The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

apology accepted.

now you know and knowing is half the battle.


i am old enough to remember that on tv :o

I’m from New Mexico we don’t know what rain is!

They have a kid and live together so of course I am not trying put moves on her, I’m sort of a glorified butler when I’m here at my brothers place.
The one thing about my ABQ family is they all are looking for a GF for me even though I am not interested.

How could you two leave me alone with Seren…

So is Widow and I


its always the butler :roll_eyes:

they dont know you are only interested in widowmei ^_~

im nobodies babysitter :o

how was it living while dinosaurs were around ;D?

Don’t you have a birthday coming up soon?

I can’t say I missed comments like this when you were mia.

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Instantly thought of these Dinos

But don’t you care about Serens innocence?

According to my cousins from Las Cruses I’m into my step sisters because I’m in ABQ alot. It’s not my fault my old man lives with the girls and him and I work on my vehicle while I’m here.

Sometimes yeah but other times it’s the GFs best friend who works with some random dude and gets the GF and the random dude to meet up then they continue to meet up in secret until GF decides old BF isn’t as ritch as random dude and ends a four or five year relationship then GF and random guy break up four months later

Mei ice wall nerf!
Just had to toss that in here somewhere.

I missed them

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in late July ;D

you did.
i scrolled and even saw post you agreed mei wasnt evil :open_mouth:

power rangers

they were on when i was a child.
and i heard they had horrible pay and treatment doing the show :confused:
someone even broke a bone filing.

hes a big boy. knows wrong from right.

cant hold ppls hands forever and have to letthem learn how world works!

you havent said to kick em out.

so imma have agree with your cousins.

also from legal standpoint if they are not blood related and only by marriage its technically legal. (but a bit creepy)

[pity head pat]

its okay. you can let it all out. widowmei is here for you if you need a shoulder to cry on.

acceptance is the 5th stage of grief.

You are the best at teasing us.

It’s cool now, that was years ago I’m completely over that stuff.

This is exactly what they say!
Three of four of them have boyfriends already!

It’s their house, I’m a visitor why would I want them gone?
Also we have only really started getting to know each other these last two or three years.

Not really, he mei-ns Mercy we all know Mei is the way

Hey! Im 30 I was a child during the original run of the show. I even have the toy of the green rangers zord

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did you read what you posted? thats isnt completely over it v_v

it is the truth thoguh.

also your stealing your brothers gf so i dont see how them being in a relationship matters to you homewrecker o3o!..also that still leaves 1 not with anyone.


mercy is best and mei is 2nd best.

i know it hurts to hear truth but you can change facts. did mei get unmatched lvls of hate by community? did mei define a meta for ages? did mei get too strong the devs ruined her just to shut ppl up?

didnt think so <_<

his name was Tommy Oliver and his megazord was dragonzord he called with his dagger flute v_v

That he played like a trumpet that sounded like a synthesizer.

Perfection doesn’t need work.

I would never do that to anyone!
My step sisters BFs all like me and my bro and his GF have a kid.

Oh it most definitely is over and that story wasn’t about anyone we know I just made it up :wink:

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which version?

perfection leads to stagnation and stagnation to decay.

thats what all ppl say v_v
they wont admit they are one.

me and widowmei are on to you!

i have my doubts.

[pressed F to doubt]

But it’s true!

But you just said I only have eyes for widow!

She did get a wall nerf and a blaster buff

Both. If I remember correctly the second part of that vid always played when green was issuing a command

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as in we know your really a gf stealing homewrecker :O!

you dont love them, just in it for their $.

you said she was perfection…change means not perfect. means you lied :\


I can’t steal all GFs! eventually I won’t be able to steal any.

They don’t want her to decay, they just changed her for fun. The Mei changes are hardly noticeable.

But that story was fake

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In Trump’s voice: you are fake news.

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mine is impossible to steal even for a master thief :O!!!

so after we accused you you decided “migth as well do it if they think i do it”

so now it IS true ;D!

plz no :frowning:
dont speak his name in this thread.

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Akaras is funny. he thinks you and I fight all the time, yet you and I get along better than you and him. Poorkaras.

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What about a grand master thief!?

Yeah, thats how I roll.

I could be worse
I could be a Bastion main.