The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

And white rice, I love red chile on rice.

should embrace your shirtless opportunities.
men get it easy compared to women in that regard o3o

even green chilies!?
/le gasp

you both are obsessed with em v_v

What is a food that is popular in indiana that isn’t common in other parts of the country?

With good reason.

Yeah, probably.

Never. Even if I was in the best shape of my life, I’d hate to make others feel uncomfortable around me.

Abit weird but yeah I guess so.

White rice exclusively? Or do you also put it on Mexican rice?

Good question.

doubtful anything we enjoy isnt common.
wanan see some of stuff we enjoy.

only “original” thing i think we have are hoosier sandwiches. its a pork tenderloin sandwich.

Aww, sad you don’t have a food identity.
It says Indiana is more known for machinery as far as exports go which is nothing to be ashamed of. AND you all gave Payton Manning a place to call home for a little bit. How could you say NM has a boring flag? It’s one of few that’s not white or blue at least ours sticks out.

When I think of indiana, the first thing to come to mind are corn fields, the second thing to come to mind are the pacers.

Different strokes for different folks, I could see how people don’t like our flag. I like how red and yellow look together tho.


It’s nice to me. There is a team in OWL that is red and yellow the only problem is that it’s Florida… Otherwise all my heroes would have it. Houston Outlaws is what I am rolling right now because I like the black on Mercy and Brig.

Check out all the state flags they are all blue or white with very few exceptions even the territories are blue or white.
But before you call NM flag boring check out how unique Alaska and Nevada are and to a lesser extent Indiana(at least they use the whole flag).
Oh darn… I just saw Carolina…

I’ve never liked the colts, I think it has to do with the fact that I have never liked Peyton Manning.

You just don’t like talented QBs you have it out for Aaron but are in love with the less talented Tom…

Ironic saying I don’t like talented QBs, when you hate on the guy that has more Superbowl wins than most franchises. I think only the Steelers have more rings than Brady.
It would be like me saying that Michael Jordan is less talented than LeBron, wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul jabar, or magic johnson, just cause I don’t like him.

Not just me, when I think Tom Brady I think cheater. If his history was legit I’d have no problem saying he is great. Your problem with Aaron is division rival.
I don’t even like Dak and he is my QB. Ol’ Jerry gave Jimmy the boot and he had two super bowl wins, we have had three years with Dak and the dude still can’t throw!

When I think of ben rothlisburger and kobe bryant I think of two guys that may have commited a crime far worse than than throwing a football with low air pressure. When I think of mj I think of a gambler who punched teamates in the face and was kind of a jerk to be honest. When I think of mike vick I think of a guy who forced pitbulls to fight eachother. Allen Iverson got in trouble for assault and gun charges against his gf. Mike tyson literally bit a dudes ear off. Adrian Peterson whooped his young child a bit too hard (my dad was very tough on me growing up, and probably could’ve got in trouble with the law for some of the whoopings I got, but I feel it made me a better person, so I don’t know how to feel about this one)
My point being, you can be great, even be a ‘goat’ and still have terrible character flaws. What tom brady did wasn’t worse than a lot of great players have done.
(I’m not even a brady fan, I just don’t understand why people hate on the guy so much, I’m convinced it has something to do with jealousy)

i wanted to post in here but my m1 was broken from wear

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Most of what you listed was off the field and I have always thought Bill contributed to those SB wins just as much as Tom and he ain’t any more innocent when it comes to cheating scandals just so happens he is the coach so the entire team isn’t innocent.

You fixed it!

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I feel throwing an under inflated ball (and it’s possible he didn’t even know it was under inflated) isn’t nearly as bad as biting an opponents ear off. I still consider Mike Tyson as the heavyweight goat of boxing.
And I’ve already explained to you before that even though MJ had a hall of fame coach, (Phil Jackson) he is still the goat of basketball.
Serious question, if you or family members life depended on a QB (in their prime) to win a super bowl against the best current defensive team in the league, which qb would you choose?
I’d go with Brady.

Aaron, Tom isn’t great without his team put him on the browns and suddenly he wouldn’t be the “goat”
Rodgers has more game sense Tom has more team sense. Romo was also good with team sense but his team was kinda bad.

Didn’t he hold the title before the bite?

That’s unfair cause any QB on the browns would be bad even Aaron Rodgers.
Tom Brady has proven he can consistently win Superbowls. He’s won them when his team had a great defense, he has won them when his team had a meh defense.
I feel my family member or I would be about 6 times safer than yours (get it 6 rings versus 1).
When did Aaron Rodgers last win one?
(I just arrived at the gym, we can continue the debate in an hour and half-ish if you want)


all i know is corn is grown here. grandparents have a farmer neighbor (2 blocks away is closest 1 xD) who plants it every year. so much corn.

except our flag has a reason its like it is.
google its meaning if you dont trust me!

also dont hate on blue. its a great cool color.

so…NM is desperate to stick out and wants attention ;p?

so much corn.
if i take a trip to Indianapolis (a 2 1/2-3hr drive) you will see soooooooo much corn on the way there. (and none there as its a city w/o any fields)

isnt theres a bear?
only reason i know i think is casue Fallout made it have 2 heads :expressionless:

actually only sports person i liked <_<
use to watch him on Bulls with my grandfather (likely reason i liked him cause i loved my grandfather)

likely still the best player.

fix: swap mouse buttons in windows settings and right click will be mb1 now and you can keep on keeping chill.

also the sports talk should have its own thread not the mei thread D: (unless its yeti hunting)

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Than is it fair to say any QB would do good with the Pats(dispite the cheating) Tom hasn’t won a SB without the Pats you say the packers are no good so by your own logic Aaron is the better QB because he won a SB with a bad team.

Unless your team had to play the Giants.

So does mine!

Yellow is a fun color! I never hated on blue I just said there is alot of blue.

If memory serves there is another yellow?

It’s a tree and the moon.

Sports is abit more tame than the military talk. Boring but tame. Still not within Overwatch talk safety zone.