So the flawless Hotary also makes mistakes. Good to know.
Well if that’s all it takes.
Now you gotaru what I don’t have
That was kinda short, unless he has been doing a self implemented quarantine
So the flawless Hotary also makes mistakes. Good to know.
Well if that’s all it takes.
Now you gotaru what I don’t have
That was kinda short, unless he has been doing a self implemented quarantine
She’s the Notary Hotaru Public, Chief Wazoo of Spelling Glitches and the typo universe.
All hail. All hail.
I am glad your brother is feeling better! You should feed him a bottle of Hennesy’s and some Scotch on the rocks to celebrate.
Typo police! Typo police!
OMG, the Megadodo once again rebukes popular misinformation as to his species’ extinction. Only the Dodo can bring back the industrious mega-earners that are the Megadodos. All hail! With beer of course.
I once saw a motorcycle crash. The motorcycle was literally in two pieces. There was an ambulance next to it. Hopefully the biker was alive enough to actually still need it. >.<
Well mei-be just our thread here. The universe is far to big for just one person.
The former stepsister who got kicked out the dispute with mother started over a bike she bought. The ma told her to sell it and S refused. S had some heated words later at Thanksgiving and got kicked out again. Now there is a plan for her to spend Christmas here in my side of NM.
Hope she finds some peace down here, I know I will do everything I can to make her feel at home.
ht tps: // www. bottleking. com /labels/B21294.png
I am by no means an expert on these matter, but my understanding is that quarantine following positive diagnosis is minimum 2 weeks, and after two weeks the quarantine continues until there are no symptoms (high temp, etc)
Yeah, I was mistaken, he leaves quarantine next Friday.
When my roommate got sick , I quarantined in my room until my results and then fled to another friends place for two + weeks
I am glad you’re okay
You should get him a gigantic pizza with a great big frosty mug of BEER and also a little pet great white shark to celebrate. The shark, you should sic on the nearest lawyers. Like Shakespeare said.
Yup, quarantine is normally 14 days, but if you’re a lawyer, then the virus will die of horror and you can come out of quarantine sooner.
The universe is too big for one person, but sardine cans are immortal. Omnomnom.
How are you doing?
I was on vacation all week, I had some jameson the last few nights.
Growing up I always wanted a salt water aquarium (I really like clownfish). When I found out how much maintenance they require, I decided snakes were cooler.
A man went to a lawyer and asked what his fee was. “$100 for three questions,” answered the lawyer. “Isn’t that a little steep?” said the man. “Yes,” said the lawyer. “Now, what’s your third question?”
I just went on a jog and saw a few coyotes. It’s cold here today, how is it in your neck of the woods?
Cleaning all day long. I still have alot to do but I’ll do it tomorrow also have to play some Overwatch. Guess tomorrow night if I finish.
Don’t be surprised if I don’t post on 24th, 25th, and 26th.
Squanto, it’s kind of you to clean so much and help so much. And yeah, Christmas is a very busy time for most people. I think Amazon has helped in that regard; shopping this time of year in brick-and-mortar is a nightmare.
Q: why don’t sharks eat lawyers?
A: professional courtesy.
Just “some?” Drink the rest of it. All the Jameson in New Mexico must be ours!!! xD
If I was organized enough, I’d like a dog. Unfortunately, I am not organized enough.
In the off chance the former stepsister shows up I want my place to be at peak. Start again tomorrow feel like I’ve been cleaning all week… at least my front yard is done.
I have some extra biscochitos and asked my friend if I could take them to her. Still waiting for the reply, they’ll probably say no because the nursing thing but I had to toss it out there.
You’re very kind to people. This whole situation that had you gone for so long sounds stressful as heck. You should at least treat yourself to a cheeseburger from Five Guys/Sparky’s. (I don’t remember which you like more.)
I probably need a break.
About a month long break would probably do it.
The nurse friend is kinda a reset button, she sent me a message telling me Sephiroth was a new character on Smash Bros. She’s the one who told me FF7 Remake was finally announced, she’s helped me with some moments in Remake. Probably the only lasting friendship I’ve had, she somehow remembers meeting me and conversing about Final Fantasy her first year in band back in 2003. Shame we have only seen each other once in 14 years.
Yeah, you need a break. Not sure video games will do it, though… they can be stressful. Maybe invite this nurse friend for dinner? Sometimes it’s stress relief to sit down with somebody and chill irl.
That’s the story of my life, I’ve always struggled with being organized.
If you were only allowed to have one brand of liquor (liquor, not beer) for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
I’d go jameson, crown royal would be a close second.
I mean, I wouldn’t mind some biscochitos. Just sayin.
Donde esta hotaru?
He started feeling the symptoms two Tuesdays ago. He is able to start working again on monday.
I’m surprised I didn’t get it to be honest (not going to lie part of me wanted to test positive, a two week paid vay cay would’ve been awesome.)
Granted, I didn’t want my dad to catch it from me, and give it to my grandma. I would’ve felt super guilt about that.
Being a nurse they take this pandemic very seriously. She’s lost too many patients to just chill. I asked her if she wanted to meet up and go for a walk sometime back but she had to study for a test.
I guess the next time I’ll ask about a hangout will be when there are no more cases in our side of NM.
There is 400+ miles between us unfortunately
There’s always a positive.
I hope that S shows up. I’ve been cleaning my rear off. Even if she doesn’t at least my room will be super clean.
Well breaks over. Back to the salt mines…
Shortly before I jumped in the shower, I got Penguin Mei out of a level-up loot box! OMG Penguin Mei is adorable! OMG!!! O_O
Mei players sure wrecked me today, though. Ouch, that icicle stings.
You should tell her to celebrate a Covid-free America by marrying you.
I am pretty messy, to be honest. Drives my parents nuts.
I can’t hold my liquor for the life of me. It’s unfortunate, really. Being drunk occasionally is fun.
You really really really don’t want Covid.
Nobody knows the long term effects. Also, ghastly stuff can happen, like losing your sense of smell. It sounds like your bro has been spared the really nasty stuff. I am glad.
Hmmm, never thought of her like that.
She’s always just been a friend. Or rather a texting friend. She was kinda goth in high school and I was a video game nerd, she heard me play the FF fanfare once in band and asked me if I was indeed playing it. We rarely crossed paths my last two years in school and every time we did she would do a slight nod. If I didn’t have a GF those last two years I think my next choice would have been someone out of the band.
She told me she wanted to watch her favorite show with me, but then the pandemic blew up and now she keeps her distance for everyone else’s safety.
I mean, the nurse is a huge guy fantasy. Especially in the nurse outfit, with that white cap with the red cross on it.
Not as hot as the doctor (MERCY!!!) but still pretty darn hot.
Consider the possibilities!