The Mercy Nerfs ruined her

The new mercy Nerf made her really useless and i let me explain why,
Before anything mercy as a healer have 3 special catgories (main heal/off heal & area of healing/single target healing & passive self protection/offensive self protection) which will be compared with the other healers in these categories:

Main healers: Mercy is a main healer which means she does in average more healing than utility.
The hps (healing per second) of every support is:
Ana: 93.75 hps
Moira:80 hps
Mercy: 50hps
Conclusion: for a main healer Mercy is the weakest healer by quit a lot…

single target healing: Mercy can heal only one target at a time

Ana: Heals from long range to prevent her from getting hit in the battle field

Zenyatta: Heals from long range to prevent her from getting hit in the battle field

Mercy: Can only heal her target in close range making her vulnerable inside the battle field

Conclusion: mercy is the only single target healer that needs to be close to her target to heal it.

passive self protection:

Moira: Can fade out of trouble, invulnerable for 0.8 seconds
Lucio: Can boop targets away from it and escape using his speed and wall ride
Mercy: Can fly to the closest player-dead or alive.

Conclusion: Mercy’s self protection depends only on other team members location while the other passive self protection’s heroes depend only on their cool-downs

All of these features making Mercy the worst support to take in 95% of the situations (With the exception of Bastion and Pharah).
And if you would ask me- I think Mercy is dead…


She was boring already and i stopped playing her some months after her rework.

I am honestly happy that more and more mercy players are unhappy with her, now you guys just need to stop playing her if you actually want a change.

Blizzard will only listen to numbers, so if they see her pickrate fall even more they will realize how unpopular she is right now.


We should move Mercy to the DPS slot. This is the only logical path.


The situation is worse than you think. Ana fires 1.25 shots per second, not 1 shot per second. Her actual HP/sec is 93.75 if she’s landing all of her shots between reloads, and that number is actually quite realistic when she’s healing tanks that are easy to hit. Her HP/sec with reloads included is still 82.68 HP/sec since her magazine size buff, making her better than Moira for sustained single-target healing.

Mercy has been left in the dust by the other primary healers.


Honestly, I’m down for Battle Mercy.

  • Reduce the time it takes to switch weapons
  • Make her GA target enemies
  • Rez becomes an instant kill to an enemy
  • Her staff can now drain health, or reduce their damage dealt (while it deals damage)
  • Valkyrie now makes her beam from her staff chain to other enemies, and her pistol now gains increased fire-rate and increased damage

People start playing mercy as an off healer now, I believe she won’t excell at that too since other off healers bring better utility for the team


Yeah I did ask for that too, but it seems that alot of mercy mains love her because of the hero fantasy but not the viability :cry:

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It isn’t very healthy to establish three categories like this and then try to rank the heroes on this arbitrary scale. Right away you come across one problem, which is your… “main healer” category I guess. Namely, you don’t mention that Mercy’s healing is the most consistent of those three. Mercy has no resource to manage with her healing, unlike Ana and Moira. Mercy doesn’t worry about missing her targets; as long as she’s in range, she can start healing or damage boosting, but Ana needs to land her shots (either through a small projectile or while slowed and scoped in), Moira needs to be VERY close to her allies or use a cooldown resource, and both will have their healing interrupted by barriers.

Mercy’s power is how she’s able to keep up with any ally via GA and be able to instantly push out a consistent amount of healing. 50 HPS whenever you want it is an awesome skill, and when you pair that up with Pharah or Widow, you give your Mercy plenty of places to jump to so she can be more involved in the action while still having escape routes/someone to cling to.

You can’t just make up categories of comparison that build Mercy up to fail in each of them when you only look at those categories separately. Zenyatt doesn’t put himself at risk while healing… but his healing is MUCH worse than Mercy’s, he has no mobility, he can only self-heal up to 150 health after THREE seconds of taking no damage, and his healing only lasts for three seconds after LOS is broken from the target. See how I can make Zenyatta seem like the worst support if I just decide to judge him based on whatever makes my argument look good?

Mercy will always get picked up for the power res has, along with her damage boost, her consistency, her mobility, etc. And the pick rates currently show that.


You completely ignored the consistent nature of Mercy’s healing…vs a resource meter for Moira and aiming for Ana…and also SHIELDS.


Yet mercy still maintains a higher average overall healing than Ana, and moira at nearly all but the extreme end of things.

This is because whole Ana can theoretically do these numbers- she often can’t.

That number requires Ana to be capable of having her cross hairs fixed on her target at all times.

And to be blunt: that’s not practical. Ana with her lack of mobility is a prime dive target- and she’s often being chased. There’s a lot of things that straight up force Ana to have to look else where and book it.

Mercy has no such requirements. Once shes attached a beam- she can move duck dodge weave and look anywhere, whether that’s at her target, at the sun, at her feet, or 180 degrees in the opposite direction-

And she’ll keep healing them as long as they’re in range. So even IF you do dive on mercy, there’s a strong chance it wont interrupt her healing.

Not to mention mercy laughs at things like shields and defense matrix’s.

