The Moira guide that you need (Be a real HEALER)

I am a Moira main and seeing lots of people playing her in a completely wrong way, mostly in low ssr matches, so I am here to help you play Moira if you want to learn her, she is very easy to learn and effective as well.

`First of all I would like to introduce Moira’s weapons and abilities. Biotic grasp ( healing and damage ) as primary, biotic orbs and fade as abilities, and coalescence as ultimate. Lets talk about Moira’s healing first.

Moira’s primary healing is very high which has a 70 health healing per second.

  • Note - Lingering healing - The teammates got healed by Biotic grasp will be continually healed for 35hp after Moira stop spraying at them. Remember about lingering healing, you don’t need to keep healing teammates until they are full health, just heal until their health bars seems to have 35hp more till full. (Why? Your biotic energy will runs out and you need to recharge, so conserving it will be a good choice)

  • Moira’s healing can goes through shields so there will be no obstacles for healing your team.

  • Your team needs you, once you are dead your team mostly will not be able to survive without you especially in low ranks, keep yourself as safe as possible, don’t just fade in to heal a Rein that charged into the enemy team, your role is more important than them. Stays in the backline.

Okay, not we finished talking about healing then lets go about Moira’s secondary, which is the biotic grasp’s damage

Moira’s secondary damage is actually very low which only has a 50 damage per second, Moira can also heal herself when damage with a 20 healing per second speed.


  • The most common mistake of people is abusing right click which does not requires any aiming skills and can also heal themselves up, its important that you need to know you are a “HEALER” and your are not responsible for killing and damaging. Focus on healing your team, your dps and tanks can eventually take out the enemies no matters how bad they are, just if you take care and heal them welly.

  • So when do we right click/ L2? Easy, when Moira grasp the enemy, your healing charges will restore very quickly, so the answer is clearly that you use your grasp to restore your charges. It is also a good time to give up healing and to kill when you can make sure that your team is safe and winning so go take out those contesting Lucios.

Ok now orbs, the biggest reason why Moira is very good at team fights

  • Damage orbs - Do not abuse this, I repeated do not abuse that. Another crazy mistake that people makes is using damage orbs instead of heal orbs. Heal orbs are so much more effective than damage orbs, don’t trust me? Lets go to Overwatch Wiki and find out, damage orbs does 200 damage in total, healing orbs does 300 healing per second, so? Obviously I recommended you to mostly use heal orbs in most situations. So when do we use damage orbs? Simple, when the enemy is far so you can throw a damage orb to farm your ultimate, for example, at spawn. Or just like grasp, when your team is all safe and lots of enemy are at low hp, throw a damage orb to take out them.

  • Healing orbs - As I said in the last paragraph you this orb is the one you should abuse. There are some more advanced tips I can tell, while healing (Which is doing your job), if the charges is low then throw a heal orb to heal your teammates, during that time you grasp and recharge your energy, then you healing with spray, when it runs our again the cooldown of the healing orbs should be done, then repeat them. Spray - Orb - Recharge - cooldown done - spray…

  • Another way to use heal orbs is when your teammates are so far away (Like a genji climbed to the other side of the map and yells I need healing), throw an orb to him, so you won’t get into trouble, and the Genji is happy.


  • Okay its another easy one, fade away when you are indanger, like dodging Dva’s ultm don’t use fade to rush into the enemy pls

Finally, (I hope you won’t get frustrated by reading these long paragraphs), her ultimate. If you actually follows the guide I had, you should be able to charge up ult fast, focusing on healing can charges up ult much more faster then going dps. Now, one tip to improve, throw an orb as well before you ult, which? If your teammates are in danger which is at low hp or maybe get grav’ed, throw a heal orb then ult; If your teammates are fine, then throw a damage orb to deal enough damages. Even that, put healing at first and damaging at second.
Thank you!

  • Well I suggest you to stick with one of a tank (Not if he/she is between 6 enemies), taking care of your tanks is more important than dps, choose the tank you feels like is stronger. Like tank 1 as Rein charges off map, tank2 as Sigma kills 5 with his grav, then go for tank 2.

Your team is a car, healers are the wheels, tanks are the body and dps are the window.


I’m a Moira main and what is this healing orb you speak of?


If you play in low ranks, you need dmg/kills a lot more than healing. Healing will often not win games for you there.

Moira is not healer, you are support hero. Being heal bot is hardly way to win games.

Sorry I have to say that I dont agree with your guide.


One mistake.

I think you mean that healing orb does 65 healing per second to teammates targeted by it, and can heal up to 300 health per orb.

Other than that, it’s a decent guide.

Decent guide for most gold+ people, but for people in very low ranks with little knowledge of positioning and when to push/fallback, it is a terrible guide.
Moiras in bronze and silver that truly want to climb should be putting a lot of pressure on enemies and DPS Moira’ing.


With that name I thought you were going to say to learn a hero that actually requires you to get good at the game.

“Sweats in DPS Moira”.

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This coaching session of bronze player is good example why I dont agree with guide from OP.


The orb passes through shields but it can’t heal through them. Moira’s primary also does not go through shields.

You are. Supports need to play aggressive and make their own plays. Moira’s way of doing this is with damage. Secure. Those. Kills.

