The most controversial change

I do not like this idea at all. Sounds like a very clunky solution to something thats not even a real problem outside of 5v5 tank counters, which is really an unrelated issue caused by the format.

He says it should be the main format regularly, and he says this idea should also be the main format.
He wants both.
He wants invisible Mauga.

Not angry. His ideas are abysmal so I’m making fun of them.
Scrapping the tank role leads to giga-GOATs. This double trouble idea can lock you into getting countered and makes Counterwatch unfathomably worse, and it can make already broken meta characters like Hazard or Sojourn 10x worse.

Neither scrapping the tank role or this idea would help. Not a single soul playing this game wants to deal with server admin Sojourns and Widows that can instantly transform into Mauga the instant you get to them.

Tell me you don’t know how to use a forum without telling me you don’t know how to use a forum. Heaven forbid you add anything constructive to the discussion rather than just being toxic or trolling for no reason. Must be the whole, mad cuz can’t deal with a sombra or reaper, thing you were super upset about

My first response was pointing out the Counterwatch issues of this idea in a respectful manner. He then told me I can’t read and that I should get a degree before replying again.
Heaven forbid you actually read the discussion.

The fact that you fail to see the issue with a character with a potential one-shot being able to walk into one-shot range for free and being able to escape for free is concerning.

So “But he started it!!!” Is your defense. Good to see we made it out of kindergarten. Amazing way to have a legit conversation or discussion

And I do see the problem in that. The issue is you attack first thing and don’t even give the opportunity for someone to make a point before you, right off the bat, get angry over nothing

I don’t care.
Don’t show respect, don’t get respect.
The ideas are objectively terrible, end of story.

Except you clearly do or you wouldn’t be so upset and keep arguing a mute point that has nothing to do with the conversation that you are adding nothing of substance to because you just stay mad out the gate.

Your attitude is objectively terrible along with discussion skills. End of story :man_shrugging:

Except I don’t.

I pointed out the flaws of the system.
I never even insulted him directly, just his ideas and went into explicit detail as to why, ain’t my problem if you can’t read.

Not mad

Womp womp

Okay this made my day

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Your giving their character far too much credit

And all I hear from you is the most brainrotten takes imaginable.
Yeah good idea guys, let’s bring back GOATs and double shield, the most despised metas from OW1. That’ll definitely bring players back from MR.

My character is immaculate thank you very much, ain’t my problem if your lack of reading comprehension and discussion skills can’t help you see that.

I think they’re still angry

I’m not but keep going, it’s funny.
Saying “it could help you’re just toxic” while saying nothing as to how it could help is not actual discussion by the way, you’re playing Devil’s advocate without any actual advocating.

Except that I did. I added to the discussion on how the idea could be workshopped or improved. You just came out shooting it down and adding nothing productive to it, got called on it, and got mad. And I’m starting to agree with mid on the reading skills now. You haven’t added anything other than “iT wOnT WOrK InVisIBle mAuG!!!”

Please tell me anything productive you’ve added instead of just arguing and shooting down ideas calling them dumb?

That is not the only outcome I mentioned.
Stacking immorts with Venture/Tracer and Baptiste/Kiriko. Dominating the entire lobby as Widow then switching to 400 health Torb and dominating any dive hero who gets close to you. Invisible Mauga. EMPing as Sombra then shattering for free as Rein. Being able to reach any position for free as Widow or Sojourn with invisibility and being able to escape any divers. Ana’s main weakness of dive no longer exists because you can just pick Lucio and bail or pick Brig. Ball and Hazard become the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free cards because of their insane survivability, a Hazard/Ball combo is borderline unkillable. Imagine trying to kill a tank, then they get suzu’d, then lamped, then lifegripped. Getting hooked by Hog, javelinned by Orisa, punched by Doom, shattered and pinned by Rein. Getting hooked by Hog or knifed by Queen and they turn into Mauga and cage you. Invisible Reaper waltzing into the backline and blossoming. Echo essentially getting to be 3 characters at once. Invisible Ashe getting to waltz into the backline for free then dropping Bob on the supports. Mauga turning into Zarya and spam cleansing every single counter he has. Getting hacked by Sombra then getting flash banged by McCree. Invisible Pharah waltzing into the backline and ulting the supports. Shattering as Rein then fluxing as Sigma before the stun from shatter is even over.
Shattering as Rein then dropping mines as Ball on the still-stunned team.
Oh and if one player’s picks happens to counter both of the other player’s picks, they are countered for the rest of the game and have no way out of it. Only picking meta becomes more important because if you get stuck on characters like Hog or Bastion that can’t out-play their counters as well as Hazard or Tracer, you lose. There is no workshopping or adjusting that. A lot of the previous issues I mentioned can be solved by say having ult charge apply to both characters and not separately so you can’t charge both up and get guaranteed teamwipes, but there is no getting around Counterwatch. There won’t be any rampant mid-match constant swapping, sure, but if you draw the wrong cards, you either automatically lose the game or automatically lose any chance of having fun in the match.
Should I go on?

Also, still not mad. Saying “You’rE jUsT mad and ToXiC” is all you have added and is mind you, not an actual argument.

:joy:Thanks for proving my point for me with every new post you make lil bro. You’re doing great

So notice how you didn’t actually address how any of those issues can be solved, you’re still going with the mindset of “you’Re JuSt MaD and TOxiC” as the basis of your entire argument.

Well according to you I don’t need to. According to you I just need to disagree with you, not address any point you make, and just tear down everything you say as you say it because I don’t like it.

Or do you not want people to treat you the way you treat them, and be able to have actual conversations like an adult? Cuz so far you’re only showing the former, and I have better things to do than laugh at a little kids toxic mindsets

I point out major issues

Your response is “You’Re NoT hElPinG yoU’Re JuSt ToXic AnD maD”

What stops a player from picking Sombra/Pharah, finding the closest support, and point blank ulting them? Because that is a guaranteed death. Only Moira and Kiriko can survive that if they have perfect reaction times, the rest will die and cannot do anything about it.

You pointed out the same countering issue and argument that has been beaten to death, and when presented with the super easy solution of dealing were very easily countered hero’s. To which you got mad. And have stayed as such lol. You’re just repeating yourself a lot now. Bye bye champ