The most op dive charcter that poeple forget

Its D.V.A she is op
she is tank
- who has some of the best moblity in the game
- she also has some of the best burst damage in the game
- she can also block alot of ults and dps
- to nerf her she shouldnt be able to shoot rockets and df at the same time

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LOL Because Brig and Doom got shafted Dva is suddenly op again even though absolutely nothing has changed about her since her last nerf.

Yea ok, take your witch hunt elsewhere.


Nope, i can’t take this seriously because you spelt a lot like that.

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I mean I am not saying D.Va is or isn’t OP but if enough nerfs happen to the right heroes then she could certainly appear so.

people don’t care that is extremely strong witha 98% pickrate because it’s not reflected in pubs

yet whenever she does get an absurd pickrate in pubs people still don’t care, so idk

she has always been op when wasn’t she op

dva isnt op XD nor does she have one of the best burst either being that either most of it will most likely miss or shes in your face taking self damage as well and the damage itself isnt high either

This is why D.Va got like 5 nerfs. They didn’t ignore her power, they clearly and gradually reduced it. She could maybe use a slight shift into being tankier while doing a bit less damage, but the game has way bigger issues and a few other hero changes like McCree’s fan buff and the Hog and Reaper buffs will probably affect her quite a lot anyway.

why is her pick rate in owl and world cup 99% she is 100% is op

You know, I hadn’t thought about it, but I heard someone speaking about it recently – why is D.Va in every comp? And at what point do we start to think about adjusting D.Va so that she isn’t in every comp?

D.Va is only really OP at the highest level in the game. At almost every other rank she is balanced.

Oh not this again.

If people can’t learn to bait her DM and just shoot all ults at her matrix like there’s no tomorrow, it’s not D.Va’s problem.
If she’s not in your face, then she wont burst you. She’s easily killed when out of DM (which lasts 2! sec).

You need an off tank in every game, and he works with every main tank. She works with Triple and Quad tank, and she only competes with 3 other heroes for an off tank spot in 2-2-2. Of the other 3 off tanks, Zarya only works with Rein, and the other 2 are massive feeders. She’s in a unique spot where she’s decent everywhere, but not great anywhere, while the other OTs are very inflexible and have maps that they are quite bad on, even if they excel on others.

Overwatch also has a lot of multi-level maps but before Hammond, only one mobile off tank

On ladder, Zarya outperforms her in pretty much every measurable way stats wise anyway.

Being flexible is not the same as being OP

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