The mercy drama is another reason to nerf Genji

Blizzard, please he gotta get that nerf :sneezing_face:


Just give Genji back the 29 damage and the 30 ammo. The nerf barely did anything below Masters anyway. Plat Genji players weren’t landing 3xHeadshot+Melee combos reliably and on purpose.

Additionally, it gets more brownie points with the “Buff Genji Crowd”, when they start buffing the Support role to it’s needed popularity levels to fix Matchmaking.


all he needs is 29 dmg back and that’s it. more ammo encourages a spammy play style and moreso rewards low rank genjis then high rank

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Yeah, but I figure it’s more of a thing where the balance aspect is negligible.

And the devs need the social brownie points, considering how the “Buff Genji” crowd is going to be screaming bloody murder about Support buffs.

Samito alone, is probably going to freak out about it.

All roads lead back to nerf Genji.

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Genji isn’t even that bad rn, I’ll never understand the nerf genji meme.

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When in doubt nerf genji. I want his shuriken to create butterflies and cause 1 damage like a slight butterfly flap would.

How do you post images?

Missed one.

Bartender another! :beer:

At this point though they need to stop giving any sort of importance to samito.

Right now they are on the verge of loosing whole playerbases just like they did listening to seagull.

I dont mind genji getting a 29 dmg either but it shouldnt be for buritto.

bruh :moyai:

its probably kingkai’s alt.

You need to be trust level 3 (“regular”) which you can only achieve by posting and reading posts often. You can see your trust level on your profile. If you are trust level 3 all you need to do is copy the image link and paste it.

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I didn’t liked your replay, which is another reason to nerf genji

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Omfg, Blizzard actually “grind walled” basic message board features. :person_facepalming:t4:

What level am I, if my account says: “Trust Level - Member” ?

I think that is level 1 based purely on how many posts you have - you need to not only post, but also like other posts and get your posts decently liked. Reading I’m sure you’ve already managed enough.

I think Genji should get 6 buffs at this point.

Is there a way to check my progress towards the next rank? So I know which category (views, posts, likes) that i need to focus on.