The new DPS passive was a mistake

It’s a classic case of exacerbating existing issues:

-It specifically makes flankers better, even though they’re already too good (Looking at you Genji).
-It makes hard-to-hit heroes even harder to hit and makes hyper mobile heroes even more mobile (looking at you, Tracer)
-It makes the DPS role even more snowbally (which, no, isn’t a good thing).
-It makes projectiles even worse (it’s harder to aim since things are moving faster even though there’s no visual cue for it.)

There are plenty of ways to give DPS a passive. Something like “Deal more damage to heroes below 100 HP” would be totally fine. Just stop trying to give them movespeed, it brings all of the frustrations of the old passive with no added benefits.

The devs said they’d revisit this. Please, try something else.


anyone that thinks genji is a flanker instantly loses all credibility lol

he’s barely an assassin, flankers require self sustaining skills like recall or translocater. genji has a giant bullseye painted on him that says “shoot me”.

but yes dps being strong is a good thing. ow1 was at its best when dps was a strong roll and when supps and tanks largely played as dps.

the game died out when they made things far more rigid with supports being glorified healers and tanks being shields+CC

This guy has the nerve to talk about credibility.


tbf i do actually know what im talking about lol

calling genji a flanker is like saying healers arnt the most OP role in ow1 and ow2; its factually wrong but commonly repeated by low elo players.

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In what way is genji a flanker? He hardly has any options for getting around the map.

Now Window is a flanker. Her grapple hook can launch her dozens of feet across the map, easily allowing her to set her trap for maximum distraction to easily set up a flank kill.

Genji is obviously a sniper, with the ability to snipe THREE targets at a time with his right click. That’s easy 2/3rds of the enemy team!

Calling genji a flanker, lol.

In all my games as a support I’ve been killed by a genji from behind maaaaaybe twice. Three times if you count the time his dragon blade accidently put him behind me.

The nerve of some people…

that big bullseye that says “shoot me” is exactly whats wanted by those that main genji because of that magic deflect button.

Genji is an assassin flanker. with plenty of maneuverability to get behind enemy lines and escape too. just need some skill

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ye but then it ends and they die lol

you dont have to shoot into deflect.

he is not a flanker and never was. if you play him as a flanker in a masters+ game you will die every single time unless you have a perma pocket. (and even with this, u will probably still die)

Clearly you didn’t actually understand the main issues I brought up in my post.

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your complaints were

“too snowbally, makes my aim worse”

the 2nd one is a skill issue, lucio has been speed boosting teams for literal years and people had no trouble hitting anyone then.

and “too snowbally” is exactly what made ow1 popular.

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Your reading comprehension isn’t great.

And “Too snowbally” is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a pull of OW1.

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low bait genji mains out in earnest tonight.


Or the more sensible solution:

Just don’t give them a passive as they don’t need one….

tanks and supports got one in order to address the lack of a second tank and subsequent balance changes and what that meant for their play styles

Dps aren’t really impacted much by that dynamic and aren’t in need of help

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Firmly disagree, But thats okay!

There isn’t any dev anymore from my POV, IDK who made this garbage but they are clearly noobs at work.