The Mercy Think Tank

Dont forget she revives people with their special meter in tact,

They ARE the single target and non burst one.

But this thread isn’t about that, this thread is about how she is slightly less dull than watching paint dry.

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So good and fun that she hasn’t been meta since her 50HPS nerf. Yaaaay

I spotted your nationality. You are French.

their does that work for you?

so basically this

and no that just partially solves her issues
the other thing is that valk is very easy to pull off you don’t need as much of a premonition as you did w/ mass rez to get value out of it it is easy to survive just check for hitscans and the heal/dmg boost choice is binary for the most fights

also nitpicking time!

which in most cases has the same effect as standing in front of someone w/ a shield giving someone a shield booping an enemy away or using a defensive ultimate
it doesn’t “drastically” change the state of the fight it affects it the same way those other abilities affect it

i’d be ok w/ it if it was a 2 sided ability and this is what i mean by that

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Not really.

That would have people making sure they die a second in, for the 200 rather than 80 healing. It would be WEIRD.

But SOMETHING like that to make her more interesting, sure.

I would:

Make Rez ult. Single target, still short range but instant cast to maintain the fluidity of her kit. Quick charge like pulse bomb. I used to be anti Rez, but I think it’s an important counter to one shots.

Damage boost on a generous meter. She should still be able to pocket most of the time, especially if she is good at feathering in heals to let it recharge, but it introduces nuance to that playstyle, and is a small nerf to uncontested pharmercies/widowpockets that aren’t needing to heal. Also allows her room to pull out her pistol without feeling like she is wasting boost potential.

E becomes some kind of skill shot utility like sleep dart. Not that effect, but similar effectiveness/difficulty. Pacify maybe? Not a hard CC, but disables damaging abilities. Maybe a short range thing where she buffets them with her wings? I dunno.

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Mercy’s healing is fine, people don’t seem to understand that with someone like Ana or Baptiste you have to be able to consistently hit and heal moving targets to achieve that kind of healing per second. Even missing one shot would put Mercy at a higher healing rate.

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still boring

Maybe she could get an ability to carry someone with her GA on a 6-9s CD.

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Ok to nit pick you now

No rez Effects the underline mechanic that is death, as in this state you are unable to provide any form of support, damage, sheilding. or simply even build your ult charge. On top of not being able to do so for roughly 20 ish seconds past death between the ten second respawn and the long walk back to what ever point your shooting for.

where as a booping/ stunning away a rien can lead to a team not having protection for a few seconds, which yes can be devastating in a few instances

Be it that with Rez have the enemy sinking in resources to go into a complete advantage with a 5v6 to being put back into 6v6 scenario if not worse.

To put it simply Rez is not a comparable utility, as it does swing the advantage both in team numbers as well as ult economy. All for a cooldown ability.

You also forgot to put in

  • After the 2 second duration the selected target will receive 80 point of healing.

  • Resurrected targets will now only receive 200hp upon revival.

  • Target will no longer loss control upon being Rezed.

Also what you define as a two-sided ability is what most people call being counter-play. As in currently you have Rez be canceled upon death, which is something that can be applied to the new version as well. Be it that i don’t really see that being a necessity.

But I will say this you’r not going to see a flat buff to mercy with her current kit. As the moment she is out healing other healers, their would quite frankly be no reason to play anything else at a pro level. On top of being extreamly difficult to manage at lower ranks where simply killing the mercy right off the back is out of the question.

so if you want a more proactive Mercy you’r going to have to swap out rez, which is the main mechanic holding her back.

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i can imagine that causing more trolling than actually being helpful

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Better idea then, the ability gives the target a charge of GA that activates on jump.

That said, and sorry for the double reply, I’d rather she get something that she personally can make a play with. Just thought the idea of giving bastion or someone wings sounded fun. XD

maybe something like this?

what you looking for is to replace rez with something more pro-active like a halo that thrown over an allies head that will do an 80 burst heal after two seconds or prevent a single death and burst heal 200 if hp goes below zero. ontop of no longer losing control of your character upon being rezed.

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I thought about that, something like guardian angel from WoW. But then I imagined it on someone like ulting nanogenji or something and feel like it might cause some irritating/broken combos.

Ah true true that would be an issue that would need some fine tuning I suppose.

Wasn’t this said before Moira and Baptiste became relevant though? If anyone’s taking it out of context it’s you as those two newer heroes can do over double Mercy’s healing output in an AoE.


with a tiny bit of premonition you can prevent the death w/ those other abilities it has, for the most part, the same effect

and i can say the same for the cast time of rez

again w/ some premonition it wud’ve been a 6v6 from the start and the fight wudve been the same whether it was w/ rez or boop

well i just compared them

so does booping for instance it’s not as huge as you make it sound like it is

no i didnt

she’s not doing enough considering her entire kit

funny enough she’s getting no play at all at the pro level… i’ve been told by the forums