them here.

Edit: Nevermind, I just scrolled back to a couple of days ago :smile:

Sorry to hear your French teacher is mad. Maybe bribe her with escargot and some :switzerland: chocos (in this case, shameless plug = points with the offended teacher, cause chocos rule)

I am glad you got tons of SR! Did you keep it?

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I actually kept them! I’m avoiding playing comp until weekends that way I can concentrate on something else! How are you doing?

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Just finished Life is Strange:Before the Storm which is like a prequel to the original.And just like the original it was a great game. Between the two I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so emotionally attached to fictional characters before. HIGHLY recommend them


It’s been a while folks, but I’m back! Took some time off from the OW world when I got silly and bought a Switch. Now to wonder when we’ll see OW on there so I can play Mercy on the road… :wink:

EDIT: Also, came back and got me the Sugar Plum Fairy skin for Mercy. I’m happy with this.

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you missed a lot of good mercy art

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I’ll be grinding for unlock mercy skin.

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i have like 23k coins so as soon as i get home from work i’m buying it outright


Lucky dude/girl!!! I’m jealous. I think I need to start saving coins.

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it’s been a lot easier saving coins with a lack of event cosmetics these past few events


Edit: oh my God, i accidentally clicked to post before answering the other posts, and I can’t double post due to too many posts in thread; can somebody please answer this post so I can answer the rest of the club members before they get angry at me? X_x

I am good! Bought a set of loot boxes, after this set I ended up with 9000 coins, bought some event skins with that, and of ALL the new event stuff, I am missing 1 epic skin, 1 epic emote, and 2 new Legendary skins, so if I can manage to earn 7500 coins before teh event ends I will have everything new in this event. I got tons of goodies, one chest contained two Legendaries just in that chest.

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On Halloween I was grinding for Moira skin, I get the skin until the last day of the event. So does the avatar.

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Thank you for posting!! I am gonna go answer everybody now!!!

I believe that life is strange, yes. I also believe that is a very nice Pharmacy pic, and now I might become a part of the opioid crisis because I have a hallucinogenic belief that my pharmacists will be the two ladies in that picture.

Welcome back!!! I got the Sugar Plum Fairy too! Mercy as a Night Elf is win. Love the ribbons around her ankles, too.

The Teddy Rez remains the crowning achievement of Mercy fanart.

I am way too impatient to grind for it. Mercy has Spock Ears right now, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I went the path of 50 loot chests, got almost everything that way.

Yup! Coins are an Overwatcher’s best friend. Even more than diamonds.

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I would hope no one here will get mad at you just because you don’t answer them immediately?

I don’t even particularly expect an answer from anyone when I post here since half the time I just post some random thoughts anyways…

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Don’t worry, Serenicus. Nobody would be mad if you didn’t answer them immediately!

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Not buying any boxes but have 8k coins so I can unlock if necessary, but gonna grind for as much as I can then unlock on the last day or so…

My first round of arcade boxes yielded 2 old event legendaries;

  • Nutcracker :neutral_face:
  • Beachrat :crazy_face:
    Yeah! I like this way more than Grampas because it appeals to the wacky wacky side of me. To quote a streamer:
    “I want to see that [rubber ducky] go off! It actually makes me excited about playing Junkrat!” :sweat_smile:

Priority wise:

  • 3k for Sugar Plum Mercy
  • 1k Orisa Puppy Emote
  • 1k Roadhog Ice Fisherman
    I like this one the most of all Roadhog skins cos it’s all covered up and I prefer the walrus face + fishhook more than lacross mask + broken racquet

And nice optionals:

  • Sombra Rime
    … I prefer Tulum (which I unlocked) though because I like sporty babes :star_struck:
  • Ana Snow Owl
    … but if I ever play Ana I don’t want to draw attention to myself with a bright white skin. I have Horus (which dropped) and I will stick with that as a relatively inconspicious skin.
  • Widowmaker Biathalon
    I actually like this more that her Cote D’azur, again because I like sporty babes, and because she is all covered up… :confused: :zipper_mouth_face:
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So if you get the deluxe edition of Life is Strange:Before the Storm you get a bonus episode. I was playing through it this morning and when I finally realized what was coming I almost had stop. I wasn’t sure if I could handle it emotionally. Powerful stuff.

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