The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

no. she says yay casue she is with friends.

and every day is a new adventure is being grateful to be alive and experience new days. (since her friends all died casue akaras was jealous of them being with mei)

My family had a christmas party last night.
I ate sooo much, it’s been 8 hours since the party, but it still feels like I’m in a food coma.
The enchiladas were the best.


If Mei didnt give me “the look” her friends would still be alive.

I was at a party last night as well!
My ma boyfriend granddaughter was having her sweet 16. Now because I ain’t hung over I get to go help clean up.
Her dad
was told by his daughter not to sing being away singing all week I’m sure he was relieved


you admit you murdered and framed her D:!?



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Nope, it was a sweet 16. They did a winter wonderland theme I helped set up and take down.
She believed she was going to look like Elsa from Frozen in the winter theme and the blonde hair.

By the time I got there she took care of her “friends” already. Mei is a independent psycho.


i misread it as 15 xD my bad my bad.

…and what was the reality?

she was frozen when they were killed.

so either u did it or you made snowball do it.


She was very pretty but the dress and the hair style was wrong. Her hair was done really nice but it wasn’t Elsa, she wasn’t going for a Frozen look anyway. She had alot of fun and danced all night, all I did was eat but if her or her dad asked me to get on the dance floor I would have had to(part of my rules).

There is no way to prove it and Snowball is a co-conspirator


least that is good to hear.

except the system would say how long each one was sealed for.

she has proof she innocent.

ur evil not mei.

she would dislike you more than she dislikes junkrat


Her dad is a aspiring country singer has a few #1 hits in Texas did a sold out concert in Houston and was here for his daughter the next night. He has is priorities right and she was raised right, she said hi to everyone that came in except me she just asked me if I recognized her(I didn’t). So if they wanted me to dance I would have.

Unless she had someone working the system to bend a few details.


holy smokes

“greyfalcon has liked 16 of your posts” ._.

seren might be losing his touch of like spam


Listen to me. I am your Mei now.

Mei-be it is seren
Or mei-be Greyfalcon is trying to run out of likes.

Mei is too homicidal to allow anyone to take over


strangely, I got multiple likes from Greyfalcon tonight as well

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I bet widow and seren got some as well, greyfalcon posted in here some time back but I dont remember what we were discussing back then. My guess is still they are trying to run out of likes

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omg wtf is with today e_e

i have gotten so many likes for ranom crap all over~

my poor notifications T~T!

are they all from GF?

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everyone be nice to Akaras today

his team couldnt get the win they absolutely had to have last night in Philadelphia, and then, they couldnt get a plane ride home


I did some digging and found out they are trying to get their lv3 back. So browsing big threads(this one is over 6000) and liking random posts.
I don’t mind, just wish it was more easy to hit lv3. I have been on mostly since the new forums came up, never had a incident, participated in every season, and almost have over 4000 posts.

Being a Cowboys fan these last few years has beat the optimism out of me. We couldn’t beat the broken Eagles like we couldn’t beat the Jets and Bills…

My main Overwatch partner has ditched me for CoD…
I will not be joining them. Overwatch is my priority multiplayer game.


sorry buddy

that aside, where does one do such “digging”?

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I’m not going to lie…
You are one of my favorite cowboy fans, you knew not to get too excited about your guys 3-0 start.
I’m sorry about yesterday, I know how bad that hurts.

That was my favorite part about last night.
No offense akaras.