The Mercy Raid?

I understand why they are doing this, but I believe it is going to far and they have lost their argument. All this is going to do is really just hurt them, their image, and their cause. I empathize with them, but this is not the way they should be going


“Stick your head in the sand.”

A common idiom that means the refusal to confront or acknowledge a problem.

Still not getting metaphors and idioms I see.


You understand people throwing child tantrums because they’re not getting what they want? That’s not healthy for anyone and it makes our community look bad. You shouldn’t support any of this.


There have been plenty, but all ignored.

Nothing else worked, so i support them in trying new tactics.

What should they do? Or rather, what hasn’t already been tried which may work?


They weren’t ignored. Blizzard listened and disagreed with them. Listening does not require giving in.


Because she’s fine. The devs understand what everyone wants, they just know that everyone’s wrong.


what people are doing is not ok, there is a way to voice your opinion,

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Most of the Reworkmercy players are one-tricks who find her boring and unengaging. Maybe its only me, but if id one trick a character for hundreds of hours then i would find him/her boring to play due to no variety. So i dont really get what they want.

I play Mercy and i think shes fine currently.


Okay, well it’s not going to get them anywhere and it’s only making mercy mains look more toxic. Thank you for supporting toxic behavior and making these forums a bad place.


Just flag them and move on. They are practically spammers and bring nothing constructive. Not to mention that Mercy is currently viable.


Many non-raid post were flaged and deleted.


There’s like 6 posts about Mercy on the front page. How many more do we need?


I think she’s mostly fine as well (outside of maybe a small healing buff but even that I consider debateable.)

I just understand the optics (rather than the reality) of how Mercy’s been treated. To these folks Mercy:
-got a rework they didn’t want
-had most of her “impact” removed
-ended up nerfed into the ground because the poorly thought out rework made her insanely OP

I don’t agree with their tactics at all (unlike what some folks here who utterly fail at reading comprehension claim,) but I see why they’re upset. From their POV, Mercy’s been thrown in the gutter and Blizzard has no intention of fixing her.

I’m in agreement she could use some tweaks (I’m only in favor of a rework if it means replacing rez with something more interesting) but there are other heroes in far worse states at the moment.

Selauriel, you’re part of the problem. Your entire argument is “I think Mercy is fine so those who disagree should just shut up.” MegaDodo is the same way.


If they are listening, they are not hearing. The issues around the ghetto threads and the total lack of feedback to peoples concerns show that well enough.

They have a disenfranchised player base, and have no idea how they got here, or what to do about it.

they sold 40 million copies of overwatch, and are now having server population issues. The amount of players they would have to lose to cause those is immense.

they need to re-engage with their player base, and do it soon. But, they obviously have no idea how to do so any more. Blizzard ‘don’t you all have phones’ entertainment has issues here. Their communication and ability to understand their players so bad now.

They need to give answers to people concerns, not “she is fine” it is a total non answer given by people who don’t want to give a real answer to real questions.

Ghetto threads are not a sign that things are fine, the constant complains on the forums are not a sign that things are fine, and the raid is just another sign.

You don’t see these happening with other heroes, because people are not as angry with Blizzard over other heroes.

They really screwed this up, and have a lot of people who think that there are some major problems.

You don’t solve that by saying “Mercy is fine”, you do it by answering those concerns.


It just makes a bad name for the mercy mains. You don’t see other mains doing revenge on the devs when their main gets nerfed.


Eh, D.Va mains have done similar. Saying that as one.

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What do you mean in particular. I don’t think I am aware of it and even if there was such, i am glad it went unnoticed.

This problem existed WAY before mercy 2.0

Where it really went to custard was during the rework, the Ghetto threads, the total lack of communication. When you have a feedback thread which maxes out the forums post limit, if want people to think you have read any of it, you answer some of the questions it raises, and comment on some of the posts.

But no, nothing. It was a complete disaster.


Oh yeah, The boosted Mercy OTP problem in GM.

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They mistakenly believe they are being ignored…

Blizz just disagrees (and so does a bunch of the community)…