The New Overwatch

Cheaters, Throwers, leavers, spectators. No legit games. Every game has at minimum 1 of these in them at all times. Its a god awful experience that Blizzard actively refuses to acknowledge. Dont be naive and think it will improve with 6v6. This is the culture they have allowed to manifest in this game.


I think Overwatch failed to capture the next demographic of players after millennials and gen z. The game feels super stale and has multiple issues that are causing a lot of issues with the playerbase.

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It really has. None of us asked for this. The game was in a great state Nov 2020. But we all know the devs had to change it…they needed to find a way to hide the fact they wanted a new monetization model in the game. That is the only reason this crap exists today

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It feels like they do not know what they are doing road map wise. There is no plan. I think all the designs under Jeff Kaplan is gone and they do not know what to do.

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The season themes are weird too. See current season. Its june from mars. But we received an egypt battlepass? With new throne of anubis. They are mixing everything and at the end have no idea what they’re doing.

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Ya I noticed that too. I think they are just trying to get anything out that they can so they can try and just keep people happy with half baked maps and skins that don’t match.

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Problem with these “job security” (i mean) 'Live service" games is. They throw ANYTHING on the board and hope it sticks every few weeks, just so they can say they did “something”.

I know. I wish the people well and that they can hold their jobs. But this game is atrocious for the lack of quality today.

Thing is, we really dont know what is going on there. The employees could really know this game is trash, and that their superiors just only want minimal cost effective measures that mean nothing.

Sure they do. This is the golden age of overwatch - full focus on pvp! We’re witnessing the true might of Blizzard at work.

Peak live service gaming glory honestly.

Why in god’s name are spectators on that list?

My man just play comp if you don’t want spectators.

I really hope you forgot the “/s” at the end of this statement. This game right now is trash at best.

I didnt forget it, I refuse to use it. But yes it was absolutely sarcastic. :wink:

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Its very simple…if its already this bad in quick play just imagine how much worse it is in comp when you are actually trying to play competitively. All of those aspects I listed ruin the game. Spectators luckily cant get in comp but they still ruin qp games thru ghosting.

I have played about 35 games of comp in the past 2 days to fix a mistake I made a week ago. I have seen 0 cheaters (though I am sure I will resume seeing them 1 in 10 games once I fix my mistake) have seen 1 leaver, and 0 throwers. So even with a sample of 35 seeing something you say happens every game only 1 time in 35 is astronomically unlikely.

Yeah but a guy could be spin botting and youd just ask him what sens he uses.

Practically most are millennials with one or two boomers.

That’s not a bad thing :joy:

Also millennials are earning and more money to fomo than genz hopping from f2p to f2p

Entirely based :moyai:

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Nah I am pretty good at catching them because shockingly cheaters are very easy to identify on replay. Its not even difficult. Each of the 3 types of cheats have a different tell and since they are used by a player its easy to identify each one.

Again though as someone who, usually, is playing at ranks where you would see a lot of cheaters they are rarer than you think and visible maybe 1 in 10 games.