The new leaver penalty is way too harsh

I’m sure this has changed with the new patch.
I had to leave a game yesterday, played 3 games today and had to leave another game. I received a 20-minute penalty.


Just went and looked at the Valorant leaver penalty list. It gets harsh pretty quickly. Overwatch leaver penalties are pretty mild in comparison.

No wonder Overwatch has had leaver issues for so long. Our penalties for leavers were nothing compared to other competitive shooters.


tbf Valorant doesnt have a backfill system so once someone leaves its a 30 minute 4v5, however yes, other comp shooters are brutal on leavers, ow is a safe haven for ego babies who cant handle defeat screens


So you left 4 out of the past 20. That is what its supposed to do.


Oh they were, they were just less common.

Leavers always ruined games, both in OW1 and OW2.

Its just due to the shift to 5v5, going F2P, battle passes rewards, and alot of other things did the frequency of leaver increase.

There wasnt a singular thing OW could have done to “fix” the massive leavers, expecially when the reasons ranged from disconnects, to rage quits, to personal prefrence.


No it hasn’t. The rules are the same and you can find them in latest patch notes (Unranked Leaver Penalty Updates):

It keeps counting in between gaming sessions / different days so maybe you encountered that or something?

i love when people cry that “we shouldnt punish leavers we should reward stayers” because it completely ignores why people quit matches, leaving would be just as bad if you had a “you stayed for 15 matches, heres 25 credits” system or someting

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Overwatch has had problems with matchmaking from the beginning.
Leavers in QP have never really been a problem because of the backfilling.
Sometimes the quality of the games even improved after backfilling.
It’s obvious why they are doing this right now.

Valorant is a competitive shooter, Overwatch QP is something completely different.

Unfortunately, not all of us can play 20 games a day without interruption.

I know that many players will stop playing for the same reasons.


yes because everyone is notoriously joyous whenever they get backfilled into a loss

you dont… have to? you just have to not quit 4 out of your next 20 games, hell the game warns you when you are close to the punishment


yea the penalty for backfill makes this worse, eff that i dodge the crap outta PUSH/FLASH POINT, but then get stuck in backfill… no Thanks, FFA it is, spend most of my time in there anyways dodging crap push/flash. Give me MODE SELECT.

yeah I think backfill should get the same few seconds of unpunishable quitting when loading into a map like normal, getting forced into flashpoint because of backfill is icky


would be reasonable but can’t have that in this game.

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I understand that you don’t want to get into a 1-second game. That has always been very stupid and players were right to complain about it.
This could easily have been fixed by the developers.

Other than that, nothing has bothered me at all over the years about players leaving before the end of the match.

keyword me

you may not mind it, but the guy who has enough free time for two games at most a day probably will

Not quite sure why some players feel so entitled to a game without leavers in a casual mode. Nothing was paid for the game nothing was paid in subscription, so not really sure what equity is paid out to justify “I am entitled to this!” I mean at least in OW1 you could say I paid X amount of dollars to play this. But for those that remember their history of the game this argument was used back then, for a more serious qp, and most people still agreed qp was a casual mode. If you want a super sweaty win at all cost game mode quit clicking qp and go to competitive. Years back when Jeff announced competitive mode in a dev update video he stated that competitive was for people that wanted super serious games and quick play was for trying new strats, trying new heroes… so on and so forth in a casual mode.

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you sign up for something and back out, you rob other people of the opportunity of a fair game

why are you entitled to potentially ruining a game for 9 other people because you cant commit? why is your time more important that anyone elses in that match

you literally made the bed, lie in it.


Don’t tell us, go tweet at OW devs. This is their decision.

I play about 20 matches in 2 or 3 days. Sometimes I have to leave my matches. Statistically speaking, I would say 1/6 of my matches.
Please don’t tell me that you think that the person who only has time for 2 games a day is not affected by the new penalties.

Becuase people want to play the game, The game is 5v5, not 4v5, not 2v3, but 5v5 and that requires people to stay in a game.

“but backfills” are bandaids fixes so that people can still attempt to finish a game, but its not perfect, it takes time to find someone, they start at 0 ult charge, your team is down a person, ect.

If I wanted to play a game of musical chairs, I would go back to kindergarten.

my point is leaving can ruin the game for people who only get a few matches in every once in a while. imagine you played basketball and every game one of your teammates left without explanation, would you still enjoy basketball when you’re always a man down due to no fault of your own?