The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0)

He aksed you a question. :stuck_out_tongue:

hes doing his 1st playthroguh of hollow knight atm xD

he tried to jump on spikes to save the worm~ foudn out u cant do that.

I only watch Lassiz. I found him and his crew during the Ashe Mardi Gras event and I only watch others for 6 hours during Overwatch events.

What is this hollow knight thing?

made by a small team.

specifically widow is playing the switch version.

also i watch Vale a bit every nwo and then (not regularly) due to he beign a OW drops streamer and him being a mercy lover (his favorite skin is Imp)

Super fun metroidvania style game. Its very difficult at times. There are two bosses that I can’t beat for the life of me.

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but when you DO beat them victory will taste even sweeter~

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I haven’t be here for a while… And it looks like this thread needs more support!
Go Mei baby, you’re the best! :slight_smile:


Hi there! Mei is going places by skating on the ice and not tripping over the rotting corpses of villains who want bad things instead of delicious ice cream.

Villains will be mashed into paste. It’s true.

80s and 90s games were sometimes so hard that nerves were shot by game’s end. It would be better to not have ultra hard games, imo

I liked Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Would have been nicer with a hot Curie-like sidekick :slight_smile:

Sounds like a fine streamer. :slight_smile:

I am pretty monogamous about the streamer I watch. This is reinforced by the awful behavior that some top streamers seem to exhibit, like xQc.

I am sure Vale is a great person, though.

he has a cat named Content.
shows stream it every now and then.

i follow 2 streamers.
1 is for cute art.
other is for laughs.

the hypocrisy of forums when it comes to Ana is worse than any other hero.

So I just started exploring deepnest in hollow knight.
I don’t know if it’s more irritating or terrifying.

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think that area has spider liek boss.

I didn’t really have issues with the boss (you could kind of cheese him if you hugged the platform he was on when he would come after you). It was more the platforms just breaking with spikes beneath them.
Then when you try to save in that creepy house filled with bugs, you end up stranded and stuck in the webs in the middle of nowhere. I’m glad I’m done with that area.

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cant recall specifically but if they are liek the other spikes should be able to swing at em and “bounce”?

btw idk if you know but you “can” save/let die some npc’s based on if u save em or not.

reading a manhwa.
artistic commoner girl falls in love with emperor. (she was emperors brothers art student unknowingly)
its got soem comedic parts that are funny. (like she draws “illegal” paintings of her teacher and the emperor together much to delight of the women in story)

I started reading comics too! :grinning:

There’s an App called “Webtoon” which has a lot of stories but the design is a fluent scroll down. I’ve been into one called “Not Even Bones” which is about supernatural beings and a black market that sells body parts. Creepy!

www.webtoons. com/en/thriller/not-even-bones/list?title_no=1756

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mobile app if so i dont use phone ;o

if u mean on web i read a few webtoon thigns. (examples)

also hi. been awhiel since seen u here :wink:

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Ristay looks funny, I’ll check that out! I think I need one to lighten the mood.

I’ve been off Overwatch for a bit but sped through so many games; Watch Dogs 2, Borderlands 2, Pre-Sequal and 3 and now playing Ghost Recon Wildlands and Sleeping Dogs. I keep watching the OW forums when waiting for work to process and/or download (working from home now).

EDIT: OK, I just read the first episode of Ristay… LOL! :joy:


she is.

also how i learned Alaska does 4th of july better than the other 49 states.

they launch cars and trucks over cliffs and watch em crash. (and they clean it all up afterwards casue they care about environment impact)


my favorites are the ones about her dogs and cat in the dark.

shes total opposite of me. shes tomboy as heck.

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lets see how much forum mods hate me >;3

posted a ss of some toxic behavior in OW match i had.

names are not shown and word is only 1st and last letter.

so there is technically no valid reason to silence me.But wouldnt be 1st unjust silence.
