The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0)

Mei can still get one shot and depending when it happens she can lose her ult even when you see it leave her hands. Than we have the few abilities that destroy the Mei ult. Loseing a valkyrie not the same as Snowball being lazy.

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Well, Valkyrie right now enables better rate of healing (60 instead of 50) so aside from the mechanic itself being better than a normal heal tether, the intensity is also better. I know attack ults have more umph, but don’t ruin Mercy mains’ impression of their ult! It gives us wings. Literally. xD

How was your day?

I know it feels bad to lose any ult but when there are multiple ways to lose your ult there is no way they are close to being the same.

My day is not over yet. I have to figure out how I’m going to get back to the south vally before 9pm it’s 7:30 right now.

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Well, Mercy just has heals, damage beam and mobility, all of which are enhanced by Valkyrie and so she is much more effective while using it. The other characters still have significant offensive abilities even without ult. I guess it’s that Mercy has been nerfed as much as she has, and the nerf gets lifted while under the effects of Valkyrie, (the 60 number rather than 50 is pre-nerf.)

Did your car die or something? What happened, bro?

My old man brought me over to my brothers place yesterday. I have to get back to his place tonight but my old man is teaching a class and can not get me. My brother is working so I am here with his GF and their kid and they can’t take me because the kid has to go to school early.
My vehicle is about 300 miles away. I feel exposed and vulnerable with out my vehicle, this my first time in ABQ in two years that I don’t have it. Sometimes it’s here and getting worked on but at least I’m with it.

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Oh my Gosh. x_x How are you getting back, then? Uber/Lyft? Taxi? Is there a Greyhound bus or something?

My money is at my old mans place. If Widowmeiker and I knew each other in person I’d probably ask him.

Update: I remember my old mans class lets out at 7:45ish today (telling ya what’s going on got me thinking). I gave him a buzz he said it was no problem.

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You know, there’s nothing wrong with meeting up with Widowmeiker and becoming friends in person. I met my closest friend on another site, we talk every day on the phone and text messages and we’ve met up irl many times.

There is nothing wrong with it but we would have to sync our schedules I never know how long I will be in ABQ. I was supposed to leave on Tuesday! My step sisters convinced me to extend my stay so I am catching a ride out today or tomorrow or next week I am kinda hoping for next week so I can hangout abit more. Only inconvenience is my lack of my vehicle.

If I had the D.Va mech I am sure I could come up here more often especially if it was officer D.Va. I’d just blast the lights all the way over.

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My friend is a manager that trains teams at a company, so we have to plan my trip there months ahead of time. If you ask for time off work that far in advance, it usually is granted. That, and I have to make plans on my end just as far in advance.

You don’t need a D.Va mech, you can just hijack a police car!!! (no I am just kidding, don’t do that!)

Everything would have to be on Widowmeikers end. I’m usually not that busy if he said “lets meet up right now” I’d just need to know where and when.
More often than not when I am in ABQ I am not too busy.

At the very least she could give me a police escort to and from.

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Getting arrested by a pretty girl cop wouldn’t be so bad either. For littering or something,. xD

Any way you guys can arrange it, it’s nice when an internet friendship becomes irl. That’s the whole problem with internet, friends can’t meet up a lot. But you guys aren’t that far apart.

Right now I am at my brothers place, it couldn’t be more than 15min away from where ever he lives. Mei-be one day we could meet up, if it were to happen I would prefer it if it did when I had my vehicle.

Officer D.Va would knock me out for freezing her constantly with Mei.

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I don’t know, she seems to be most excited when shooting at something. If you didn’t present a challenge, that wouldn’t fire her up as much.

15 minutes away isn’t too bad at all, imo. If you feel you can trust a person, then I think it’s worth the effort. I just wish most people connected by the internet weren’t like 7 time zones apart. It stinks.

I sometimes play Terraria with my cousins and the three of us couldn’t live in more distant timezones. My younger cousin lives two hours ahead(Maryland) and the older lives two hours behind(Alaska) I’m right in the middle. When we play together it’s insane one is going to bed and the other is getting dinner and Im just sitting there playing games…

We have told each other our first names and know what towns we live in.

Mei to D.Va is more of annoyance.

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How are you guys doing tonight? I’ve been super busy with work, but the 25 hours of overtime are going to be nice on my next check.

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I am steeling myself for another Valentine’s Day alone. I swear, whatever corporate bastard invented that holiday was an evil genius.

There ya go! And you met in :ice_cream: Queen’s fan club. Maybe you can wear Mei fanshirts to the lunch .xDDDD

I only play Mercy, so sadly I don’t know.

The only nice girlfriend I ever had lived in Ireland. 7 hour flight to see her. It just couldn’t work. What can you do?

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Valentines day is my birthday. I’m turning 31 :anguished:.

Having a girlfriend is super overrated. I miss being single.

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Bro, I didn’t mean the physical date is evil, I meant it has been turned into a soulless corporate machine that shames couples into squandering tons of money on stuff while shaming single people.

I am too weird to ever get married, so I accepted that a while ago. The only chicks I attract are evil. xD

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I don’t ever plan on getting married, my gf claims she’s cool with that, so that’s good.

They are by far the easiest to attract, I don’t know why.

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