The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0)

He is very good at hiding his evil motives, this must just be him trying to look good again as I don’t know what he gets out of this other than affection!


Well… it looks like it’s pick on Mei month. :sunglasses:

That’s right mortals. Fear the demonic icicle queen.
For Winter is coming.

哈哈 呵呵 嘻嘻 嘿嘿
(Laughs in Mandarin)


No fair! I can’t read Mandarin. Translation pl0x.

哈哈 呵呵 嘻嘻 嘿嘿
Translation… “Ha, ha, he, he, xi, xi, hee hee” :grin:

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Lol cute Mei laugh with a Snowball ice cream.

I respond to them super sarcastically.



Widowmeiker is punishing the Mei-haters with wit and humor.

Snowball is proud of you, Widowmei.


I know, my grandma had it, my dad has it, some of his brothers, my brother. So I know I am at risk, which is why I take care of my self.

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Widowmeiker destroys salty libtards with facts and logic!

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That is the downfall of them all.


I just watched a documentary about Mao Zedong, the evil founder of modern China who considered the deaths of tens of millions of people by his acts as acceptable collateral damage in executing his policies and getting his rivals killed.

It’s kinda hilarious how the moment he died his policies were thrown out in building what China is now, and the future leaders of the country were all let out of prison where they were put by him. But his portrait is still everywhere and he is revered as a god. Because he founded the country, denouncing him would cause the government to lose legitimacy.

I am guessing some of you believe that Mei is a girl Mao.

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{Widowmeiker liked 137 of your posts}


He learned it from me. I occasionally go through and Like all of Widow and Akaras’s posts until my Like supply runs out.

Edit: speaking of, I haven’t done that for a while. If you would excuse me, I have a lot of likes and I am not afraid to use them.



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My best friend has this poster of Mei that I am not allowed to discuss, but I will say it was drawn by a very talented artist from China.

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is it one of those posters!

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I can neither confirm nor deny your allegations.

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your friend has great taste!

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Mei is an ice cream goddess.

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the one and only!

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