The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

Maybe, but he’s out with an knee injury now after tonight’s game. Celtics play too much hero ball instead of team ball.


I don’t know, man. I go out with my mom and dad, and there’s a handsome guy with a pretty girl, they’re both obviously dressed up for a date, except they’re not even talking to each other, they’re sitting across from each other and poking away at cell phones.

Maybe I am an old fossil and can’t get with the times, but I can’t accept that.

If you look at the Cleveland Browns or the Buffalo Bills, it kinda makes one wonder how they have a fan base. The truth is, I don’t think it matters what team you root for, you pick up a beer, lay back after a hard day, and cheer. Chicago Cubs fans waited literally 100 years for their team to win a World Series. If they win, if they lose, it’s about being a fan around other fans.

Buffalo Bills, my friend.

Pats win so much at this point that a lot of people want another team to win. Doesn’t mean Tom Brady’s pockets are lonely, just means a lot of people are sick of him. xD

I haven’t followed basketball in a long time, but Celtics had Larry Bird, who was the only player who could stand toe to toe with Michael Jordan: the grandmaster of three pointers vs. the grandmaster of slam dunks. The Atlanta Olympics gathered all the superplayers into one Dream Team, America won the gold medal match by EIGHTY ONE POINTS in that Olympics.

Pretty much and kind of an bad mood from an bad day at work lol. Watching that game just made even more bitter in the end.

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Love 'em or hate them someone is always talking about 'em Americas team!

Easy! When one is caught cheating as many times as the Pats you know they are going to “win” some titles.

They could be talking to each other through the phones. Which is dumb…

You have seen the principal skinner meme right?
They are the ones who are wrong!


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Would like that Pats dynasty to come for different Boston team. Mostly the Celtics or Bruins because don’t really care about the Patriots overall lol.


I stopped caring when people started putting Tom on a pedestal. He is a good QB that is undeniable, but Belichick is a great coach. Did the Pats stop winning when Tom was suspend? That was all Belichick.


Brady is just another good quarterback and that’s it. I hate it when people push the GOAT agenda. It’s kind of stupid.


My candidate for that title is Aaron (I just put Aaron to annoy Widowmeiker) he does some good work. He mei not have as many titles but he is still exciting to watch.


My best friend deals with his hometown team sucking by being the Bills anti-fan. You can have a lot of fun creatively pointing out the Bills’ sheer hopelessness. This one time, I told him the Bills beat the Patriots to go into the playoffs, man he had a good laugh on that one.

I am just waiting for Tom Brady to get caught cheating with 14 chicks at once, including an adult film “actress.” Tiger Woods got caught in that situation, it essentially destroyed his stardom; he lost his game and never really recovered. The grieving wife got 300 million out of her grief, so yeah.

While across the table from each other? I only take my cell out if I have a really good idea that I need to write down and then I put it right away. I try not to get the cell involved if other people are present.

Mei is not Talon, she’s Sweetie.

I think it’s pretty standard for super-teams to eventually decline. Which is what happened to the Celtics and the Bruins. I wonder if the Browns or Bills will someday be able to do what the Cubs did.

Well, the Eagles beat the Pats last year, so the Philly fans took this as a great opportunity to destroy their own city. Be careful what you wish for.

Well, he’s not just another good quarterback; a coach can’t win a game without an effective team.

I want Hammond v. Farrah in a slam dunk competition.


I can’t believe you make me stand up for Tom Brady so much (I don’t even like him). But that’s like saying MJ was just good without Phil Jackson.
How did the bulls do when MJ retired to play baseball? They went 55-27, that was all Phil Jackson.

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MJ was the center of the team but the rest of the team was not small potatoes. Scottie Pippen and Armstrong were the other stars. One guy cannot carry everything, not even MJ. He had very solid assistance.

And yeah, the Bulls were weakened when MJ left to play baseball, but I’ve been here in Chicago a long time, and MJ was a total idiot to play baseball. The papers blew up when he finally scored a home run, at which point the sane people all realized he was worthless as a baseball player. By the time he realized this and tried to go back to basketball, his edge was long gone.

Still, the 1990s Bulls were pretty cool to watch. The looting and riots that happened when they won wasn’t cool to watch though.


We’ll see how the Pats do when Tom is gone. Most likely Bill will leave as well so we won’t be able to test your “Phil” theory.

No one can arc it like Junkrat though

A team can’t win without a effective coach.

Alot of excitement over winning that first title.

Okay… Mei Blackwatch than.

They probably communicate better through text, or they could have been deaf.

This has been me since Garrett took over as coach for Dallas.

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The bulls did really well the year after MJ left, so even if the pats do well without Brady, does that really weaken my argument?
And it really wasn’t a theory, I was just using your argument to show you that you could say that about many players.
MJ is still the goat in my opinion, even though he had a hall of fame coach.
Brady is arguably the goat even though he has a hall of fame coach.


Bill with any other QB would still make it to the playoffs. Especially with those six easy divisional games. Image what he could do with a actual good QB like discount double check.

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Phil Jackson has won championships without Jordan. Bill hasn’t won one without Brady.
Aaron Rodgers is overrated in my opinion.

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That is what it supposed to sound like with divisional rivals. Tell me who is the great oppressor is for the Pats…


You can’t because the teams in the Pats division have been garbage!

It is like playing Rein vs Pharah on Ilios


I was going to say maybe the Steelers, but yeah they don’t have a ton of competition in their division.

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You know how easy it is to get to the play offs when you get those six games every year…
And they call him the “GOAT”

Vikings have a stronger division than the Pats

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Getting to the playoffs is a lot easier than winning 6 rings, but why haven’t the cowboys won a championship lately considering they are in the NFC lEast?
(Except for last year when the eagles were actually good).

Edit: this came across as a jab on the cowboys, my point was even tho the Patriots aren’t in the most difficult division they still have to get through the toughest teams in the AFC and then beat the best team in the NFC to win a ring.

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