Did a Winston dive and place a shield between Ana and her team?

Sorry team. No hjealz for you.

Mercy? I’m healing you up.

Now don’t get me wrong- I’m NOT justifying the nerf they did to mercy, at all.

But at the same time I do feel context is needed.

Heroes are far more than just their numbers. There’s a lot of things goin on all the time.

Mercy is still the most reliable healer- and still dishes out some of the highest overall healing per game, despite the limitations of being a single target healer.

She IS still keeping people alive- along with help from her team doing their job, of course. Her numbers wouldn’t be what they were if they weren’t (instead her targets would straight up die, and her overall healing would Go down because you can’t heal the dead. Here high because people are staying alive long enough for her to keep pumping them up)

And to be clear even further: I do think mercy was probably over nerfed- and doesn’t perform where I feel she should.

But. Yadda yadda. Context.


Yeah mercy’s healing is the most consistent, that’s true. But moira and ana have other ways to heal: Moira does a lot of AOI healing which keeps working after stopping the heals evdn though its much less, her orb is amasing for aoi healing too, she uses her sec fire to deal damage, to recharge her healing meter and to heal herself (all at the same time) and her ult brings pretty decent healing and has a long range. Even though she doesnt bring so much utility except healing, she excells at it.
Ana has a good burst healing, she has her biotic grenade so even if she facing a hard time to keep her allies alive she can throw it and heal for double heals in addition to the instant 100 heals she provides, and her ult heals for 300 hp instantly and gives damage reduction(and damage buff of course). Lets not forget that she can heal instantly while zooming and heal from great distances.
However, even though mercy’s healing is consistent,it’s for one target
and you need to be close (while moira and ana has other ways to heal from great distancewith just basic abilities)
and her ult isnt that good at keeping your team alive. 50 hps is not enough during a teamfight.
So, ana and moira excells and doing their job (healing) besides bringing utility. However , mercy lacks at healing, the utility tha she brings to her team isnt that great ( yes im talking about rez and dmg boost. I already explained why previously)

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It’s all true but her rez is her only true utility.

Her healing is too weak and can be easily out damaged.

there’s no hero in the game so far except for widowmaker who stays away from her team and need a support that would reach her.

And while Zenyatta does not come closer to the healing target he still deals a lot of damage and has a HUGE target, also most targets who separate themselves from the team for pushing would not need a burst healing and would be harder to hit and therefore Zenyatta’s healing would be better.

Also Mercy is really easy to kill- Pushing into the enemies would result in quick killing and on defense she would have no one to fly to.

The reason her pick rate is high is because in the lower levels people usually do not focus the support heroes and having troubles aiming making her the best choice also she can always complete a resurrect. On mid gold and forward people would usually pick Ana or Moira because it’s more efficient healing with them

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Moira out-heals Mercy per-game on average across all ranks, not just in the upper extreme end of the ladder. The difference does get larger at higher SR–by a huge amount–but it is still present at all ranks above Silver.

As for Ana, Ana’s stats do not include healing amped that other healers playing with Ana or heroes that self-heal do as a result of her grenade buff. Ana’s healing prevented by biotic grenade is also not included. In addition, Mercy spends the vast majority of her time constantly healing, while Ana splits her time between healing and dealing damage. Lastly, Ana’s stats do not include all of the damage that she can outright prevent by sleep darting enemy heroes, including their ultimates. That single ability has the power to stop thousands of damage with every use, which cannot be tracked in stats.


If you’re staying close to enemy shields as Mercy you would usually die pretty fast by the enemies. Also i play a lot of healing and i never had any problems healing with moira, My bar would usually fall down to 1/2 after huge team fight, her healing balls+ already big amount of healing making her meter fall really slowly and usually shields and barrier would let her use her biotic grasp for fast healing racharge.

Mercy on the other hand needs to stay away from the enemies because of her lack of mobility (Unless she has Widowmaker or Pharah she can fly to) and would usually not provide enough healing since even Winston can over damage her healing…

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Let’s jump swap over to Ana. Atleast she’s fun to play. :wink:


She has plenty of mobility with simple “super bunny hops” to launch herself into the sky regardless of at what height her team is shes GA too.
I don’t even play Mercy and I can easily do it.

True but usually in a team fight all of the team would be at the same height without any jumps (Except Genji). And even if u do launch yourself, it would usually be into the enemy lines since Mercy is a back line healer

I meant the super jumps not the regular bunny hop. Its pretty simple to do once you practice a little.

Unless I took your post wrong.
But yes its risky if you GA to someone surround by enemies.

I find super jump fairly easy to perform…

However, trying to build muscle memory is the most awkward thing ever since my fingers don’t bend atop ctrl, shift and w/s + space bar simultaneously. My pinky can only press one button lmao, I’d have to rebind crouch to mouse button if I wanted to master this but my mouse buttons are already occupied…

Rebind then :stuck_out_tongue:
I found putting crouch on C allows my hand to lay pretty naturally in the normal WAS position with pinky on shift and thumb sitting on both space and C.