The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0)

One of the best animated action/adventure series I have ever watched

Some say it isnt anime. I say it is.

I dont think you’ll ever see it on Crunchyroll. Instead, you watch it on the Rooster Teeth website.

Rooster Teeth owns/creates this series.

start here: RWBY - Roosterteeth

scroll down past the “episodes” section and then to the bottom of the “Bonus Features” section. You’ll see that the last 4 items are trailers. Watch these 4 trailers before watching any episodes in the following order: red, white, black, yellow

after that, onto the episodes

many of the early episodes are only a 5-10 minutes in length, but they start getting to the usual 20-22 minute length for anime a bit later on

My favorite main character: Blake
WM’s favorite: Weiss
Highlight of season 1: incredible 8-character battle scene late in that season

take note: the main characters (Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang) are all girls, and there are some occasional “girly” elements, but IMO the show as a whole isn’t girly at all


It’s on Crunchyroll, I already checked.

Does it have any degenerate content, like naked women being electrocuted after snakes come out of their privates? Cause, I can’t stand that kind of stuff, and sadly a lot of anime has it.

Red sun
Red sun over paradise
Red sun
Red sun over paradise

Golden rays of the glorious sunshine

Setting down, such a blood-red light
Now the animals slowly retreat
To the shadows – out of sight

Arid breeze blows across the mountains
Giving flight to the birds of prey
In the distance machines come
To transform Eden – day by day

Only love is with us now
Something warm and pure
Find the peace within ourselves
No need for a cure

When the wind is slow
And the fire’s hot
The vulture waits to see what rots

Oh how pretty
All the scenery

This is nature’s sacrifice

When the air blows through
With a brisk attack
The reptile tail ripped from its back

When the sun sets
We will not forget the
Red sun over paradise

Red sun

—Red Sun, by Jaime Christopherson

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It’s a lovely poem, but Mei starts blizzards and blizzards involve the red sun being behind heavy clouds.

Still, thank you for sharing. :slight_smile:

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Darn it, forgot what sub this was.

PS: it’s a song, and a pretty metal one at that.

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Heavy metal music about a Chinese girl who fights evil with a hair dryer?


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thats a surprise. np tho :slight_smile:

I pretty much hate fanservice.

RWBY has almost nothing I’d consider fanservice

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an american made cartoon (in a closer to anime style than typical cartoons) by a great guy who died years ago :frowning:

follows a group of young people in their quest of saving the world from evil that they get dragged into.

its great.


idk i dont know anything about crunchyroll.

its free on their main website and even youtube has it free.

I watch it.
it is 100% safe for work.

there is a dog in it too.

also combat skirts.


Ah… what kind of anime are you watching?


p.s. widowmei how did u find that post in that other thread and like it o_o?
you stalkin me!?

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I didn’t say I watch that. I said I detest content that has that and I avoid it.

From what I understand (he is of course free to correct me) Widowmei is widely known to lurk around the forums and place upvotes for various people on various topics and posts. We are, however, some of the comparatively few people he actually talks to.

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idk how you thought of that as it was pretty specific o_o

i know that (me and him frequently go to other threads)

but it was a single post in a thread of hundreds.

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It is from a Ninja Scroll, a Japanese cartoon movie that was extremely popular when it came out. It was considered revolutionary, blah, blah, blah, and it was one of the very first anime anythings I ever saw. At the time, I thought the whole genre was borked because most of the other anime I saw on American TV had similarly messed up themes, like a woman begging “crying freeman” to save her and he let her drown while crying about it, an anime whose protagonist was an assassin who had assassinated a rich man’s son, and the rich man was the chief antagonist, and the movie ended with the assassin murdering him, etc.

The first anythings stick with you. My first impressions of anime were extremely bad, frankly, I thought Japan was messed up as a country to think up this messed-up stuff.

I sometimes get an upvote from months back, and sometimes an ancient thread I made gets necroed. It happens. Not sure how they find it, but they find it.

my first stubbed toe didnt.
i cant recall it.

forgot to say. other night I got a rein potg :frowning:

I barely play rein!

i keep hoping someday they fix mercy potg…

Rein is a really good tank in my opinion: Moving shield, devastating melee damage, and his ult usually wrecks everything.

I don’t know how to play Rein in the slightest, but I think you’re way more likely to qualify for POTG as him rather than Mercy.

I liked your post.
I almost responded to that thread saying they should start calling them “participation boxes” if the devs decided to listen to the op of that thread.
Seriously, winning 9 matches in a week isn’t difficult in the slightest.

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mercy potg is a myth.

shes the hardest hero to get it with and has been for past year since they nerfed her to heck and never adjusted her hidden stuff that would contribute to potg.

how did you find it is the question.


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I’ve gotten it at times in Comp.

I remember one time my team got steamrolled by smurfs, and somehow I got the POTG as Mercy. That was just weird.

There he is! THERE HE IS!!! Quick, notify Wile-e-Coyote and get the newest Acme Corp products. Meep meep!

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Hotaru: posts viewed: 3.7k
widowmeiker: posts viewed: 24.4k

I like reading the forums. They make me laugh when I’m feeling bummed out.
I also like debating you and Akaras.

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