Ana has nade and sleep, Bap has damage, Zen has damage, Mercy has dmg boost, Brig has stun and boop. Deny value and secure kills.

Focus on making plays, If you can secure a kill do it, If you can heal your team do that. It’s moment to moment gameplay.

True but also what if you just dealt the damage. The added pressure of your damage could aid them far more than spewing healing in some cases. Maybe do both, you have an Orb too.

Damage orbs can be good for:

  1. Flanks
  2. Securing low health targets
  3. Tossing at the Enemy for ult charge pre fight.
    Killing anything is almost always far more valuable than healing. So simply using it to finish off a target out of reach is more important for a won fight. YOur 50-100dps can make the difference in a duel. It can deny healing like Soldier’s, mercy’s or even another Moira.

Bad usage, let your co-support deal with that or Genji can come back. This is a 10 second cooldown with a lot of value, tossing it so far away will not be good when you need it for the other 4 teammates, or even yourself.

Fade should be used to rush when you can secure kills. It’s on a fairly short cooldown so if you can take an advantageous position, do it.
I’ve blocked doorways by fading, even flanked to behind the enemy team for a coalescence that hits my team and their from their backline.

It does. But it doesn’t mean you should neglect your damage. It’s the only thing besides your healing you have to offer.

Healing who-ever is making plays is more important. Your tanks could be terrible, identifying key players in your team is important, Yes heal the bad players, but don’t risk your life for them, make your own plays and keep valuable team mates alive.


Yes, I typed wrong, its 300 health per orbs

Can you fix your post? just edit the text.

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All I can say is when I’m playing tank the good Moiras are ones that do these few things. Stay behind the tanks! Use healing orb during team fights, use damage to top off their healing pool, and keep the tanks alive. Anything else irritates me to no end. Im very aggressive on tank, my supports dont typically need to worry about me playing too far back im aggressive enough for everyone just keep me alive!

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Ok I don’t think that has any issues at all. Just spend more time to actually read.

You mean except the typo you admitted about the healing being per orb and not per second? Not too much to ask for you to fix your post when you recognize a mistake instead of just typing “hurr durr maybe read it?” They did. That’s why they noticed the mistake.

The guide overall is fine, basic, but fine. Reread it yourself and check for any typos before anyone is misinformed by it. Or would you rather one of your teammates yell constantly about Moira’s orb healing 300 health per second?

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Yes, if you want to be stuck in rank as heal bot :slight_smile: after reading guide, i learned to not abuse right click and dmg orb… That is exactly what you need to do in low ranks. And I guess guide was made for them?

I have feeling from this guide that OP has issues with Moira players who focus too much on dmg. And thats why he did this topic.

Right clicklick - - > dont abuse it
Dmg orb - - > dont abuse it, bad moira! :roll_eyes:

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Some people only have skills, but no prides; some people only have prides, but no skills. If you ask me to choose one then I will always choose to have skills, even if you give me a second chance. Your rank is just a drug, you see how high you are, you smiled and are blissed because of the honour you get, but what you really get is being irresponsible of your role and always try to outplay your enemies by using incorrect way. Skills is knowledge, you might not have the pride that you are on top of others, but the skills and knowledges you get are evidences of how good you are, you do your “Real” job as your role, you don’t play dirty to win but that is the reason why you are in the bottom, because justice is hard to beat injustice. I hope people understand what this means, its implicit but if you understand this “Idiom”, you will know what is the true meaning of a “Good player”.

Well, its kinda nice guide, tnks, but in this game there are no healers, as ppl already said.
While reading it got a feeling that this guide was not written by moira main.
There is support and its not the same. So few things to make clear:

  1. Moira has probably the lowest dps in the game but you still need to focus to dps and need to focus to heal and healing pool is finite, so in order to refill it one can wait, but its much better to dps.
  2. Moira is best at finishing off very weak opponents, so usually if you play correctly you will have at least 2 golds: gold eliminations and gold heals. So always focus on finishing off the weak. Moira can do it much faster than most dps in game.
  3. Moira cannot heal nor dps through the opponent shields, only the orbs can pass through, so if your team does not nuke the shields basically no heals they get, as an orb has 9sec CD.
  4. A bit of tactics. Moira can beat one on one most of dps and support alone, but need to know when to fight when to run away, the most important factor is distance and area. Some opponents are lethal at close combat in close room the others are best at range in the openings, so its crucial to keep correct distance and be in correct place. In a close room leave them with the dps orb and teleport away. It usually does the job as they prefer to stay in a place they know they have an advantage.
    However, if you decide to engage in combat nuking fully healed opponent it will take crazy amount of time. Like nuking widow can take 4-5 seconds of non stop damage. But using a dps orb with the secondary damage, ana or widow go down in 2-3 seconds. Yet once again, do it only when you are in a useless team, that has very low dps or simply does not know to prioritize targets.
    A word about key players and priorities. In every opposite team there are key players, usually one or two. If they are in the spawn room your team wins fast, if not - you lose the game, that’s how it goes. So, its important to realize asap who are these guys and focus them, its a team’s job, but support needs to help here. Remember, in 90% of the time the final blow comes from moira, but is less than 10% of total damage done.

She’s being reworked for OW 2… just a thought.

People that think that Supports should only healbot, should get their OW license revoked